


admin admin 发表于2023-05-11 07:17:29 浏览11 评论0










  • 填满仓库的奖杯比较变态,找最后一关,把仓库升到最高,四种熊各留一个,各种阶段的产品也各需要一个,飞机买的配料各一个,四种动物也各一只,猫狗各一个就能拿到了。

  • 全奖杯攻略
    For Making every possible purchase in a Survival game.
    This will require both stars and money and will likely take a while to complete. I really liked unlimited because I like the animals. Just keep trucking making a little money and then when you have enough meet a few goals get the stars buy an upgrade with stars pay for it in cash, wash rinse repeat. Keep going and you will eventually get this one. It should be noted that Unlimited games ARE saved when you leave them so you can always come back later when the pig makes you too hungry to play anymore :p.
    For completing the Level in record time.
    The gold time and the record time are generally not the same time. Usually the record time is a little bit before the gold time. Beat that time get this award. You can see the record time at the beginning of the level at the bottom under the goal list. Since there is at least 1 level where the record time is more then the gold time if you get gold on all levels you will get this award anyway after you complete that level. This is not a hard goal and will likely be completed naturally at some point in the career mode.
    For catching falling products.
    Catch 8 products that drop from the plane at one time without letting any touch the ground.
    For saving 1 million coins.
    Just like it sounds and normally completed naturally near the end of the game. If you don’t get the reward, just replay a level where you can make dresses (this level will need to have other goals besides items involved in dress creation like maybe a cheese). Make dresses and sell them until this award appears then complete the rest of the goals.
    For beating 10 levels without losing a single animal.
    These do not have to be in a row and you will probably get this one naturally. If not just go back and re-do a few of the levels. Make sure the animals neither starve nor get thrown by the bears.
    For Beating every Level.
    Complete Career Mode. You do not have to get silver or gold you only have to complete them.
    For Deliberation.
    Spend 30 minutes on a Career Mode level. You will get this one naturally at the very end. The final level has a gold goal of 45 minutes
    For protecting houses from bears during a survival game.
    In unlimited Mode you must protect your products from bears for 1 hour.
    For protecting your animals from bears in a survival game.
    You must protect your animals from bears for 30 minutes in an Unlimited game.
    For purchasing every upgrade.
    Spend Stars on all buildings, cats, dogs, well, warehouse, cage, car, and plane, until you can’t buy anymore of them. Some do not become available until later in the game. (If you run out of levels to play and still need to earn stars go back and replay a few levels to get the stars. This is also helpful for when you need an upgrade to start a level and you don’t have the stars to get the upgrade. The star rewards are the same no matter how many times you do it. If it was worth 200 stars for gold the first time, it will be worth 200 stars for gold the 20th time too.)
    For collecting 300 products.
    Collect, collect, collect. When you have clicked on 300 you will get this one. They do not have to be in your storehouse for them to count. You only have to have had them there. You can sell as you go.
    For earning a gold ranking on every level.
    In career mode complete each level within the first time limit given to get this award. (Can be very hard)
    For completing a level without clicking on any products or bears.
    This one is just like it sounds but you will have to pick the proper level to be able to do this. I used Hat Street 5 near the end. There are MANY possibilities though and depending on style you may not like this one for it. If you use this one, what I did was sell all of the ostriches that would fit in my truck as soon as possible. This will give you enough starting money to set up your main defense. No matter the level (unless its bear free) you will need 5 dogs and 3 cats fully upgraded. This can be done with one cat really, but even when fully upgraded they can be distracted and miss things. NEVER for any reason throughout the level can you click on a product OR a bear. (Rumors about cats getting the bears picked up after the dogs cage them are unfounded in my experience.)
    不点击产品也不点击熊过一关 (也就是说光靠狗和猫)
    For completing a level without using any tips.
    By tips they mean the red arrow. These appear when you try to do something you can’t do yet. Like if you try to water the grass and have no water, a red arrow will point to the well, or if you catch a bear and he won’t fit in your warehouse a red arrow will point to your warehouse. This one simply requires careful clicking and will probably be obtained naturally at some point during your Career Mode.
    不靠任何提示过关 (别让那个提醒你水没了或者仓库满了的箭头出现)
    For collecting every award.
    This one is automatic when all of the other awards are obtained.
    For Expedient Production.
    If you click on a house while it is bobbing, it will increase its production speed. If you do this too much the house will explode. After enough explosions, you will win this award.
    (我寒…… 还有这种事……)
    For Finding Every Gag.
    There are a total of 17 gags to find in the game. Click on them as you see them. They are random, just keep playing and watching and you will find them all. Once you have clicked on one, if it reappears, it will have a check mark over it. You do not need to click this one again.
    For catching every bear on a level using dogs.
    You must use dogs (completely upgraded ones) to cage the bears and you will then have to transfer ALL of them to the storehouse, so get it upgraded quickly. You will want to have 3-4 dogs to manage this. Two is good to start with (on some levels that don’t drop too many bears at once), until you get upgraded storage. The dogs MUST be the ones caging the bears DO NOT click on them until they are completely caged and ready to store. Depending on the level you choose to do this an upgraded truck can help you keep the warehouse empty enough for more bears. You cannot let any escape.
    For filling every slot in the warehouse.
    The goal is not to “fill the warehouse” as you may think, but rather to have 1 of everything available in the game in your warehouse at once. There are 25 total products and 26 slots. The last spot will remain empty. (Don’t forget to own 1 of each animal also.) This cannot be completed in Unlimited mode. It has to be done in Career and I would recommend the last level since you have access to everything and won’t meet your goal before you meant to. If you use the last level be sure to save your bears, not too far in they will stop coming. What I did was to let the first of each of the 4 types run free, catch the extras, send them to market until I could get my warehouse all upgraded. This will take a while but it was smooth sailing from there. I got the trophy THEN started the rest of the goals to complete the level.


开始主画面第一个选项为新纪录 第二读取之前纪录
en2O9y s 进入之后有难易度选择 #x({6B7IHT$Z
上面为普通模式 下面困难模式
\7jQ Pl 底下开始为普通模式说明 ?pZhq0B^$m,W
选择好牛的样式 还有名字 进入游戏之后 跟头上出现金叹号的驴子说话之后开始游戏
7yN(c’]8s0GzgH 在房屋里面 左边蓝色Z是睡觉 右边绿色CD是用来存取纪录
5j:O0^Mm$D.ql 看到树上有个黄色纸条钉著的 要点他收集 总共有64张 ,B ~\“tL)r\EP
在游戏里面所有的木箱,桶子还有地上的农作物都可以按住A之后手往上拉得到 bY d*]!R|+S
金币可以去商店买东西 按1可以使用得到的物品
:R$J1h`-}4x 地上如果看到有X的石头 搬起来之后就会得到食谱 得到食谱还有食材之后可以去料理店 请厨师帮忙料理
0K&f*d,zg“W 游戏开始之后 跟头上有惊叹号的动物说话 ``,A-J [!o
有惊叹号的动物 就代表他有事情要请你帮忙
c9|Zebe*h0x’y!B 有时间限制…没有在时间内完成 隔天要重新解…任务有时候会分白天跟晚上
L+V?7^ A%l,X*t 所以有时可以去点Z换到晚上时刻解晚上任务…
X“I G3]H txW 跟老鼠说话得到墨镜之后 就可以戴上墨镜发射牛奶 :E1[&t3OG9DRd pyu
底下开始为任务说明… _$?;|Mvr
1. 猪…要去找苹果派食谱 还有 苹果*2 跟面粉*1 然后去料理店合成苹果派 之后她会送你食品跟调酒的书本
` RN4R8{#|P’d1J0^n 2. 耕耘车的牛 – 戴上墨镜之后 发射牛奶 射中6个人 b|m9g7i Si&A
3. 拿笔记本的牛 — 限时之内发射牛奶击中罐头 完成之后得到一把钥拾可以开通往外面的门完成的小游戏都会在原地出现星星 想要玩可以重复玩
“SAeLQ\HBa 4. 猪— 小游戏 比赛甩水管 要把对方推倒 左边摇杆跳 右手摇杆左右甩往左右踢 赢了后会送50个金币 %L;U9v]z1Ym6d,nY
5. 母鸡 – 帮忙他找回10颗蛋 左下小地图会显示蛋的位置 ;X^JS4D
6. 拿笔记本的牛 – 要你去把三只动物叫醒 拿到钥拾之后骑著脚踏车开农场外面的门 地图右下角会有蓝色箭头指示三只动物所在位置 找到她们之后带上墨镜发射牛奶叫醒
’]+LmM1{k4x#N ` 7. 猪—请你拿乳酪给他 此时牛舍第一次可以进去 进去之后看到牛奶罐 按C直接变成牛奶 按A就要开始上下甩动手 甩一次按C变成鲜奶油 甩两次变成乳酪 8. `1H#P.s7a
食谱出处 %i“XJ5jN0g
1. 猪圈旁边的树周围地上 苹果派- 苹果*2 面粉*1
x’zP“{2KXs U 2. 水塔旁边的地上 巧克力饮品? –巧克力+鸡蛋+优格 SD(f:KY^/^
3. 耕稻车房后面的地上 ???– 乳酪+鸡蛋+?? %R)At$x’l|+@%L)Y
4. 叫醒三只动物的前方树地上 巧克力蛋糕 ?– 巧克力*2 + 乳酪
q:^k}H(f,Q(q4r6@ 5. 4.在往左边走的地上 苹果蛋糕?? – 苹果+乳酪+面粉
*_@C{9Qr]a 6. 圈红点地方 ??? – 胡萝菠*3 q8[“Q’EJg/X
7. 草莓蛋糕 -- 草莓*2+乳酪 S5\5^$Q^bD(\Wn
8. ?? -- 草莓+鸡蛋+鲜奶油
BD@t+u4M 9. 农田 – 巧克力+牛奶+冰块
aP%b^\ @ 10. ])Irj0}[WpL
F `“v)T Q&N_l’OVE 开始的农场 ]7?9T5vYf,d
苹果 — 踢苹果树
k$o*t O:@PC1@%F 面粉 – 地上的面粉袋
%_G8aIq7^ N,DZ 鸡蛋 – 鸡舍对著地上踢一下每天只有一颗 NR5Iz X,L\Ym
牛奶,乳酪,巧克力,冰块,鲜奶油 – 在牛舍里 %bO b*Ep(h
J|Q/?f p9U$I 草莓,南瓜,高丽菜,西瓜