


admin admin 发表于2023-02-03 09:37:31 浏览60 评论0




He was allegedly responsible for one death in the car accident. 他涉嫌一人死亡的交通事故
allegedly是副词指涉嫌, 多用于犯罪话题上, allegedly responsible就是涉嫌有关
He was suspected of using illegal drugs他涉嫌吸毒
be suspected of doing something就是被怀疑做什么。
This song was number one on all kinds of billboard music ratings.
all kinds of就是各样的, billboard music ratings音乐排行榜

allegedly by 什么意思

allegedly by的中文翻译
allegedly by
Mr Choe’s arrival in Beijing came soon after the seizure of a Chinese fishing boat,allegedly by North Korean forces.
The novel was allegedly written by a computer.

据说天才和疯子只有一线之隔 怎么翻译

1.The story goes that the dividing line between genius and madness is very,very thin.
2.The story goes that genius is but one remove from insanity.
The story goes that......据说,传说,
“据说“还有很多种说法:allegedly,reportedly,by/from all accounts....等.
This is allegedly the case.
They say he is made of money.
They say he batters his wife about.
They said it’s going to be really foggy tomorrow.
There is talk of his going abroad.
The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)
The jewels were said to be beyond price.
She is reputed to be rich.
She has been reported dead.

中译英 急~~~~

From the picture girl’s smile, we may see between the girl and her good friend - - airedale have the deep friendship. Today I must tell you am between human and animal’s friendship. In the world many nationalities are very fond of the animal, it deeply loves the degree even to surpass loves other people. The English is very fond of the animal nationality, but is interested to the animal is actually not the English most early. The human and the animal sentiment might trace the high antiquity. In ancient Egypt, the people regard the cat are the gods. The ancient Egyptian has one kind of unusual custom: If raised the cat to die, the master shaved own eyebrow, showed to mourn. the person has the deep affection to the animal, the animal by no means is also heartless to the human. It is said that British renowned writer Dickens has a beloved cat, the cat also very much loves the master. It is not willing to see the master stays up late excessively. Therefore, when Dickens late at night still bent over one’s desk composing, this cat uses the claw the candle to suppress, lets the master stop writing or painting the rest. in many animals, the dog and person’s sentiment is deepest. before 9000, the dog is the Greek and the Persian loves the livestock, they let the dog and the family member live together the one room, intimate. Until today, the dog was still many nationalities loves one of livestock. Some national language, specially in English many idioms, have the close relation with the dog. For instance, loves it and everything that comes along with it (love me, love my dog), even thieves have principles (dog will not eat dog).

简单英语翻译 急求

在多伦多的“外滩”或者“渔人码头”Harbourfront,不管从哪儿往安大略湖望去,视线都逃不了翠树森森的一个小岛。如果从CN塔上俯视,它长长的,犹如天然的防波堤,拱卫着身后的都会,像碧波荡漾湖面上镶嵌着的一块翡翠,令人神往。这岛就是Toronto Islands。据说,上加拿大首任总督Simcoe在1791年将首都迁来尚是蛮荒之地的多伦多时,远离美国是主因,有防守屏障的岛链也是考量因素。
  Toronto Islands,中文翻译五花八门,有多伦多群岛、多伦多列岛、多伦多岛、中央岛等,不过既达意又好记的莫过于“湖心岛”。然而,湖心岛原本并不是四面环水的湖中小岛,而是一座实实在在的半岛,其东端和本土是连在一起的。这9 公里的狭长半岛,是在8000多年前由Scarborough悬崖被侵蚀后的流沙随水冲刷至此沉积而成。
In Toronto, “An embanked quay“ or “Fisherman’s Wharf“ Harbourfront, no matter look it where from the Ontario Lake, line of sight fled an island not jade tree foliage. If you look down from the tower of CN, its long, like a natural breakwater, protect behind the cities, there look like a piece of jade rippling blue waves on the lake, it looks attractive. This island is the Toronto Islands. allegedly, the first governor of Simcoe Canada in 1791, moved the capital to the wilderness of Toronto, the main reason was away from the USA , defensive barrier island chain is also considering factors.
Toronto Islands, there are varieties translation in Chinese, Toronto islands, Toronto islands, the central island, but both express and memorable than the “lake“. However, the lake was originally not surrounded by water of the lake in the island, but a real in the peninsula, at the eastern end is connecting with native land together. The narrow peninsula is only 9 km, it’s over 8000 years ago by Scarborough cliff eroded the quicksand with water erosion thus deposited.

请帮忙翻译 急需!!!

Abalos pleads not guilty
BENJAMIN S. Abalos, Sr., former election commission chairman, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to graft charges filed against him at the Sandiganbayan over his alleged involvement in the National Broadband Network (NBN) scandal.
Mr. Abalos has been linked to the allegedly overpriced $329-million deal with Chinese firm Zhong Xing Telecommunications Equipment Co. Ltd., or ZTE Corp., that had been forged under the Arroyo administration. The project was canceled
“I am confident that I will win the case,” Mr. Abalos said in an interview after the arraignment at the anti-graft court’s fifth division.
“Charges against Mr. Abalos came from a disgruntled and disqualified Joey de Venecia. This is a brainless and non-cerebral case. de Venecia has no evidence,” Salvador S. Panelo, lawyer of Mr. Abalos, told reporters.
对阿瓦罗斯的控诉是由Joey de Venecia提起的,此人毫无资格让人讨厌的。这是一桩没有理由的案子。Joey de Venecia没有任何证据,阿瓦罗斯的的律师Salvador S. Panelo说道。
Jose P. de Venecia III, son of former House Speaker Jose C. de Venecia, Jr., was the whistle-blower in the scandal. His company, Amsterdam Holdings, Inc., lost in the bidding for the project.
众院议长Jose C. de Venecia, Jr的儿子Jose P. de Venecia III是这件丑闻的揭发者。他的公司Amsterdam Holdings, Inc没有中这次项目的标。
For his part, Mr. de Venecia said in an interview after the arraignment at the Sandiganbayan in Quezon City: “I am looking forward to the conclusion of the case. I am happy with its progress and I am confident that Abalos and [former Socioeconomic Planning secretary Romulo L.] Neri will be imprisoned
提审后在奎松市的桑迪甘巴彦de Venecia 先生说道,我很期待案件的结果,也非常高兴看到案件的审理过程,我确信阿瓦罗斯及前任社会学规划秘书会入狱服刑。
不好意思没时间了 ,翻译的很粗糙,但意思应该是这样


October 31 each year but the West’s traditional festival, Halloween (Halloween). “Halloween“ also known as “Halloween.“ It is a long history of festivals in the West. It is said that early in BC, living in the British Isles, Ireland, France, in the vicinity of Boston during October 31 to be disabled and the darkness of God for the celebrations. That night, they prepared a lot of delicious food, so good to eat ghosts, and lit bonfires on the hills of the wilderness, so that the bright flame attracting good spirits, to drive away demons. This may be the earliest form of the Ghost FestivalLater, the “Halloween“ and the combination of Christianity and become a traditional festival of the saints, and renamed the “Halloween“ is scheduled for November 1 each year. Then, the festival gradually introduced from Europe and North America, some parts of the world

请详细翻译 好的加分

啊哈,又翻到了你的问题 我来也
Atlantis is a legendary island in the Atlantic, west of Gibraltar, that sunk beneath the sea during a violent eruption of earthquakes and floods some 9,000 years before Plato wrote about it in his Timaeus and Critias .
附:some adv. 大约
Some twenty passengers were killed in the road accident.
In a discussion of utopian societies, Plato claims that Egyptian priests told Solon about Atlantis.
附:utopian adj. 乌托邦的; 空想的, 不切实际的; 空想社会主义的
Solon n. 雅典立法家; 著名立法家; 贤者; 议员
Plato was not describing a real place any more than his allegory of the cave describes a real cave.

The purpose of Atlantis is to express a moral message in a discussion of ideal societies, a favorite theme of his.
The fact that nobody in Greece for 9,000 years had mentioned a battle between Athens and Atlantis should serve as a clue that Plato was not talking about a real place or battle.
Nevertheless, Plato is often cited as the primary source for the reality of a place on earth called Atlantis.
Here is what the Egyptian priest allegedly told Solon:
附:allegedly adv. 据传说, 据宣称
Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories.
But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour.
附:valour. n. 勇气, 勇猛, 勇敢
For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end.
附: unprovoked adj. 未受刺激的, 无谓的, 无正当理由的

This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable;
附:come forth
I had very great hopes of his proposal yesterday, but nothing very new came forth.
Certainly, more and more new plastics will come forth before long.
and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles;
附:strait n. 海峡, 困难
Heraclesn.(希神) 赫拉克勒斯(大力神),大力英雄
the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean;
for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent.
Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia.
This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits;
and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind.
附:shine forth 闪耀
例句:O Lord, God of vengeance, God of vengeance, shine forth!
She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes.
附:Hellene n. 希腊人
And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us
who dwell within the pillars.

allegedly refused怎么翻译

allegedly refused怎么翻译
Justin Bieber and his father allegedly refused a pilot’s warning to stop smoking pot .


“BiXian“ is a kind of spirit, through the game called a pen and BiXian creatures called us. BiXian, not attached to the pen, but usually around us.
1 material preparation is best: two, men and women who began a casual, difficult to play up), time is nothing special requirements, but the best is the night, but had better not at midnight, because of the game, so did many “things“ are likely to come. After midnight “stuff“ more...
Item is very simple, paper and pen. The pen is the best water, make BiXian movement fluent. Some have had better people said (say) can use any objects, including fingers. (the) no textual
2: the best is the spirit of sincerity, respect the BiXian mood. At least half a better player, if it is determined to start an atheist, tip the slight movement will try to prevent subjectively, of course not.
Summon start:
1 the two men, between the pen, still have a kind of style is in the same hands (such as two left-handed crisscross)
2. Relax your hand but will live gently, gently: “call or sounding BiXian BiXian come to draw a circle.“ (or similar words, anyhow is to please BiXian)
3 felt invisible diminutive moved or not sure whether the invisible, can try to ask, “are you BiXian? Tick or leave it“ if this pen really move up, then you will have called out BiXian. This process needs time because of the person different, we play, most of the time, quickly, but it has also come to have ten minutes
Please BiXian out, can do many things.
1 May ask some common problems, such as birthday, like what holiday. And BiXian casual chat, ask their habits, (of course, all must obtain the consent. Some BiXian I BiXian like chatting, some may not like many different personalities,...).
2. Ask yourself in the future, with the length of life.
Details of the past can be asked to future events. There are different versions, and someone said BiXian is his past, someone said BiXian is always followed some of his own soul, each all follow, but also some halfway. (this was the BiXian said ali, then came in, he refused to tell heli details, cry...).
Finish the game: want to finish the game, please and BiXian farewell to, for example, “BiXian, today is here?“ And he (she) said goodbye, go again to stop sliding pen. There is the pen that some BiXian into the paper.