


admin admin 发表于2023-07-15 19:54:24 浏览44 评论0




This life lets me slowly think when your quiet at dead of night, frequently meets the pan-your form. that regards; as soon as wipes the smile; a hand signal; piece of words, is joyful my disconsolate mind, to be this time bright my jet black corner, can at heart always feel that a spot is warm. as soon as flickers being in love with, perhaps is entire life most luminescent spot at first, to your appearance, and thinks otherwise. may along with the time outflow, slowly unconscious, by one mood institute about, is always felt one kind of nondescriptive dim joy. namely did not ask whether you do like me, did not ask whether I do like you, only feels to your existence kind, only hoped that can make any for you each time to see you, in heart unexpectedly pan-faint trace supple joy. however I knew clearly that your form turned into one kind of atmosphere, records between mine heart. in the memory, will emerge a name suddenly anytime and anywhere, a form, the one kind of sound, is had supply oneself the heart pain, has been doping the happy feeling. with yours that the snowflake will sprink likely in mine heart, shortly, will come thick falling - - loves you, will no longer evade. has the human who can miss, is also one kind of happiness actually. particularly in such day, supple sunlight, sweet wind. as soon as sweeps that wisp of like smoke like miao melancholy, is only calmly waited for that your form, lets you know merely has such person, wants to have the common complex with you, the common wish. good wants to stroll with you in the drizzle; perhaps catches up with is watching a movie; perhaps calmly listens respectfully to a song, supports dances in circles, then both eyes look at each other, as soon as sound of flowing water smiles; perhaps lips gently, said again to you: “I really good liked you” being enough. perhaps before this was the seed which the millennium, quietly broadcast, plants the root deeply finally in this long season, has sprouted the bud, one like long for your, the sound of flowing water pan-that spot fresh green. if , if one day, can pull your hand really, that I am willing the complete attachment to put to your control, lets you touch carefully, reads attentively slowly, I will use the entire heart to feel in your hand the gentleness affectionately. puts out a hand in you to me that one to flicker, I had in the world all concerns and zealous, lets me pull a time your hand? only grasps present, , regardless of the future waited for that we will be what destiny and the future, I will treasure this to come not the easy sentiment reason genial reason, , and hoped that will never separate with you, but in this life diligent not rest and the four seasons rotation will not stop feel emotion in the earth, because of love, will therefore be willing gentle to defend the life with you.


每天都在这里做免费翻译,不过我喜欢这样的问题..我来试几句好了..第一段:分开了,是那么匆忙。你临别时的微笑和对眼角的擦拭只是短短的一瞬,摄在我心的底片上却留下了永恒。Remember when, the hasty departure;Your smiled, but tears kept rolling down;The memory, still comes back to me;vividly, it can still make me cry.第二段:想你时我会遥望夜空,梦里我们还会相逢,毕竟,我们同在一个地球。The stars will deliver my smile for you;When they do, I can see you’re smiling back. In my dreams; I never felt we’re far away.第三段:没有你的陪伴,月亮也失去了光彩,那是嫦娥在哭泣。Without you, my world is black;Even the starry sky is dim;That’s when the moon is crying.算了,太长了,下次有兴趣再翻吧


The novelist Lao She, with its distinct personality and is very creative unique artistic style, rich repositories of Chinese literature. By the “Luo Tuo Xiangzi“ marked his first creative peak. Real and vivid picture of a Peking human wagoner tragic destiny. The novelist Lao She in his community, to reality, to life observation and profound understanding on leading character in the heart of the world and in-depth reveal psychological and rich portrayal, honest, eager to excel, decent, selfish Xiangzi many psychological activities in the author’s anecdotal and personnel acquired full expression. Xiangzi shape the image of success is one of the important factors. 不知道对不对

he told the story so(vividly)that everybody’s attention was completely grasped括号中词为什么加ly

因为so vividly 是用来修饰之前 told 的。修饰 told 这个动词所以要用副词 vividly,整句话翻译过来:他讲故事如此地生动,以至于所有人的注意力全都被抓牢了。希望能帮到你!