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HHOOK SetWindowsHookEx( int idHook, // 安装钩子类型 HOOKPROC lpfn, // 回调函数首地址 HINSTANCE hMod, // 调用模块的句柄 DWORD dwThreadId // 需要挂钩的线程ID);1.回调函数类型和第一个参数有关,但是所有的回调函数格式都是一样的。具体参数用法不一样而已。2.第2个参数不需要解释了吧?回调函数取地址就行了。 比如&KeyboardProc//键盘钩子回调函数3.第三个参数是一个句柄,这句柄包含了DLL的句柄。要注意2点,如果第四个参数指定的线程ID是当前进程所创建的,还有,这个钩子程序在当前进程相关联的代码创建一个线程,那么这个参数必须设置为空。4.这个参数,是指定你需要挂钩的线程ID号。这个ID一般可以是:GetWindowThreadProcessId 函数的返回值。更详细的建议你参考下MSDN。英文不行? ------学啊

好心人 麻烦帮我找个英语翻译汉语的机械方面的文章(车床类)英和汉 是一篇文章哟!大概2000字 左右!

• The Lathe and Its Construction车床及其结构 A lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution and flat edges. 车床是主要用于生成旋转表面和平整边缘的机床。Based on their purpose, construction, number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted, and degree of automation, lathes-or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools can be classified as follows:根据它们的使用目的、结构、能同时被安装刀具的数量和自动化的程度,车床—或更确切地说是车床类的机床,可以被分成以下几类: (1)Engine lathes(2)Toolroom lathes(3)Turret lathes(4)Vertical turning and boring mills(5)Automatic lathes(6)Special-purpose lathes(1)普通车床(2)万能车床(3)转塔车床(4)立式车床(5)自动车床(6)特殊车床 In spite of that diversity of lathe-type machine tools, they all have common features with respect to construction and principle of operation. These features can best be illustrated by considering the commonly used representative type, the engine lathe. Following is a description of each of the main elements of an engine lathe, which is shown in Fig.11.1. 虽然车床类的机床多种多样,但它们在结构和操作原理上具有共同特性。这些特性可以通过普通车床这一最常用的代表性类型来最好地说明。下面是关于图11.1所示普通车床的主要部分的描述。 Lathe bed. The lathe bed is the main frame, involving a horizontal beam on two vertical supports. It is usually made of grey or nodular cast iron to damp vibrations and is made by casting. 车床床身:车床床身是包含了在两个垂直支柱上水平横梁的主骨架。为减振它一般由灰铸铁或球墨铸铁铸造而成。It has guideways to allow the carriage to slide easily lengthwise. The height of the lathe bed should be appropriate to enable the technician to do his or her job easily and comfortably.它上面有能让大拖板轻易纵向滑动的导轨。车床床身的高度应适当以让技师容易而舒适地工作。 Headstock. The headstock is fixed at the left hand side of the lathe bed and includes the spindle whose axis is parallel to the guideways (the slide surface of the bed). The spindle is driven through the gearbox, which is housed within the headstock. 主轴箱:主轴箱固定在车床床身的左侧,它包括轴线平行于导轨的主轴。主轴通过装在主轴箱内的齿轮箱驱动。The function of the gearbox is to provide a number of different spindle speeds (usually 6 up to 18 speeds). Some modern lathes have headstocks with infinitely variable spindle speeds, which employ frictional ,electrical ,or hydraulic drives.齿轮箱的功能是给主轴提供若干不同的速度(通常是6到18速)。有些现代车床具有采用摩擦、电力或液压驱动的无级调速主轴箱。 The spindle is always hollow, i. e., it has a through hole extending lengthwise. Bar stocks can be fed through that hole if continuous production is adopted. 主轴往往是中空的,即纵向有一通孔。如果采取连续生产,棒料能通过此孔进给。Also, that hole has a tapered surface to allow mounting a plain lathe center. The outer surface of the spindle is threaded to allow mounting of a chuck, a face plate, or the like.同时,此孔为锥形表面可以安装普通车床顶尖。主轴外表面是螺纹可以安装卡盘、花盘或类似的装置。 Tailstock. The tailstock assembly consists basically of three parts, its lower base, an intermediate part, and the quill. The lower base is a casting that can slide on the lathe bed along the guideways, and it has a clamping device to enable locking the entire tailstock at any desired location, depending upon the length of the workpiece. 尾架:尾架总成基本包括三部分,底座、尾架体和套筒轴。底座是能在车床床身上沿导轨滑动的铸件,它有一定位装置能让整个尾架根据工件长度锁定在任何需要位置。The intermediate part is a casting that can be moved transversely to enable alignment of the axis of the tailstock with that of the headstock. The third part, the quill, is a hardened steel tube, which can be moved longitudinally in and out of the intermediate part as required. 尾架体为一能横向运动的铸件,它可以调整尾架轴线与主轴箱轴线成一直线。第三部分,套筒轴是一淬硬钢管,它能根据需要在尾架体中纵向进出移动。This is achieved through the use of a handwheel and a screw, around which a nut fixed to the quill is engaged. The hole in the open side of the quill is tapered to enable mounting of lathe centers or other tools like twist drills or boring bars. The quill can be locked at any point along its travel path by means of a clamping device.这通过使用手轮和螺杆来达到,与螺杆啮合的是一固接在套筒轴上的螺母。套筒轴开口端的孔是锥形的,能安装车床顶尖或诸如麻花钻和镗杆之类的工具。套筒轴通过定位装置能沿着它的移动路径被锁定在任何点。 The carriage. The main function of the carriage is mounting of the cutting tools and generating longitudinal and/or cross feeds. It is actually an H-shaped block that slides on the lathe bed between the headstock and tailstock while being guided by the V-shaped guideways of the bed. 大拖板:大拖板的主要功能是安装刀具和产生纵向和/或横向进给。它实际上是一由车床床身V形导轨引导的、能在车床床身主轴箱和尾架之间滑动的H形滑块。The carriage can be moved either manually or mechanically by means of the apron and either the feed rod or the lead screw.大拖板能手动或者通过溜板箱和光杆(进给杆)或丝杆(引导螺杆)机动。 When cutting screw threads, power is provided to the gearbox of the apron by the lead screw. In all other turning operations, it is the feed rod that drives the carriage. The lead screw goes through a pair of half nuts, which are fixed to the rear of the apron. 在切削螺旋时,动力通过丝杆提供给溜板箱上的齿轮箱。在其余车削作业中,都由光杆驱动大拖板。丝杆穿过一对固定在溜板箱后部的剖分螺母。When actuating a certain lever, the half nuts are clamped together and engage with the rotating lead screw as a single nut, which is fed, together with the carriage, along the bed. When the lever is disengaged, the half nuts are released and the carriage stops.当开动特定操作杆时,剖分螺母夹在一起作为单个螺母与旋转的丝杆啮合,并带动拖板沿着床身提供进给。当操作杆脱离时,剖分螺母释放同时大拖板停止运动。On the other hand, when the feed rod is used, it supplies power to the apron through a worm gear. The latter is keyed to the feed rod and travels with the apron along the feed rod, which has a keyway extending to cover its whole length.另一方面,当使用光杆时则通过蜗轮给溜板箱提供动力。 蜗轮用键连接在光杆上,并与溜板箱一起沿光杆运动,光杆全长范围开有键槽。A modern lathe usually has a quick-change gearbox located under the headstock and driven from the spindle through a train of gears. It is connected to both the feed rod and the lead screw and enables selecting a variety of feeds easily and rapidly by simply shifting the appropriate levers. 现代车床一般在主轴箱下装备快速变换齿轮箱,通过一系列齿轮由主轴驱动。它与光杆和丝杆连接,能容易并快速地通过简单转换适当的操作杆选择各种进给。The quick-change gearbox is employed in plain turning, facing and thread cutting operations. Since that gearbox is linked to the spindle, the distance that the apron (and the cuttingtool) travels for each revolution of the spindle can be controlled and is referred to as the feed.快速变换齿轮箱可用于普通车削、端面切削和螺旋切削作业中。由于这种齿轮箱与主轴相连,主轴每转一圈溜板箱(和切削刀具)运动的距离能被控制,这距离就可以被认为是进给。

JavaScript 回调函数怎么理解

不要在意“回调”两个字,因为它英文是“callback“,所以这么翻译,其实很误导人举个例子 我定义一个方法var aaa = function {//****** 这里面其实写什么无所谓}然后再定义一个方法 注意这个方法的参数var bbb = function( ccc ){ //这里的ccc是个形参,ccc(); //这里执行了 ccc(); 看出什么来 其实参数ccc传进来的是个方法}所以当我像下面这么用:bbb(aaa); //表示我执行了bbb方法,并把aaa当参数传了进去而实际上在bbb方法中 aaa或者说参数ccc被调用执行了这样来说 形参ccc就是bbb的回调函数总结一下,当一个函数B他的参数实际上被用来传递一个方法A,我们不用管B拿A做了什么,我们只要知道A被传入到了B中,A的生杀大权由B掌握,那么将A传入B的那个形参就是B的回调函数


别人写了一个函数,用来下载你的电话本。保存到一个文件里面。别人的函数(参数1,参数2)然后你使用这个函数。每次调用之后,电话本就被保存到指定文件里面了。使用一段时间你会感觉,只是用这个函数是不错,不过不知道下载的进度啊。所以你就会要求把进度情况告诉你。然后他就改进了一下别人的函数(参数1,参数2,回调函数)并且告诉你回调函数的格式如下回调函数(参数1:当前数量,参数2:总数量)你使用时必须按照这个格式定义一个函数,然后传给他。如下,别人的函数(参数1,参数2,你写的回调函数名字)这样,你每次调用别人的函数的时候,你写的那个回调函数就会被调用(如何调用是别人控制的了,你只需要在你的函数里面处理好参数1 2就行了)当然,很多时候回调是不分彼此的,这里写的别人,和自己,只是为了好理解,意思就是表示2个调用和被调用的关系剩下的你自己体会吧。PS,你拿国王与饭举例,实在有些牵强。


今天做了个很简单的程序,用c#在另一台电脑发送UDP广播,内容是一段英文(UTF8编码)。然后想在iphone上接收它。。用CFNetwork创建了一个RunLoopSource然后加到RunLoop中,接受到UDP广播的时候的确调用了回调函数。 void MyCallBack ( CFSocketRef s, CFSocketCallBackType callbackType, CFDataRef address, const void *data, void *info);

C++翻译 急

DialogBox 函数功能:该宏根据对话框模板资源创建一个模态的对话框。DialogBOX函数直到指定的回调函数通过调用EndDialog函数中止模态的对话框才能返回控制。该宏使用DialogBoxParam函数。 int DialogBox( HINSTANCE hlnstance,//应用程序句柄 LPCTSTRIp Template,//定义对话框模板 HWND hWndParent,//窗口句柄 DLGPROC IpDialogFunc//对话框处理程序指针 ); 参数: hlnstance:标识一个模块的事例该模块的可执行文件含有对话框模板。 IpTemplate:标识对话框模板。此参数可以是指向一个以NULL结尾的字符串的指针,该字符串指定对话框模板名,或是指定对话框模板的资源标识符中的一个整型值。如果此参数指定了一个资源标识符则它的高位字一定为零,且低位字一定含有标识符。一定用MAKEINTRESOURDE宏指令创建此值。 hWndParent:指定拥有对话框的窗口。 IpDialogFunc:指向对话框过程的指针。有关更详细的关于对话框过程的信息,请参见DialogProc。 返回值:如果函数调用成功,则返回值为在对函数EndDialog的调用中的nResult参数.该函数用于中止对话框。如果函数调用失败,则返回值为C1。若想获得更多的错误信息,请调用GetLastError函数。

Visual C++ 中变量命名通常会加的lpwfd前缀是什么意思

这些前缀就是所谓的匈牙利命名法。各个前缀可以互相组合,它们的具体意思如下:匈牙利命名法是微软推广的一种关于变量、函数、对象、前缀、宏定义等各种类型的符号的命名规范。匈牙利命名法的主要思想是:在变量和函数名中加入前缀以增进人们对程序的理解。它是由微软内部的一个匈牙利人发起使用的,结果它在微软内部逐渐流行起来,并且推广给了全世界的Windows开发人员。下面将介绍匈牙利命名法,后面的例子里也会尽量遵守它和上面的代码风格。还是那句话,并不是要求所有的读者都要去遵守,但是希望读者作为一个现代的软件开发人员都去遵守它。 a Array 数组 b BOOL (int) 布尔(整数) by Unsigned Char (Byte) 无符号字符(字节) c Char 字符(字节) cb Count of bytes 字节数 cr Color reference value 颜色(参考)值 cx Count of x (Short) x的集合(短整数) dw DWORD(unsigned long) 双字(无符号长整数) f Flags (usually multiple bit values) 标志(一般是有多位的数值) fn Function 函数 g_ global 全局的 h Handle 句柄 i Integer 整数 l Long 长整数 lp Long pointer 长指针 m_ Data member of a class 一个类的数据成员 n Short int 短整数 p Pointer 指针 s String 字符串 sz Zero terminated String 以0结尾的字符串 tm Text metric 文本规则 u Unsigned int 无符号整数 ul Unsigned long (ULONG) 无符号长整数 w WORD (unsigned short) 无符号短整数 x,y x, y coordinates (short) 坐标值/短整数 v void 空 有关项目的全局变量用g_开始,类成员变量用m_,局部变量若函数较大则可考虑用l_用以显示说明其是局部变量。 前缀 类型 例子 g_ 全局变量 g_Servers C 类或者结构体 CDocument,CPrintInfo m_ 成员变量 m_pDoc,m_nCustomers VC常用前缀列表: 前缀 类型 描述 例子 ch char 8位字符 chGrade ch TCHAR 16位UNICODE类型字符 chName b BOOL 布尔变量 bEnabled n int 整型(其大小由操作系统决定) nLength n UINT 无符号整型(其大小由操作系统决定) nLength w WORD 16位无符号整型 wPos l LONG 32位有符号整型 lOffset dw DWORD 32位无符号整型 dwRange p * Ambient memory model pointer 内存模块指针,指针变量 pDoc lp FAR* 长指针 lpDoc lpsz LPSTR 32位字符串指针 lpszName lpsz LPCSTR 2位常量字符串指针 lpszName lpsz LPCTSTR 32位UNICODE类型常量指针 lpszName h handle Windows对象句柄 hWnd lpfn (*fn)() 回调函数指针 Callback Far pointer to CALLBACK function lpfnAbort