
duty report

duty report(谁知道DUTY REPORT是什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2023-07-21 04:37:01 浏览39 评论0




duty report:值日生报告,值日报告,值日。




Insist in making duty report in English for students. 



近义词:daily report

daily report





If you forgot your daily report, big complains according to information flow came.


初一英语的duty report

duty report 课前五分钟?Hello everyone. I am XX. Today I will give my duty report. I want to say something about my hobby. Everyone has hobbies. For me, I like sports, all kinds of sports. I like playing basketball, football, and badminton. I also like running, skating and skiing. Sports make me feel healthy. I hope one day I can be athlete or basketball player like Yao Ming.Thanks for listening.

我要做一个英语duty report,请大家帮我翻译一下(高中水平)可适当增减,但不要用百度的翻译器

hey everybody, duty report is on me today.i want to introduce a moive for you today, the name is “ a secret can’t be told“it’s a movie in 2007 that feature by jay chow and gui lun mei. it’s a pretty successful moive.moive is about a story in 1979, Once a girl from a school of music name lu xiao yu , she found a score under a piano in school, when she play the score, she found that she past through 20 years to 1979. then, she knew a boy who in a same school with her, and they are fallen in love deeply, start at joy,end at sadness.the whole moive is began by music, ended by music too. The beautiful music and sad story makes many people invincably attracted, so it’s a moive worth of watch. i believe that, many of you have seen that, then, i seriously suggest the other to watch this great moive , whenever your space time or busy time.

英语duty report


急求duty report!!~~

我第一次用英语作值日报告【内容提示】一年前,你是高一年级学生。有一天,英语老师让你们从那天开始轮流用英语作值日报告。你们都怕讲不好,老师鼓励说这是你们练习说英语的好机会,不用害怕。轮你作报告的一天到来了,你有些紧张。开始,把该说的话都忘了,不敢看同学。后来,你突然发现自己说错了什么,又把下句给忘了。但是,同学们似乎没有发现你的错误,仍旧注意听你讲。老师平静地看着你。你从老师慈祥的脸上得到了鼓励。你沉默了几秒钟后接着往下讲,心跳得更厉害了,脸也红了。你讲的笑话并不长,但你却觉得用了好长时间才讲完。你没听见老师怎么评价,只听见有些男女同学窃窃私语:“她说了些什么呀?”这是你永远难忘的一次值日报告。【作文示范】My First English Duty ReportI still remember the day when I did my first English duty report a year ago. I was then a student of Senior I. One day, the English teacher told us that from then on we would make a duty report in English. Someone made faces and many cried out, “Oh! What an idea!”“Why, you are so afraid of it!”the teacher was surprised.“Our English is so poor!”some of us shouted. We are afraid we can’tdo it well.“That is a good chance to practise your spoken English. Don’t worry about it. Have a try,”the teacher said encouragingly. We became silent at once. The day came when it was my turn to make a duty report. The girl who sat beside me kidded① me, “Are you afraid? Oh, you look a little nervous.”I nudged② at her, then slowly got up from my seat and went to the front of the classroom. As a shy girl, not accustomed to speak in public, I felt my heart beat fast.Now I was standing on the platform . I took a look at my classmates and then plucked up③ my courage to speak up. The teacher stood beside me, smiling. I wanted to tell an English joke but I was so nervous that I forgot to begin with“It’s my turn to give you a duty report.”I didn’t dare to look straight at my classmates, but kept looking at the wall or the ceiling. I felt that they were staring at me.Suddenly I found I had made some mistakes, which made me forget what the next sentence should be . But the classmates were still listening to me attentively④.They seemed not to have noticed the mistakes. They were all waiting for me to go on with my report . The teacher looked at me calmly. From his kind face I could see that he was encouraging me to go on. Having stood in silence for a few seconds, I found the next sentence. I continued. My heart was beating faster now and my face turning red. The joke was not long, but it took me quite some time before I could finish it.As soon as I finished speaking, I ran to my seat and dropped my head on the desk. I could not hear what the teacher said. But I clearly heard some boys and girls whispering, “What did she say?”That was my first duty report. When I recall it, I can’t help laughing. I will never forget it.

duty report

上讲台第一句就不用说了,肯定是问候语:Good morning,everyone! 说一两句介绍自己,然后切入正题:Today I want to talk about.....; 我个人认为现在比较热门的话题应该是祖国的60周年国庆,其中可以讲到祖国的变化之大,可见人民生活水平提高很快,看到自己祖国这60年的巨变,心里由衷的升起对祖国的自豪之情,以此来激励自己会更加努力学习,为祖国未来贡献自己的力量。结束时就是:This is my duty report,I am grateful of enjoying it with all of you. Thank you!

推荐一个大学英语口语课的duty report``谢谢啦
