
figuring ig


admin admin 发表于2023-07-21 20:59:54 浏览52 评论0




figure 英 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured 过去分词:figured

24句为什么是figuring不是to figure吗

举个例子吧1. 他们也有问题正在解决。They also have problems figuring out.2. 他们仍有问题亟待解决。They still have problems to figure out.你这里是also,出题者认为逻辑上更靠近例句1,所以用figuring out。

请问英语达人figuring out是什么意思,在一个美剧上看到的figuring是不是一个单词的某种形式呢

figuring 是figure的动名词形式 figure有动词与名词两种词性,你可以查查字典很多意思。figure out有想出,解出,能明白的意思


figuring Perhaps the largest conundrum to face macarthur fellows is figuring out why they were chosen.也许麦克阿瑟奖获得者面临的最大难题就是弄清楚为什么选择了他们。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


figuring 英    n.盘算动词figure的现在分词英英释义Noun:problem solving that involves numbers or quantitiesfiguring的用法和样例:例句用作名词 (n.)When they came back Lou played on his dragharmonika and Oscar sat figuring at his father’s secretary all evening.回屋之后,卢开始拉他的六角手风琴,奥斯卡则整晚坐在父亲那张书桌前盘算。【近义词】reckoning计算 calculation计算computation计算

colorful figure是什么意思

colorful figure 引人注目的人物例句筛选1.A white figure came into view with a colorful umbrella, like a white butterfly dancing,closer and closer.一个白点撑着把花伞,像只白蝴蝶翩翩掠过,渐行渐近。2.But how I should like to see with my own eyes the fascinating figure of Hamlet, or the gusty Falstaff amid colorful Elizabethan trappings!我多么想亲眼看看哈姆雷特的迷人形象,或者穿着伊丽莎白时代艳丽多彩服饰的生气勃勃的伏尔斯塔夫!

figuring out什么意思

figuring out搞清楚双语例句1What’s challenging is figuring out how to bring a software product tofruition.困难的部分在于想出如何使一个软件产品获得成功。 2Figuring out the division ’s profit margins is even more of a challenge.要弄清楚这个部门的利润率,挑战就更大了。


figure 英 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured 过去分词:figured