

hesitate的用法(hesitate a moment要不要加FOR 我们英语书上说不用,但为什么啊)

admin admin 发表于2023-07-24 10:57:58 浏览38 评论0



hesitate a moment要不要加FOR 我们英语书上说不用,但为什么啊

没有理由,但在有道词典(a moment)上找到几个例句:1、Though she hesitated for a moment, she finary went in and asked to see a dress that was in the window. 她虽然犹豫了片刻,但终于还是走进了商店,要求把陈列在橱窗里的一件衣服拿给她看。2、Wormtail hesitated for a moment, looking as though he might argue, but then turned and headed through a second hidden door. 虫尾巴迟疑了片刻,似乎还想争辩,但他还是转过身,从另一道暗门出去了。3、The shock make her hesitate for a moment but she quickly come to herself again. 这一打击使她踌躇片刻,但很快就又恢复正常了。4、He paused for a moment wondering whether to turn back as the captain urged him. 他停了一会儿,考虑是否像麦克沃尔船长催促的那样返回。5、The stranger paused a moment in revery before this tender and calming spectacle. 这个异乡人在那种温柔宁静的景物前出了一会神。我的个人总结:前面3个例句在与hesitate连用时全部用了for a moment;第4和第5个例句是与pause动词连用时,前一个是for a moment ,后一个是a moment;结合你们英语书上说的,总体感觉,两者在用法上差别似乎不大。Wait a moment似乎是个例外,可以看作短语,好象没有见过Wait for a moment的说法。


犹豫 : hesitateRelative explainations:《oscillate》 《hesitation》 《hang back》 《waver》 《hang fire》 《hesitance》 《wabble》 《stick at》 《boggle》 《daiker》 《dacker》 《vacillate》 《indecision》 《dilly dally》 《dillydally》 《hesitancy》 Examples:1. 别再犹豫了,一有机会就抓住它! Don’t hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along!2. 她一时思想紊乱,犹豫不定。 She hesitated in momentary confusion.3. 没有犹豫的余地。 There is no room for hesitation.4. 她毫不犹豫地答应了。 She agreed without hesitation.5. 不要为小事犹豫不决。 Don’t stick at trifles.6. 就在我们犹豫不决的时候, 别人把那所房子买下了. While we were wavering, somebody else bought the house.7. 他想到要在冬天游泳就有些犹豫. He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.8. 她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。 As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round. 在这个问题上犹豫不定danced around the issue.总是在重大问题上犹豫always fudged on the important questions.他犹豫了片刻才回答He paused before replying.犹豫要把我逼疯了Indecision drives me crazy.别再犹豫到底看哪一部电影了Stop dithering about which film you want to see.对一个政治领袖而言,犹豫含有软弱之意For a political leader, hesitation is apt to connote weakness.他在回答之前犹豫了一下,因为他不知道说什么。He hesitated before he answered because he didn’t know what to say.当我们看到那辆车陈旧不堪时,也都犹豫起来了。We all hung back when we saw how old the car was.一位总统要么经常地驾驭各种事件要么为事件所驾驭,如果他犹豫的话(哈里·S·杜鲁门)。A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him (Harry S Truman).对这项安排,我父亲的老式观念开始时犹豫了一阵,…但是最终他的不安被推翻了(约翰·盖特)。My father’s old - fashioned notions boggled a little at first to this arrangement . . . but his scruples were in the end overruled (John Galt).


not hesitate to只管;尽管。


2、语法:hesitate的基本意思是“犹豫”“踌躇 ”,指在决定说做或选择某事前的暂停或其他犹豫不决的表现,也可译为“停了一会”“停顿”或“说话吞吞吐吐”,引申可表示“不情愿”。

3、用法例句:I will not hesitate to take unpopular decisions. 我会毫不犹豫地作出并不受欢迎的决定。


同根词组:hesitate about




4、用法例句:If you now have you lost something once, you also hesitate about? 如果你现在拥有了你曾经失去的东西,你还迟疑什么?

hesitate 的用法有哪些

不及物动词 vi. 1.踌躇;犹豫 Don’t hesitate about that.Do it at once. 2.说话吞吞吐吐 及物动词 vt. 1.有疑虑,不愿意 He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him.


答案选Dhesitate是动词hesitant 是形容词短语的话be hesitate to 好像没有这个用法be 后面加形容词 而hesitate是动词,就算hesitated也不是形容词 只是hesitate的过去式而已be hesitant to犹豫做某事,这个短语是正确的