


admin admin 发表于2023-07-25 19:38:24 浏览43 评论0




constitute be (a part) of a whole为…的成分;构成lone parents constitute a great proportion of the poor.孤独的父母们占穷人中的大部分。■(of people or things) combine to form (a whole)(人,事物)组成there were enough members present to constitute a quorum.有足够成员出席达到法定人数。■be or be equivalent to (something)相当于his failure to act constituted a breach of duty.他的不能出演相当于失职。(一般作 be constituted)give legal or constitutional form to (an institution); establish by law授以合法形式;以合法形式建立(或设立)constitute a direct threat to sb.对某人构成直接威胁constitute new traffic regulations制定新交通规则constituted authorities合法 当局constitutesb. chairman指定某人为主席Twelve months constitute a year.十二个月构成一年。He is so constituted that he needs very little sleep.他的身体素质好, 只需短时间睡眠。




constitutes 英This constitutes a direct threat to them.这对他们构成了直接威胁。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。

who constitutes parliament英语回答

who constitutes parliament?谁是国会议员?parliamentn.议会;国会;一届议会的会期例句用作名词 (n.)Parliament will debate the nationalization issue next week.议会将在下周辩论国有化议题。He lost his seat in the Parliament at the election.他在选举中失去了议会中的席位。The Parliament decided to impeach the President.国会决定弹劾总统。Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.国会通过了一项法令,禁止捕杀珍稀动物。We are now into the second half of the parliament.我们现已进入了本届议会的后半任期。


constitute 英 第三人称单数:constitutes 现在分词:constituting 过去式:constituted过去分词:constituted 形近词: prostitute restitute destitute


这三个词都有组成构成的意思,compose作为构成的意思的时候应该是用被动语态Be composed of,例如Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. consist是不及物动词,得加介词用 consist of,例如The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.constitute 是及物动词,不需要加介词of,例如 Twelve months constitute one year.而且constitute一般多用于机构 ,组织的构成 本题应该选DA选项的话,句子应该改成Nearly 25%of the town’s population is composed of the under-18s.B 选项应该改成consist of,The under-18s consist of nearly 25%of the town’s population.原句中的of 是nearly 25%of the town’s population中的成分.C选项include是包括包含的意思,中文意思不符合题意.D选项是正确的。