
landslides des


admin admin 发表于2023-08-16 03:37:32 浏览44 评论0





北川县王家岩滑坡是北川旧城变为废墟的主要原因,直接掩埋1600人(李晓摄)The Wangjiayan landslide is the main cause that ruined Beichuan old town and buried 1600 people

映秀牛圈沟高速远程滑坡-碎屑流滑坡 A high-speed and long-distance landslide and debris flow landslide at Niujuangou near Yingxiu town

Landslide is the phenomenon that a portion of the mountain rock and soil mass slides down along a fractured surface.According to Yin(2008),the Earthquake in-duced landslides,collapses,and debris flows at about15,000sites.The landslides occurred at 1 700 sites and accounted for 31%of the total secondary geohazards.Although they were only about11%of the total geohazard sites,the landslides had extremely large sizes,caused exremely serious damages and,were the most signifi-cant factor causing the geohazard.

汶川5.12地震滑坡灾害死亡人数表(≥30人)(不完全数据) group village and killed100 people.



Large-scale collapsed and slipped rock mass


Large scale collapsed and slipped rock mass induced by Wenchuan Earthquake were very common.Most of them began with collapses at high levels and the bro-ken rock mass that accumulated on the hillside slopes slipped down again under the gravity force.They had relatively clear topographical shapes of sliding.Their toe areas always piled up with rock debris.They could block streams and form land-slide dam lakes.

平武县林家坝牛飞村滑坡,38人死亡Niufei village landslide at Linjiaba in Pingwu county with 38 fatalities


Accumulated debris of Liujiagou landslide at northem Jushuiguan in Anxian



山体顶部开始的滑坡(山剥皮)Landslide originated at the hillside peaks(stripping of hillside vegetations)

去虹口乡公路上多处山体滑坡和崩塌Many landslides and collapses on the highway from Doujiangyan to Hongkou village

北川县陈家坝乡红岩村滑坡,死亡9人Hongyan village landslide at Chenjiaba town of Beichuan county,9 people died

岷江左岸山体西坡(公路对侧)山体滑坡Hillside landslides on the western mountain slopes of Mingjing river(opposite to the highway)

擂鼓镇坪上村河对岸的鸳鸯滑坡Yuanyang landslide at the opposite hillside of Pingshangcun River in Leigu Town

北川县擂鼓镇坪上村土质坡上房屋倒塌及滑坡Landslides and collapsed houses on the hillside soil slope at Pingshang village near Leigu town in Beichuan county

擂鼓镇坪上村农田中的拉裂缝Tensile openings in the farmland slope at Pingshangcun village near Leigu Town

裂缝比较平直但延伸有一定限度The tensile openings were straight but extended in limited range


Accumulated debris landslide


The accumulated debris landslides mainly took place in old accumulated debris of collapsed mass,slipped soils and terrace depositions.Although their sizes were not large,the damage was relatively serious since they occurred at densely inhabited districts or agricultural and animal hus-bandry areas.

平武县沙湾村南2km堆积体滑坡Accumulated debris landslides,2 km to the south of Shawan village in Pingwu county

青川县沿板岩顶面滑动的堆积体滑坡Accumulated debris landslide on slate bedding surface in Qingchuan county板岩风化破碎体滑坡Landslips in weathered frac-tured slate


彭州团山村连盖坪滑坡Liangaiping landslide at Tuanshan village in Pengzhou

大地震后的降雨诱发了松散残坡积中的滑坡Landslips in loose alluvium caused by rainfall after the Earth-quake

平武县沙湾村清明山堆积体滑坡Qingmingshan accumulated debris landslide at Shaowan village in Pingwu county


The damage caused by landslide


Landslides not only directly destroy life and house,bury farmlands,damage ground transportation systems and other ground infrastructures,but also cause the deformation and failure of ground soil and rock mass.Consequently,the landslide areas do have potential geologic hazards.Because of the huge kinetic energy of the quaking,the landslides caused by the Wenchuan Earthquake resulted in much more serious damages than those landslides induced by rainfall.The signs of the quake landslide hazards are easily observed everywhere in the epicenter regions.There is no exaggeration to state that the risks caused by geologic hazards are no less than those caused by the Earthquake itself.

山体滑坡阻塞掩埋了道路This road on the hillside above the river was blocked by landslide debris

安县墩秀路右侧太平河上小水电站被毁 This small scale hydro-power station on Taiping(Peace)River at the right side of Dunxiu road in Anxian was destroyed

安县雎水关北刘家沟太平河因滑坡形成堰塞湖并淹没房屋Landslide dam lake formed in Taiping(Peace)River and the lake water submerged houses at Liujiagou near Jushuiguan in Anxian

崩滑灾害摧毁了北川中学Rock avalanche destroyed Beichuan High School


北川王家岩滑坡形成的气垫导致前沿房屋粉碎The compressed air flow due to Wangjiayan landslide fractured the buildings in front of the landslide debris in Beichuan Town

粉碎的房屋Fractured buildings


Landslides can be some of the most challenging projects worked on by geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists. As discussed in many documents,landslides can cause extensive damage to structures and may be very expensive to stabilize when they impact developed property. In terms of damage,the National Research Council ( 1985 ) states:“Landsliding in the United States causes at least $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion in economic losses and 25 to 50 deaths each year. Despite a growing geologic understanding of landslide processes and a rapidly developing engineering capability for landslide control,losses from landslides are continuing to increase. This is largely a consequence of residential and commercial development that continues to expand onto the steeply sloping terrain that is most prone to landsliding. ”

Figure 13. 8 shows an example of a landslide and Table 13. 1 presents common nomenclature used to describe landslide features. Landslides are described as mass movement of soil or rock that involves shear displacement along one or several rupture surfaces,which are either visible or may be reasonably inferred. As previously mentioned it is the shear displacement along a distinct rapture surface that distinguishes landslides from other types of soil or rock movement such as falls,topples,or flows.

Figure 13. 8 Landslide illustration

Table13. 1 Common landslide nomenclature

Landslides are generally classified as either rotational or translational. Rotational landslides are due to forces that cause a turning movement about a point above the center of gravity of the failure mass,which results in a curved or circular surface of rupture. Translational landslides occur on a more or less planar or gently undulatory surface of rupture. Translational landslides are frequently controlled by weak layers,such as faults,joints,or bedding planes; examples include the variations in shear strength between layers of tilted bedded deposits or the contact between firm bedrock and weathered overlying material.

Active landslides are those that are either currently moving or that are only temporarily suspended,which means that they are not moving at present but have moved within the last cycle of seasons. Active landslides have fresh features,such as a main scarp,transverse ridges and cracks,and a distinct main body of movement. The fresh features of an active landslide enable the limits of movement to be easily recognized.

Generally active landslides are not significantly modified by the processes of weathering or erosion.

Landslides that have long since stopped moving are typically modified by erosion and weathering; or may be covered with vegetation so that the evidence of movement is obscure. The main scarp and transverse cracks will have been eroded or filled in with debris. Such landslides are generally referred to as ancient or fossil landslides. These landslides have commonly developed under different climatic conditions thousands or more years ago.

Many different conditions can trigger a landslide. Landslides can be triggered by an increase in shear stress or a reduction in shear strength. The following factors contribute to an increase in shear stress:

1) Removing lateral support,such as erosion of the toe of the landslide by streams or rivers.

2) Applying a surcharge at the head of the landslide,such as the construction of a fill mass for a road.

3) Applying a lateral pressure,such as the raising of the groundwater table.

4) Applying vibration forces,such as an earthquake or construction activities.

Factors that result in a reduction in shear strength include:

1) Natural weathering of soil or rock.

2) Development of discontinuities,such as faults or bedding planes.

3) Increase in moisture content or pore water pressure of die slide plane material.

Method of analysis for active landslide. Except in cases where the landslide fails because of a sudden loading or unloading ( such as during an earthquake ) ,the usual procedure is to perform an effective stress slope stability analysis. The actual slope stability analysis was performed by using the SLOPE / wcomputer program. Although the method of slices was originally developed for circular slip surfaces,the analyses can be readily adapted to planar or composite slip surfaces.

In order to calculate the factor of safety for the landslide based on an effective stress analysis,the following parameters were input into the SLOPE / wcomputer program:

1) Landslide cross section. The landslide cross section was developed by the engineering geologist.

2) Failure mass. As mentioned before,the computer program can efficiently search for the critical failure surface that has the lowest factor of safety. Another option is to specify the location of the slip surface.

3) G roundwater table. The location of the groundwater table should be determined from piezometer readings and input into the slope stability program.

4) Drained residual shear strength. The drained residual shear strength of the slide plane material should be obtained from laboratory tests using the modified Bromhead ring shear apparatus.

5) Shear strength of other soil layers. The effective shear strength parameters c’and Φ’ should be determined from laboratory shear strength tests,and the data is summarized.

6) Total unit weight. In laboratory testing of soil and rock specimens,total unit weights of the various strata should be determined.

Method of analysis for an ancient landslide. If an ancient landslide is discovered during the design stage of a newproject,the method of analysis would be similar to that as described above. Extensive subsurface exploration would be required so that the engineering geologist could develop a cross section of the ancient landslide based on subsurface exploration. The drained residual friction angle could be obtained from laboratory shear strength tests. The unit weight of the landslide could be estimated from laboratory testing of undisturbed specimens of the landslide materials.

A major unknown in the effective stress slope stability analysis of the ancient landslide would be the groundwater table. It is not uncommon that the groundwater table will rise once the project has been completed. This is because there will be additional infiltration of water into the landslide mass from irrigation or leaky pipes. The approximate location of the future ( long- term) groundwater table could be based on the local topography and presence of drainage facilities that are to be installed during development of the site. Once the cross section of the landslide,location of the slip surface,estimated location of the long-term groundwater table, residual shear strength parameters,and unit weight are determined,the factor of safety of the ancient landslide mass would be calculated by a slope stability program. The standard requirement is that a landslide must have a factor of safety of at least 1. 5.

Stabilization of slopes and landslides. If the analysis shows that the landslide has too lowa factor of safety,there are three basic approaches that can be used to increase the factor of safety of a slope or landslide: ① increase the resisting forces,② decrease the driving forces,or③ rebuild the slope.

1) Increase the resisting forces. Methods to increase the resisting forces include the construction of a buttress at the toe of the slope,or installation of piles or reinforced concrete pier walls which provide added resistance to the slope. Another technique is soil nailing,which is a practical and proved system used to stabilize slopes by reinforcing the slope with relatively short,fully bonded inclusions such as steel bars.

2) Decrease the driving forces. Methods to decrease the driving forces include the lowering of the groundwater table by improving surface drainage facilities, installing underground drains,or pumping groundwater from wells. Other methods to decrease the driving forces consist of removing soil from the head of the landslide or regrading the slope in order to decrease its height or slope inclination.

3) Rebuild the slope. The slope failure could also be rebuilt and strengthened by using geogrids or other soil reinforcement techniques. Other techniques could be employed during the grading of the site,such as the construction of a shear key. A shear key is defined as a deep and wide trench cut through the landslide mass and into intact material belowthe slide. The shear key is excavated from ground surface to belowthe basal rupture surface,and then backfilled will soil that provides higher shear strength than the original rupture surface. By interrupting the original weak rupture surface with a higher-strength soil,the factor of safety of the landslide is increased. During construction,the shear key is also normally provided with a drainage system. It is generally recognized that during the excavation of a shear key,there is a risk of the failure of the landslide. To reduce this risk,a shear key is usually constructed in several sections with only a portion of the slide plane exposed at any given time.


( 1) 挡土墙 ( Retailing wall)


( 2) 基坑降水 ( Dewatering in foundation pit)



( 3) 基坑稳定性分析 ( Stability analysis of foundation pit)


( 4) 边坡工程 ( Slope engineering)




介:LANDSLIDES杂志属于地学行业,“工程:地质”子行业的中等级别杂志。 投稿难度评价:影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是很大,审稿周期偏长,但容易发表 审稿速度:12周以上或约稿级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,关注人极少。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“投稿经验分享系统”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,更值得分享和参考。注意,上述热门指数采用专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。




landslides 英The storm caused landslides and flooding in Savona.风暴致使萨沃纳发生塌方和洪灾。