
third wheel

third wheel(the third wheel是什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2023-08-26 10:18:04 浏览391 评论0



the third wheel是什么意思

小朋友们,当你们看到标题的时候,是不是会想到“第三只轮子”呢?因为,third表示“第三”, wheel就是我们经常说的“车轮”, 那the third wheel不就是“第三只轮子”啦!其实不然。在英语中,the third wheel是个俚语,指那些碍手碍脚,不合时宜的人,也就是我们汉语中的“电灯泡”。至于它的来源,是因为自行车通常只有两个轮子,若再加一个轮子,一定是多余的。所以,久而久之,人们就用 “the third wheel” 来形容那些不受欢迎、多余的人,也就是我们通常所说的“电灯泡”。但是,随着我们生活水平的不断进步,越来越多的家庭(family)现在都拥有私家车 (car) 了。小朋友们都很清楚,小汽车是有四个(four)轮子(wheel)的。所以,现在很流行的一个说法是“the fifth wheel(第五只轮子)”!这个俚语也是指那些不受欢迎、多余的人。Jack: Mom, I don’t like my new school! I feel like the third wheel among the boys! They don’t like me.杰克: 妈妈,我不喜欢我的新学校!我觉得我一点 都不受欢迎!他们不喜欢我。Mom: Oh, that’s not right, dear. You are not the third wheel. I am sure they will like you when they get to know you.妈妈: 哦,亲爱的,不是这样的。你才不惹人讨厌 呢。我敢保证,当他们了解你的时候,肯定会喜 欢你的。(参考 浙江 代 颖)

电灯泡 用英语怎么说

电灯泡英语是下面给出例句和解释.The “third wheel“ refers to the person who is the outsider when there is a group of three. Example: “You two go on ahead without me. I don’t want to be the third wheel.“ An analogy can be made to a two-wheeled bicycle or cart; adding a third wheel would not be helpful and would limit mobility. To be the “third wheel“ is to be the extra, unnecessary person in a group of three people. Example: “Missy and I were going to go to the dance with another couple, but when I got sick she decided to stay home also. She didn’t want to be the third wheel.“

英文里 各数字有什么说法 比如 give me 5 lucky 7

The number one best selling book.第一名Second to none. 不是谁的第二(就是第一的意思)Help yourself to seconds请吃第二盘Third wheel. 感觉不是特别希望他在,出于礼貌或者其他叫来的人Three time’s a charm第三次就灵了On all fours用爬的High five, 击掌be there in five五分钟到At sixes and sevens混乱 (我没听说过,查到的)Pieces of eight西班牙钱 (我没听说过,查到的)On cloud nine很开心Perfect ten完美 (我没听说过,查到的)At the eleventh hour最后一刻,零时抱佛脚