
worse off dl or

worse off(worse off是badly off的比较级吗)

admin admin 发表于2023-09-06 12:36:12 浏览41 评论0



worse off是badly off的比较级吗

是的,但也可单独使用badly off 穷困的,没钱的;境况不佳的worse off 恶化,情况更坏;愈加贫穷的;每况愈下的

the worse off

The rain made the road worse off. We aren’t content with the success

英语翻译1.下雨使得道路更糟糕(worse off)2.我们不满足于已取得的成就(be content whit)

The rain made the road worse off.We aren’t content with the success

worse off中worse和off都是什么词性

well/better/badly/worse off 中的 off 视为副词,但是它和前面那几个副词一起构成一个形容词性的短语,此时一般在句中放在系动词之后构成系表结构。

be worse 和 be worse off

不能互换的。worse是bad的比较级,指更糟糕,更坏。worse off特指更加贫困,或境遇更加困难。所以worse off的主语经常是人,而worse的主语是人的情况不多。看个例句,If you lose your job, we’ll be worse off.如果你丢掉了工作,我们的境况就更惨了。

be worse off是什么意思

be worse off; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.An even higher number believe their children will be worse off than them. 而更多的人认为,他们子女的日子将比自己更糟糕。 2.Most british fear their children will be worse off than they are. 多数英国人担心他们的小孩将比他们这代人更加穷困。

有没有帮我分析下worse off than some, better off than many这个句型
