
divergent是什么意思中文翻译 div c


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divergence_百度翻译divergence Such divergence is not unprecedented.这种分歧并非第一次出现.请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

NSAID activated gene-1 (NAG-1) is a divergent member of the TGF-β superfamily怎么翻译啊

NSAID activated gene-1 (NAG-1) is a divergent member of the TGF-β superfamily怎么翻译啊?参考译文: 已被激活的非甾体抗炎药的第一号基因(NAG-1) 【主语】 是 转化生长因子-β(分类)群的一个不同的成员(或者成分)【表语】。说明:activated是过去分词作定语修饰紧挨前面的名词“NSAID”,NSAID是名词作定语修饰后面的名词“gene-1 (NAG-1)”,于是NSAID activated gene-1 (NAG-1)翻译成:已被激活的非甾体抗炎药的第一号基因(NAG-1); is a divergent member----意思是:是一个不同的成员, of the TGF-β superfamily 意思是“转化生长因子-β总科的”,注意,英语结构式:A of B ,假如A和B都是不同的名词,那么,翻译成汉语的顺序就需要倒装,翻译成:B 的A ,例如,map of China (中国地图),(但是,A 是具体的“量词”的除外,例如:a piece of paper:一张纸 】参考词典:(1) NSAID ------abbr. 非甾体抗炎药(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug)(2) TGF-β----- 转化生长因子-β(3)superfamily-----N a taxonomic group that is a subdivision of a suborder .


divergent readings发散读数The two indexes often give divergent readings as the official PMI surveys mainly big-scale companies, while the HSBC PMI focuses on smaller factories.两个指数针对点不同,官方采购经理指数主要反映的是大型公司的经济状况,而汇丰采购经理指数反映的这是较小规模的工厂情况


时间太少,不够口语化,请楼主自行调整吧读完《魔鬼经济学》这本书,大大的改变了我对很多社会现象的看法,书中所传达的一个主要观念就是:很多被我们认为是常识的东西可能根本就是错误的,很多公论性的观点所传达的也未必就是真相。 一个最典型的例子就是对美国上世纪90年代中期犯罪率下降的解释。 The book Freakonomics has greatly changed the way I look at the society. It conveys to me an important point of view that many things we regarded as being correct in our common sense are totally wrong; many viewpoints already acknowledged by majority of the public are actually not true.A typical example to support this point of view is the interpretation of the drop in criminal rate of the United States in mid 1990s. 克林顿政府时期,美国社会笼罩着一种极度恐慌的气氛,犯罪学家们估计,按照过去几十年当中的犯罪趋势,到了20世纪90年代中期,美国的犯罪率将达到历史最高,大街上到处都是持枪行凶的匪徒,届时整个美国将沦为人间地狱。In Clinton’s administration, an extreme criminal panic was prevailing in American society. Criminologists predicted that, according to the trend analysis on the criminal rate in previous decades, the criminal rate of the States would hit a record high in the mid 1990s. gangsters would be everywhere to see in the street then and the entire country would be as dark as hell. 可就在人人自危,感觉在劫难逃的时候,历史出现了让人尴尬而欣喜的转折:自90年代中期以后,美国的犯罪率一路狂降,美国突然又回到了太平的时代!When almost everyone believed that the danger was imminent and would not be avoided, the criminal rate unexpectedly came to a turning point that made us as happy as being embarrassed: ever since the mid 1990s, the criminal rate of America had plunged and the Americans suddenly found themselves in a safe and peace time again! 于是乎,几年前还在着力论证“犯罪浪潮势不可挡”的学者专家们又在忙着为“犯罪率下降”找理由,“强韧的经济形势”、“更有效的巡逻政策”、“严格的枪支管理条例”……就在众说纷纭的时候,史蒂夫冷抛出了一个颠覆性的结论:堕胎! So experts and scholars, who had endeavored to prove the “irresistible trend of crime” just a few years ago, got started again, busy finding various factors contributing to the unforeseen drop in criminal rate. Among their justifications are strong economic growth, more effective police patrol policy, or strict regulations on gun control…and Steve’s opinion is the most outstanding and deviating from those of others: Abortion leading to the drop in criminal rate! 他坚信20多年前的“堕胎合法化”才是犯罪率下降的惟一合理解释。而我本人也是很赞成这一观点。Steve holds that legalized abortion is the sole reasonable factor that leads to the drop in criminal rate. I am in favor of his point of view for the following reasons.首先我们要思考:为什么人们要犯罪,很普遍的一种情况,是为了生存,记得在电视上看过一个报到,一个只有14岁的小男儿抢劫一位女士的皮包,因为女士反抗男孩用手中的刀子杀害了她,当警方把他抓住后询问他:“为什么要杀人”男孩的回答是:“再没饭吃我会被饿死,我需要她手中的包,但是她不给我包,我只得杀死她。” 警察又问:“那你父母呢?”男孩的回答是:“我是个孤儿”,是的,这种现象其实在整个社会都很普遍,很多不负责任的父母因为没有能力养育儿女所以不得不把儿女抛弃,而那些孩子为了生存从而走上了犯罪的道路。事实表明贩毒集团,黑道组织里面大部分的成员都没有一个健全的家庭。First of all we should think why a crime is committed. One of the common causes is for living. I watched a news on TV screen that a 14-year-old kid grabbed at a lady’s handbag. When the lady resisted, the boy killed her with a knife. When policemen caught him and asked him why he killed the lady, he said “I have to get something to eat, or I’ll die. So I need her handbag, but she didn’t give it to me, so I have to kill her ”. When the policemen asked him where his parents were, he answered “I’m an orphan”. Yes, this phenomenon is commonly seen in our society. Many irresponsible parents abandoned their children because they are unable to bring them up; those who were given up by their parents are most likely to commit a crime. It has been proved by solid evidences that most of the members of drug rings and criminal gangs are from a dysfunctional family. 试问一个有着良好家庭环境的孩子,谁会想成为警方抓拿的对象?他们生活安逸,根本没有成为“罪人”的机会。Just think kids to be brought up in a good family environment. Will they challenge the law and become criminal suspect? Fat chances. Because they have a good living condition and do not have an opportunity of risking law offenses.可见“堕胎法”的推出,让很多没有能力抚养孩子的母亲有了选择权,毕竟一个只为了能活下去的人是很可怕的,他们会做出任何事情使他们自己活下去,即使是犯罪Therefore, Abortion Law will give mothers the right of giving up who are unable to bring up their child. After all, it is a scary thing for people to struggle only for survival. They will live by doing anything, including committing a crime.


Conceptual design needs the all-round thinking ability , the conceptual design centre is lain in designing a concept , designs conceptual put forward and applies accurate , improving and perfecting or not to have decided conceptual design significance and value. Design that conceptual put forward attaches importance to designer’s subjective perceptual thought , should expand and associate the person is recorded down , to be that designing concept put forward is to get ready for rich together material as long as coming from Yu designing the analytical idea. Associate that , constitute , transplant and be summed up as in thinking deeply that the mode of thinking applying mainly in process has so. In associating the thinking process being to be to carry out analysis on current object , to decide synthetically what is called, related think of other object mode of thinking, space expanding original thought, before the conceptual design reality apply being to depend on market investigations in process, customer analysis waits for practice but the conclusion reaching carries out the difference associating mutuality enlightening thereby the thinking activities carrying out , designer’s body thought difference have also decided it’s the depth and extent associating space further. Compositionality thought is the restructuring now available phenomenon or method is carried out , it can provide the form and method gaining the new thereby to the creative thinking especially vastly clue. Transplant the principle , technology being to will be unlike discipline, the image and method apply carrying out the method carrying out the analytical thinking on original material to interior design in the collar, it can help us to provide especially vast thought space in the process designing a thinking’s. Sum up arranging lying in the systematization being in progress to original material and cognition , take out whose common part in different thinking result, thereby reach gather parts into a whole, the abstract puts up the thinking pattern having the concept representing the significance design. Designing conceptual put forward sometimes is the result summing up nature thought’s. The stage designing conceptual applying is lain in with abstract get out design subdividing , pictorialize, go to to be able to make use of sufficiently arriving at in design, thought method wielded by us has deduction in the process of this, several kind method such as analogy visualization thought: Deduce the creative thinking method being to point to the reality designing a concept apply to concrete object , be to perform the various concrete concept and image push from a concept, characteristic designing that conceptual deduction can comply with conceptual form direction , color perception , history culture, a lot of nation region characteristic direction carries out a thinking , this one point designing a concept is diffused step by step, the ample netlike thought image , deductive depth and extent developing into a systematicness have decided to design sufficiency that the concept makes use of or not directly. Analogy is to judge by the method designing conceptual knowing well that face to face and using the creative thinking that the person develops. Design that the concept is that the abstract puts up common characteristic property and then sums up formation’s with different object, but analogy is to create repeated conceptual but making use of a part to be in progress and diverge then , produce the different form and new things. The thinking in images process is method draw support from the conception that the image that concept deduction and analogy produce is in progress creates , the general who wields a thinking in images is original the graphical symbol reaching waits for an image to carry out a thinking , displaying 3-D space image, is to will design that the concept Ji Qi develops 3-dimensional , penetrating-rization expressing.


径:小路;庭:院子;径庭:悬殊,偏激。比喻相差很远,大不相同。 be widely divergentbe poles apartat opposite polesmiss by a mile