
array函数python )

array函数python(python: numpy的ndarray和array有什么区别为什么不能plt.imshow()一个ndarray矩阵)

admin admin 发表于2023-09-13 03:54:36 浏览64 评论0



python: numpy的ndarray和array有什么区别为什么不能plt.imshow()一个ndarray矩阵

问:What is the difference between ndarray and array in Numpy? And where can I find the implementations in the numpy source code? (Numpy中ndarray和array的区别是什么?我在哪儿能够找到numpy中相应的实现?)答:Well, np.array is just a convenience function to create an ndarray, it is not a class itself. (嗯,np.array只是一个便捷的函数,用来创建一个ndarray,它本身不是一个类)You can also create an array using np.ndarray, but it is not the recommended way. From the docstring of np.ndarray: (你也能够用np.ndarray来创建,但这不是推荐的方式。来自np.ndarray的文档:)Arrays should be constructed using array, zeros or empty … The parameters given here refer to a low-level method (ndarray(…)) for instantiating an array. (Arrays 应该能用array,zeros 或empty来构造…这里的参数和一个实例化array的低层方法与有关)



I have python dict object with key as datetime.date object and values as tuple objects:

》》》 data_dict

{datetime.date(2006, 1, 1): (5, 3),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 2): (8, 8),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 3): (8, 5),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 4): (3, 3),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 5): (3, 3),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 6): (4, 3),


and I want to convert it to numpy array object in this format:

dtype([(’date’, ’|O4’), (’high’, ’

so that I could store it on disk and later work with it, and learn, in numpy, matplotlib...

As a matter of fact, I thought to use this format after looking at this matplotlib examples: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/recipes.html but can’t find my way out how to get there.


The following will do it:

arr = np.array(, \

dtype=[(’date’, ’|O4’), (’high’, ’

If you then wish to use arr as a recarray, you could use:

arr = arr.view(np.recarray)

This will enable you to reference fields b

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-16



I have python dict object with key as datetime.date object and values as tuple objects:

》》》 data_dict

{datetime.date(2006, 1, 1): (5, 3),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 2): (8, 8),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 3): (8, 5),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 4): (3, 3),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 5): (3, 3),

datetime.date(2006, 1, 6): (4, 3),


and I want to convert it to numpy array object in this format:

dtype([(’date’, ’|O4’), (’high’, ’

so that I could store it on disk and later work with it, and learn, in numpy, matplotlib...

As a matter of fact, I thought to use this format after looking at this matplotlib examples: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/users/recipes.html but can’t find my way out how to get there.


The following will do it:

arr = np.array(, \

dtype=[(’date’, ’|O4’), (’high’, ’

If you then wish to use arr as a recarray, you could use:

arr = arr.view(np.recarray)

This will enable you to reference fields b

le you to reference fields by name, e.g. arr.date.



  1. 导入array

  2. 调用array方法

  3. 操作数组元素

from array import arraya = array(’i’, )a.append(8)a.append(2)print(a)print(a.count(2))a.pop()print(a)





Python里的(array:list)->int 啥意思

这个是函数定义,来标注参数类型和返回类型。因为python 是弱类型变量。函数的参数和return值是没有强制类型限制。参数传递任何类型值都不会报错,那么函数调用的时候,就无法直观的确定要传递一个什么类型的值。这个对调用者来说是很头疼的,因此添加参数和返回的值类型是很有必要的,尤其是团队开发。


Python数据结构之Array用法实例这篇文章主要介绍了Python数据结构之Array用法实例,较为详细的讲述了Array的常见用法,具有很好的参考借鉴价值,需要的朋友可以参考下 import ctypes class Array: def __init__(self, size): assert size 》 0, “Array size must be 》 0 “ self._size = size pyArrayType = ctypes.py_object * size self._elements = pyArrayType() self.clear(None) def clear(self, value): for index in range(len(self)): self._elements = value 希望本文所述对大家的Python程序设计有所帮助。




首先需要创建数组才能对其进行其它操作。我们可以通过给array函数传递Python的序列对象创建数组,如果传递的是多层嵌套的序列,将创建多维数组(下例中的变量c):》》》 a = np.array()》》》 c.dtypedtype(’int32’)数组的大小可以通过其shape属性获得:》》》 a.shape(4,)》》》 c.shape