

symptom是什么意思(symptom dimensions 什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2023-09-10 23:36:12 浏览34 评论0



symptom dimensions 什么意思

意思是:症状维度。相关内容:Symptom dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder 摘要: 强迫症是以反复出现强迫观念、强迫行为为基本特征的一类神经症,在全世界人口中的患病率约为2% ~ 3%.其病...精锐教育祝你学习进步。

withdrawal symptoms是什么意思

段除症状 断除症状, 脱瘾症状 戒断症状 脱瘾的不舒服症状 withdrawal: n. 1.缩回;引退;退出。 2.收回。 3.撤退,撤兵 ... symptom: n. 症状,征候;征兆。 an objective [a ... 例句与用法1. It merely relieves withdrawal symptoms , they said他们说,它只是缓解了戒断症状而已。 2. Use of bright light therapy in treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms亮光疗法对酒精戒断后症候群的作用3. Withdrawal symptoms are the way your body reacts when it stops getting nicotine当身体停止摄取尼古丁,就会呈现脱瘾症状。 4. Affects the central nervous system , creates dependence andwithdrawal symptoms 3影响脑部神经,令人产生倚赖,不吸烟时会不舒服。

breakthough symptoms是什么意思

breakthough symptoms突破症状symptomsn.征兆; 症状( symptom的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Most people infected with west nile have no symptoms and recover completely. 大多数感染了西尼罗河的病人不会有症状而且不会完全康复。

symptom checklist是什么意思

症状检查表,症状清单,症状一览表,症状自评量表例hopkins symptom checklist贺普金斯症状检核表pediatric symptom checklist儿科症状列表symptom checklist,scl症状自评量表rotterdam symptom checklist,rscl鹿特丹症状量表

physical symptom是什么意思

physical symptom译为身体症状physical symptom 物理症状, 体征; 1.Or are you ignoring a physical symptom ( small, big, or somewhere in between) that’s been nagging you? 或者你忽略了某些一直以来骚扰你的身体症状(不管是小,大,或介于两者之间)?2.This obviously isn’t a physical symptom like fainting, but deaths like this in your family should prompt you to pay close attention and perhaps talk with your doctor about screening options. 很明显,这不是一个类似昏阙一样的病症,但有这样的病史,你应该会更加关注这方面的内容,或许还会跟你的医生讨论一些应对措施。=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================