
piwik mysql local

安装piwik时 mysql数据库为什么只可以设置localhost?如何提取Piwik中记录的访客IP地址

admin admin 发表于2023-02-12 03:57:50 浏览41 评论0



安装piwik时 mysql数据库为什么只可以设置localhost

默认是没有开启这个权限的,需要手动开启这个权限 进入Mysql终端输入这个命令 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ’root’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ’123’ WITH GRANT OPTION;


:获取ip:你可以单独写在链接数据库的页面(公用代码)上一个执行代码。新建数据库,字段不必太多,id,ip time 足够 用来存储你记录的访客信息。有人访问会自动执行,写入数据库,就是个添加信息语句,id弄成自动增加的,ip就是上边那段代码获取...


3. 第三种形式为if-else-if形式
前二种形式的if语句一般都用于两个分支的情况。 当有多个分支选择时,可采用if-else-if语句,其一般形式为:
else if(表达式2)
else if(表达式3)

else if(表达式m)
其语义是:依次判断表达式的值,当出现某个值为真时,则执行其对应的语句。然后跳到整个if语句之外继续执行程序。 如果所有的表达式均为假,则执行语句n。然后继续执行后续程序。 if-else-if语句的执行过程如图3—3所示。
char c;
printf(“input a character: “);
printf(“This is a control character\n“);

如何安装开源网站分析工具Piwik Centos 6 64-bit

cd /tmp


[root@AY14070313210045657aZ seo]# ./console customvariables:info
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: geoip: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20121212
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
Your Piwik is configured for 5 custom variables.
[root@piwik seo]# ./console customvariables:set-max-custom-variables 10
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: geoip: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20121212
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
Configuring Piwik for 10 custom variables
Scope “Page“
5 new custom variables having the index(es) 6 - 10 will be ADDED
Scope “Visit“
5 new custom variables having the index(es) 6 - 10 will be ADDED
Scope “Conversion“
5 new custom variables having the index(es) 6 - 10 will be ADDED
Are you sure you want to perform these actions? (y/N)y
Starting to apply changes
1/15 [=》--------------------------] 6% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 6
2/15 [===》------------------------] 13% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 7
3/15 [=====》----------------------] 20% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 8
4/15 [=======》--------------------] 26% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 9
5/15 [=========》------------------] 33% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 10
6/15 [===========》----------------] 40% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 6
7/15 [=============》--------------] 46% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 7
8/15 [==============》-------------] 53% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 8
9/15 [================》-----------] 60% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 9
10/15 [==================》---------] 66% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 10
11/15 [====================》-------] 73% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 6
12/15 [======================》-----] 80% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 7
13/15 [========================》---] 86% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 8
14/15 [==========================》-] 93% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 9
15/15 [============================] 100% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 10
Your Piwik is now configured for 10 custom variables.
[root@AY14070313210045657aZ seo]# ./console customvariables:info
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: geoip: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20121212
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0

Your Piwik is configured for 5 custom variables.

[root@piwik seo]# ./console customvariables:set-max-custom-variables 10
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: geoip: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20121212
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0

Configuring Piwik for 10 custom variables

Scope “Page“
5 new custom variables having the index(es) 6 - 10 will be ADDED

Scope “Visit“
5 new custom variables having the index(es) 6 - 10 will be ADDED

Scope “Conversion“
5 new custom variables having the index(es) 6 - 10 will be ADDED

Are you sure you want to perform these actions? (y/N)y

Starting to apply changes

1/15 [=》--------------------------] 6% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 6
2/15 [===》------------------------] 13% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 7
3/15 [=====》----------------------] 20% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 8
4/15 [=======》--------------------] 26% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 9
5/15 [=========》------------------] 33% Added a variable in scope “Page“ having the index 10
6/15 [===========》----------------] 40% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 6
7/15 [=============》--------------] 46% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 7
8/15 [==============》-------------] 53% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 8
9/15 [================》-----------] 60% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 9
10/15 [==================》---------] 66% Added a variable in scope “Visit“ having the index 10
11/15 [====================》-------] 73% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 6
12/15 [======================》-----] 80% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 7
13/15 [========================》---] 86% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 8
14/15 [==========================》-] 93% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 9
15/15 [============================] 100% Added a variable in scope “Conversion“ having the index 10
Your Piwik is now configured for 10 custom variables.

piwik 统计工具的趋势分析图 从数据库里能改吗

你只需将一小段代码放到将要统计的网页中即可。安装完成后Piwik是一个PHP和MySQL的开放源代码的Web统计软件. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数,你可以添加新的功能或是移除你不需要的功能,Piwik同样可以安装在你的服务器上面,数据就保存在你自己的服务器上面。你可以非常容易的插入统计图表到你的博客或是网站抑或是后台的控制面板中, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等… Piwik拥有众多不同功能的插件。

piwik能做到哪些事情 知乎

Piwik是一个PHP和MySQL的开放源代码的Web统计软件. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等… Piwik拥有众多不同功能的插件,你可以添加新的功能或是移除你不需要的功能,Piwik同样可以安装在你的服务器上面,数据就保存在你自己的服务器上面。你可以非常容易的插入统计图表到你的博客或是网站抑或是后台的控制面板中。安装完成后,你只需将一小段代码放到将要统计的网页中即可。

piwik支持java web吗
