


admin admin 发表于2023-09-25 15:19:23 浏览36 评论0




  Machine learning methods are being used in genomics, pro- teomics, microarrays, system biology evolution, and text min- ing (7). However, this is the first time that they have been applied to validation of antifungal breakpoints. The 90-60 rule has defined the accuracy of antimicrobial susceptibility testing for predicting the outcome of bacterial infections. This rule was adopted by mycologists because the clinical correlation studies analyzed showed similar predictive patterns (10).  机器学习方法正广泛应用于基因组学,蛋白质组学,基因芯片,系统生物进化学,和文本挖掘(文献7)。然而,此方法却是第一次应用于抗真菌临界点验证。90-60准则界定了细菌性感染的药敏试验的预测结果准确性。因为其临床相关性研究分析与预测模式相符合,此规则多用于真菌学实验。然而,患者结果的MIC值或与效学参数的相关性应具备与那些使用任何诊断工具做出的实验结果相似的统计评估。机器学习方法展现了一个使用统计理论与数据集建立一个实验模型的可能性。  How- ever, the correlation of MIC values or pharmacodynamic pa- rameters with patient outcome should include statistical eval- uations similar to those used with any diagnostic tool. Machine learning methods represent an opportunity to use statistical theory for building a model using a data set. However, it is crucial to find the optimal solution; to achieve such a solution, several classifiers must be employed for comparisons of the models obtained with each one. In this work, five classifiers (J48, CART, OneR, Naïve Bayes, and Simple Logistic) were compared to identify which values for MIC or dose/MIC split the populations of successes and failures. The statistical power of each model has been evaluated by means of analyses of the sensitivity, specificity, false-positive rate, area under the ROC curve, and MCC index.  不过,最关键一定的还是要找到最佳的解决方案;要实现这样一个解决办法,必须使用多个分类方法以通过各自的结果作出模型对比研究。在这项工作中,五个分类器(J48、CART、OneR、朴素贝叶斯,简单线性回归)进行比较,以确定哪些值MIC或dose/MIC对于人群的治疗成功与失败的分划最为可靠。每个模型的统计功效应由敏感性,特异性,假阳性率,ROC曲线下面积,和MCC指数等分析手段来评判。  The classifiers choose the MIC that best split the popula- tions of successes and failures. This value is presented as mg/liter for successes and x mg/liter for failures. However, breakpoints usually have three categories, namely, susceptible, intermediate (with susceptibility dependent on dose level), and resistant, presented as mg/liter for susceptible isolates, x and y mg/liter for intermediate isolates, and y mg/liter for resistant isolates. The definition for the intermediate category implies that an infection due to the isolate may be appropri- ately treated in body sites where the drugs are physically con- centrated or when a high dosage of drug can be used. It also indicates a buffer zone that should prevent small, uncontrolled, technical factors from causing major discrepancies in interpre- tations. The main target of any susceptibility testing is to iden- tify resistant strains or, in other words, to identify the drugs that are less likely to eradicate the infection (14).  分类法应选择可以最正确地界定失败与成功临界点人群分划的MIC值。这个值要以成功值为MIC 《= w mg/liter, 失败值为MIC 《= w mg/liter的形式来表示。然临界点通常分为3类,易感、中度(其感染性因剂量而异)、抗感。其区间分别表示为:易感为 《=w mg/liter, 中度为 》x且《y mg/liter,抗感为》y mg/liter。对中度类的定义意味着,菌落感染的治疗可以适当的通过在个别物理位置采取集中治疗,适当时候可以使用高剂量。这也表明了有一个缓冲区间来预防一些微小的、不可控制、技术上的因素而导致的重大差异。敏感性测试的主要目的是查明耐药菌株,或者说是找出那些不太容易根除感染的药物(文献14)。


电机技术的无刷直流(草)和开关磁阻电动机(SRM)的有障碍的市场渗透. 不同于传统的异步电动机, 无刷电机的永磁体,很容易受到高温并发症-认真考虑在汽车 业室温常常指定为-40至125°C的 无刷直流电机,也引起关切故障模式. 由于发动机的美誉被嘈杂和具有高转矩, 往往是传统的强劲异步电动机是力量融入许多人申请. 而交流异步电机是一个很好的演员,在许多工业应用, 业绩差的汽车工业的需求,必须有其他类型的汽车(除两名这里) 被拉高技术曲线相当迅速. 异步电动机不适用于大多数汽车应用由于上述困难与提取热量由转子 效率问题,在广泛的速度和力量不等,长端波折, 和更昂贵的制造过程中,由于分布绕组. 异步电机会找一些汽车应用; 不过,更轻和更合适的人选,最终将其部署. 草和SRM技术在这里代表了两个这些潜在候选人

susceptible to drugs是什么意思


  susceptible to drugs,您说的这个英文词语在我国中很常见,是属于英文会计考试核心词汇其中的一个,学好该类词汇对您的英文证书考取过程非常重要,这个词的翻译如下:对药物具有敏感性。




Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now, and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories, and all are probably partially correct. One suggestion is sheer to overcrowding. In the last decade, the number of cars on the roads has increased by more than 11 percents, and the number of miles driven has increased by 35 percent. However, the number of new road miles has only increase by 1 percent. That means more cars in the same amount of space; and the problem is magnified in urban areas. Also, people have less time and more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores (琐事) and activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage. 为什么短短几年前几乎不存在的这种现象,现在比以往任何时候都发生得更频繁?专家有几种理论,都可能是部分正确的。一个说法是纯粹的过度拥挤。在过去的十年中,道路上的汽车数量增加了超过11%,驾驶里数增加了35%,然而新建成的道路里程数仅增加了1%。这意味着更多的汽车挤在同一量级的空间,问题在城市地区就更为严重了。同时,人们要在更少的时间做更多的事情。工作、琐事和额外活动让人们每天都疲于奔命,随之而来的是越来越高涨的情绪压力。压力产生焦虑,从而导致脾气暴躁。 在某些情况下,以上因素相结合时可能让“路怒”爆发。 You may think you are the last person who would drive aggressively, but you might be surprised. For instance, have you ever yelled out loud at a slower driver, ounded to Road Rage, the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way. If you are the target of another driver’s rage, do everything possible to get away from the other driver safety, including avoiding eye contact and getting out of their way. 无论你是生其他驾驶者的气,或别人明显地对你有情绪,你可以做些事来避免发生重大的对抗。如果你容易感染“路怒”,关键是要健康地发泄自己的情绪。如果你是其他司机的愤怒的目标,尽可能安全地离开他,同时避免目光接触和不要当着他的去路。

