
objective function

objective function(objective function是什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2023-09-28 08:33:49 浏览31 评论0



objective function是什么意思

objective function意思是:目标函数According to the advantages and disadvantages of the human resource management outsourcing, thethesis establishes the object system of investment decision-making in human resource managementoutsourcing, including the set of condition, the set of result, the set of inhere function, the set of objectivefunction and the set of relations. (双语例句)依据人力资源管理外包的项目、外包的优势及风险,利用消错学理论与方法,本文建立了人力资源管理外包的投资决策的对象系统,包括条件集、结论集、固有功能集、目的功能集和关系集。

原因: Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue




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和最优值函数 指标函数(objective function)是衡量过程优劣的数量指标,它是定义在全

数 kϕ 对于变量 k n V +1, 是严格单调的。过程在第 j 阶段的阶段指标取决于状态j x 和决策j u ,用 ( , ) j j j v x u 表示。指标函数由v ( j 1,2, ,n) j = L 组成,常见

objective function value是什么意思

objective function value 目标函数值例句筛选1.The solution is optimal and the objective function value is 5.这个解是最佳的,目标函数的值是5。2.An Effective Method to Decrease the Primitive Objective Function Value inTransshipment Problem运输问题中一种有效降低初始目标函数值的方法

找一名英语牛人帮忙翻译一段句子! 十分感谢!

Exponential smoothing model depends mainly on the historical data value, and every smooth smooth the change of the value which restrict the size of A sliding coefficient, so smooth coefficient values of A largely determine the forecast accuracy. A method to determine the estimate method usually experience or worthy. Choose A need to determine with worthy goal function, and in the past work at targeting people of different time when A function of the model error treated equally. But in fact in recent years than data error in data error for the future is the prediction accuracy of more influence on choice, so when the prediction error to A way of using alike were not suitable. In this article, the thick BoYuan principles nearly target function, through the test method is used to study the thick nearly BoYuan principles objective function optimization A the forecast results the impact of the thick, intuitive proof nearly BoYuan principle, the superiority of A selection of thick the extent of the BoYuan near the further discussion.大概是这样的吧,希望能帮到你,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……