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overeat 英vt.& vi. 吃得过多(使);1. He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating. 他去诊所戒酒并控制饮食。2. One effect of overeating may be obesity. 吃得过多能导致痴肥.3. He is sick from overeating. 他因暴饮暴食而呕吐.


1. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a common endocrine diseases, Because the body is insulin absolute or relative lack of glucose and glucose concentrations increased, then a large number of sugar from the urine discharge, and there is more drinking, overeating, weight loss, dizziness, weakness and other symptoms. Further development has been the subject of serious systemic acute and chronic complications, threatening their health. With diabetes duration of the disease, the body’s metabolism such as access to good control, which can lead to eye, kidney, nerve, such as cardiac and vascular tissues and organs of chronic complications, eventually happened blind, lower extremity damage, uremia, stroke or myocardial infarction, or even life-threatening. With the improvement of living standards, diabetes has become a common diseases, the incidence of diabetes is increasing year after year. Developed diabetes prevalence rate as high as 5% to 10%, China’s average prevalence rate has reached 3% Some cities close to the prevalence in developed countries. 2. Diabetes type (1) Type 1 Diabetes type 1 diabetes, diabetic patients account for about 10% of the total. often occur in children and adolescents. It can happen at any age, even at the age of 80-90 also sick. Cause is insulin by the cell-mediated autoimmune destruction, not its own synthesis and secretion of insulin. (2) Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes, diabetes accounts for about 90% of the total, mostly in the age of onset after the age of 35, slow onset, and conceal some of the patients health checks or check for other diseases found. Type 2 diabetes patients, about 60% of the body weight of overweight or obese. Long-term excessive diet, high intake of calories, weight increase, as well as obesity, obesity after the lead to insulin resistance, elevated blood sugar, ketonemia no obvious trend. Most of the patients in control diet and oral hypoglycemic agents stable after treatment glucose; However, there are some patients in particular the non-obese patients need exogenous insulin to control blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes is obvious genetic, and the frequency of HLA antigen unrelated. (3) gestational diabetes in pregnant women found the original diabetes in pregnancy usually in the second trimester or later discovered diabetes, known as gestational diabetes mellitus. Have diabetes before pregnancy, gestational diabetes patients, diabetic patients as pregnancy. For early detection of diabetic pregnancy, usually in 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, oral administration of 50 grams of glucose, Sugar service half an hour after the blood test for glucose, glucose value if less than 7.8 cents mole / liter, may be excluded from gestational diabetes mellitus. If blood glucose greater than or equal to 7.8 mm mole / liter, it is possible pregnancy diabetes, need to take 100 grams of glucose tolerance test for diagnosis. (4) a special diabetes) cell function caused by genetic defects occurred adult-juvenile diabetes (MODY), Most age of onset before the age of 25, after the onset of at least five years or more do not need insulin treatment, is autosomal dominant inheritance. B) abnormal insulin gene caused diabetes. C) exocrine pancreatic diseases, such as pancreatitis, hemochromatosis, pancreatic resection caused by diabetes. D) endocrine diseases, such as acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism caused by diabetes. E) drug or chemical agents caused by diabetes. F) infection such as congenital rubella virus, cytomegalovirus infection caused by diabetes. G) a rare immune-mediated diabetes as insulin autoimmune syndrome. H) with diabetes other genetic syndrome. 3. The typical symptoms of diabetes (1) “a little more than 3“ : multiple, polyuria, polyphagia, emaciated. (2) the occurrence of the typical symptoms of a fast, slow, light to heavy, these symptoms are different for every patient, a disease may be obvious, other prominent symptoms. Type 2 diabetes at the onset of symptoms is relatively slow, difficult to attract attention. Type 1 diabetes onset of symptoms often more apparent. 4. DIABETES genetic factors : a family of diabetics, their diabetes opportunities in the higher than normal. Obesity : middle age due to excessive food intake, lack of exercise, calories Poly growing body fat easy, easy with diabetes. Mental pressure : the chronic under pressure from the spirit of the people likely to cause endocrine disorders caused diabetes. Drugs : some drugs such as solid-type alcohol, oral contraceptives, can also cause diabetes. Pregnancy : pregnancy hormone changes, as one of the reasons diabetes. 5. What is normal blood glucose blood glucose is the presence of glucose, glucose said blood glucose concentration. In normal glucose fluctuations within a certain range, glucose oxidase rules intravenous plasma glucose level, fasting plasma glucose 3.4-6.2 mm in mole / liter; 2-hour blood sugar after meals is not more than 7.8 cents mole / liter.


我的身体要求不多:要来保持湿润、食物提供营养、能量及强健的筋骨、当我累了或生病的时候了就休息,游戏以提神。它有自我修复的能力,并对好的照顾有良好的反应,真不可思议。但直到最近,我每样都做得太过了,以致虚秏了自己的身体。我不只把它的灵活性当作是理所当然的,当生理出现毛病,例如感冒或受伤,令我不能从心所欲,我就感到烦扰。此外,觉得未能达到媒体的“美”的标准,我对自己过于苛刻。暴食、慵懒的生活方式、过度工作,都对我的生活产生负面影响,即使不是致命的。我也见过有朋友和家人以药物、酗酒或工作狂来摧毁自己的身体。~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~原文如下:My body asks for little: water to keep hydrated; food for nutrients, energy, and strong bones; rest when I’m tired or sick; and play to lift my spirits. Its ability to self-repair and respond to good care is incredible.But until recently, I have abused my body with excesses of all kinds. Not only did I take its resiliency for granted, I was annoyed when a physical problem, such as a cold or injury, kept me from doing what I want. Moreover, I was harshly critical when it failed to conform to standards of beauty in the media. My overeating, lazy lifestyle, and excessive work had a negative impact on my life, though not fatal. I’ve also seen friends and family members destroy their body through drugs, alcoholism or workaholism.


到了20世纪50年代后期,“猫王”已具有了极高的身价,他的歌曲也处理得越来越精致和得心应手。60年代早期,开始在一种新的温柔演唱方法之间犹豫不定。这种温柔的嗓音和演唱风格感觉没有任何新意,反而丧失了以往的热情和奔放。Right up to the late nineteen-fifties, Elvis Presley had already achieved an illustrious status, and his singing was also getting more and more refined and proficient. In the early sixties, he started a new tender style of performing technique which led to his hesitation in which approach to follow. There was no novelty and originality in this tender vocal and performance style; instead the previous passion and riot were no more to be found. “猫王”以后的大部分作品中,这种风格一直延续下去。1968年之后,“猫王”被看作流行音乐界愤世嫉俗、软弱以及倒退现象的缩影。随后,他有了自己的电视特别节目,并且穿上了一套黑色皮装,在一个观众包围着的小舞台上表演,给人一种“猫王”再生的感觉,这让全世界的乐迷们激动不已。This style of singing continued in most of Elvis’ following works. After 1968, Elvis had become an epitome of a misanthrope, a weak and regress image of the pop music world. Thereafter, he had his own TV specials sporting a black leather outfit; he performed on a small stage surrounded by the audience, this gave an impression that the ‘king’ had come alive again, and the fans all over the world were exhilarated. 到了20世纪70年代中期,“猫王”似乎绝望地放弃了任何为争取作为一名艺术家而受人尊敬的努力。他的嗓音比任何时候都要来得松散慵懒和漫不经心。更糟糕的是,大量服用药物、暴饮暴食、放荡不羁的私生活也击垮了他的身体。一代歌王就此陨落。In the middle of the nineteen-seventies, the ‘king’ seemed to give up any efforts to strive for being a respected artist. His vocals had become more lax, slothful and inattentive than ever before. Much worse was the amount of drugs he took, excessive foods and drinks, and the uninhibited life style that finally ruined his health. And so this was the fall of the ‘king’, Elvis Presley.【英语牛人团】


please try to find out a way to get rid of his over-eat problem.sorry, i didn’t intend to disrupt you, but an unexpected thing had happend.how time flys, a year has passed without our knowing.how can you do this without considering the consequece.she has gratuated for nearly 9 months, but, so far,she still doesn’t have a suitable job.