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adv. 1. 向前, 往前2. 一道, 一起3. 越来越(好) prep. 1. (表示位置)沿着…的某地点; 在…旁的某地方2. (表示方向)沿着, 循着, 顺着3. (表示方位)靠着4. (表示依据)根据, 顺着

along 的什么意思

介词 沿着 顺着 比如说沿着路走:walk along the road副词 一起 向前 来到 比如:Come along with us. 还有一些短语 如下:(1)get along with sb. 与某人相处融洽例: They just can’t get along with each other. 他们相处并不融洽 (处不来/合不来)。(2)get along 有进展; 有进步例: How is your work getting along ? 你工作进展如何?(3) 离开某地方例:It’s late, I really must be getting along. 时间晚了,我真的必需走 (离开) 了(4) 变老例:My grandfather is getting along in years,he will be ninety-nine (years old) on his next birthday. 我爷爷越来越老了,下次生日一到他就99岁了。All along 自始至终例:All along I suspected that he was lying. 从头到尾我都认为他在撒谎。Come along (1)一起来例:He came along with us. 他与我们一起来的。(2).进展例: The work was coming along quite well. 工作进展得相当顺利。(3).出现例:You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along. 你应该随时准备解决可能出现的问题

along 什么意思

做Prep的时候是,沿着;顺着;靠着…边;沿着…的某处(或旁边)的意思,做adv的时候是,向前; (与某人) 一道,一起; 越来越(好)的意思,不同的语境下需要带入进去看下意思。


alongprep.沿, 随着; 除...以外(还)收起更多词典


  英音 ;prep.  1.沿着;循着  2.依照;根据  3.在...的过程中  ad.  1.纵长地;平行地  2.向前  3.从一处至另一处  4.一道,一起  5.【美口】(在时间等方面)临近  6.【美】(指时间)晚;(指距离)远;到相当程度  7.在手边;随身  8.在场;到场单词分析  这些前置词均有“横过、穿过”之意。  across指“从……的一边到另一边”,强调横过,多与动态动词连用。  along指沿着一条直线在水平方向上运动。一般表动态,有时也与静态动词连用。  over常和动态动词连用,指“从……上面越过”或“横越”;表静态时,指“在彼处”。  through侧重从一端穿到另一端。  英语解释  in line with a length or direction (often followed by by’ or beside’)  in accompaniment or as a companion  in addition (usually followed by with’)  to a more advanced state  with a forward motion  例句  We figured it would be a simple trip, with four or five motel stops along the way  我们估计这趟旅行很简单,中途在四五家汽车旅馆落落脚就行了。  And something that doesn’t always go along with that: subtlety, the subtlety of discerning and intelligent minds  我们还想起并不总是与朝气并存的敏锐,这是指洞察事物的敏锐和睿智的头脑的敏锐。  But Singapore would be a major beneficiary of a strategy along these lines, because it is a major service provider to surrounding economies  但是若类似的激进策略被其他国家采用,新加坡将会成为最大受益国,因为新加坡是邻近经济体系的重要服务供应国。  As we walked along,we saw a rabbit pop up from its burrow and.scurry across the field.  我们正走着,突然一只兔子从洞里跳出来,窜过田野。  Along the way, Hyundai has become emblematic of the changes sweeping Korea’s economy  现代所走的路成了整个韩国经济的象征性变化。  As the sampler is dragged along the bed, it collects a sample from the top layer of bed material  取样器沿河底拖动,收取表层河床质。