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Tummy - RADWIMPS作词:野田洋次郎作曲:野田洋次郎今(いま)から宣戦布告(せんせんふこく)二人(ふたり)の子供(ことも)にきっと仆(ぼく) 嫉妬(しっと)すんだよきっとそうだよ あぁ もう想像(そうぞう)つく君(きみ)と血(ち)が繋(つな)がっているなんてなんて羡(うらや)ましいやつだっておとな気(け)なんてこれっぽっちもなく耐(た)えられなくなって頬(ほお)を濡(ぬ)らす根掘(ねほ)り 叶掘(はほ)り生(う)まれて间(ま)もないその子(こ)に仆(ぼく)は寻(たず)ねてみたいお母(かあ)さんのお腹(なか)はどうでした仆(ぼく)が见(み)れない景色(けしき)はどうでしたさぞ素晴(すば)らしい さぞ美(うつく)しい十月十日(とおつきとおか)の旅(たび)だったんだろう仆(ぼく)よりも彼女(かのじょ)を知(し)っている君(きみ)が嬉(うれ)しくて どこか悔(くや)しくてWelcome to the new worldFrom the tummy of such a mighty little girlFor the rest of all my days when I say beautiful, you’re beautifulI’ll be always talking about you or your mom, now heyWelcome to the new worldFrom the tummy of such a mighty little girlI can’t find a better reason to live for I’m here for…I’m not gonna say it, no I’ll never, I’ll just keep it in my arms负(ま)けてばかりもいられないよちよち歩(ある)きもおぼつかない我(わ)が子(こ)だろうとそこは手抜(てぬ)けないさぁさぁ正々堂々と男の胜负を子守呗(こもりうた)なんてもんも 読(よ)み闻(き)かせるような本もあなたには必要(ひつよう)ない おとぎ话(ばなし)はいらないあなたが产(う)まれるまでのママの话(はなし)をしようこの世(よ)のどこにもない物语(ものがたり) 俺(ぼく)の人生(じんせい)を时(とき)に粉々(こなごな)にしたり ひっ掻(か)き回(まわ)してみたり眩(まぶ)しすぎるってくらい キラッキラにしてくれたり出逢(であ)うまでの俺(おれ)の日々(ひび)をただの予告编(よこくへん)に全部(ぜんぶ)独(ひと)り占(し)めにしたがりのママの作戦(さくせん)にまんまと 俺(おれ)はかかったんだよいつか君(きみ)も分(わ)かるよ 全部(ぜんぶ)使(つか)ったんだよ一生(いっしょう)の运(うん)を あの时(とき)きっと一生分(いっしょうぶん)ぎゅっと 诘(つ)めてもやっといけるかいけないかくらいのラッキーの使(つか)い道(みち)と使(つか)いどころを知(し)ってたんだWelcome to the new worldFrom the tummy of such a mighty little girlFor the rest of all my days when I say beautiful, you’re beautifulI’ll be always talking about you or your mom, now heyWelcome to the new worldFrom the tummy of such a mighty little girlI can’t find a better reason to live for I’m here for…I’m not gonna say it, no I’ll never, I’ll just keep it in my armsShe’ll be always mine you better keep that in your mindException will be never made in case of any kindI kept that oath my very firstbut you’re the one who broke that firstListen to me; I’ll never say twice, I won’t tell you muchSo be strong but not fist more deeper in youI’ll always love you but second to your mom, of courseI can’t give it to youWhen ever you’re in lack of some warmnessOr maybe some time you feel hopelessThere’s nothing better but to touchI guarantee you that, little boyWelcome to the new worldFrom the tummy of such a mighty little girlFor the rest of all my days when I say beautiful, you’re beautifulI’ll be always talking about you or your mom, now heyWelcome to the new worldFrom the tummy of such a mighty little girlI can’t find a better reason to live for I’m here for…I’m not gonna say it, no I’ll never, I’ll just keep it in my arms






2018年2月21日发售与陈凯歌导演交流后为其执导的电影《妖猫传》创作主题曲《Mountain Top》和推广曲《Shape Of Miracle》。

2020年3月随组合发行单曲《Light The Light》;同年8月5日合作米津玄师发行第五张新专辑《STRAY SHEEP》;9月参与作词、编曲日本乐队歌曲《radwimps》。


歌词:《《芭比之歌星公主》》--Here I Am/Princesses Just Want To Have FunKEIRA:When I was young当我还年轻  I played for fun我整日玩  Made up the words说出的话  Nobody heard没人去听  But now I see但我现在看到  All eyes on me所有眼睛都看着我  And suddenly忽然间  I’m in a dream我梦想成真  I got a feeling now我现在有种感觉  Everything’s right somehow有时一切都好转了  Here I am我在这  Being who I want做我想做的人  Giving what I got给予我拥有的  Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑  Here I go从这我出发  Burning like a spark像火把燃烧  Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗  I wake up in the morning light我在晨光中醒来  The Duchess says “When you gonna live your life right?“公爵夫人说你何时才能正确的过你的生活  I know she thinks that I’m the fortunate one我知道她认为我是幸运的那个  But princesses wanna have fun但公主们想要有乐趣  Oh, princesses wanna have噢公主们想要有  That’s all we really want那就是我们想要的  Is some fun一些乐趣  When the royal day is done等皇室工作结束  Princesses wanna have fun公主们想要有乐趣  KEIRA:  I’m stepping up我往上爬  Right to the top直冲顶端  That’s how I’m wired我把目标  I take it higher设得更高  I’m in control我在控制中  I broke the mould我突破形象  The girl you see你们看到的女孩  Is up to me取决于我  I’m lifting off the ground我从地面上升起  Finding the perfect sound找寻最完美的声  Here I am我在这  Being who I want做我想做的人  Giving what I got给予我拥有的  Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑  Here I go从这我出发  Burning like a spark像火把燃烧  Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗  Again重新  Again重新  Again重新Again and again and again重新又重新又重新  Princesses wanna have fun公主想要有乐趣  Oh, princesses wanna have fun噢公主想要有乐趣  There’s a star that’s right inside you你身体里有一颗星星  So come on and let it out所以来吧把它放出来  Find out what you’re about and just shout找出你到底是什么然后只要喊  KEIRA:“Here I Am“我在这  Being who I want做我想做的人  Giving what I got给予我拥有的  Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑  Here I go从这我出发  Burning like a spark像火把燃烧  Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗  We just wanna我们只想要有  We just wanna我们只想要有  We just wanna我们只想要有  We just wanna我们只想要有  We just wanna我们只想要有  We just wanna我们只想要有  Princesses wanna have fun公主们想要有乐趣  KEIRA:  Here I am我在这  Being who I want做我想做的人  Giving what I got给予我拥有的  Never a doubt now永远不要现在怀疑  Here I go从这我出发  Burning like a spark像火把燃烧  Light up the dark again重新照亮黑暗  Again重新  Again重新  Again重新  Again and again and again重新又重新又重新I Wish I Had Her LifeTORI:Look at her, in the spotlight看看她在聚光灯下  I love her purple hair我爱她的紫头发  She can do what she wants to她能做她想做的  As crazy as she dares敢多疯狂就多疯狂  She doesn’t need to be polite她不必懂礼貌  I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  Then I would be so free我就能那么自由  I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  I’d be another me我就会是另一个我  KEIRA:Look at her, in the throne room看看她在王座室  Every hair just right每根头发都梳的那么整齐She has tea in the morning她在早上用茶  And bonbons every night每晚有糖果吃  Wouldn’t that be nice那简直太美妙了  I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  Then I would be so free我就能那么自由  I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  I’d be another me我就会是另一个我  KEIRA:They’d do my nails它们做我的指甲  I’d stroll the grounds我在庭园散步  TORI:I would wear, whatever我会穿任何服装  And then I’d rock然后我要摇滚  KEIRA:Have time for me有时间给我自己  BOTH:It just might happen它也许  Never永远都实现不了  BOTHI wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  Then I would be so free我就能那么自由  TORI:And everything would suddenly而所有事就会忽然间  Be just the way that I dreamed it could be变成我梦中想要的一切  KEIRA:I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  TORI:I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  KEIRA:I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  TORI:I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  KEIRA:Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh噢噢噢噢噢  TORI:Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh噢噢噢噢噢  BOTH:  So beautiful and bright那么美丽又明亮  I wish I had her life我好想过她的生活  To Be a Princess/ To Be a PopstarTORI:To be a Princess is To know which spoon touse做一名公主是知道要用哪把勺子  To be a Princess Is a thousand Pair Of Shoes做一名公主是有上千双鞋子  Have Your Breakfast serve In bed在床上吃早餐  Wear Some Diamonds On your head在头上戴一些钻石  Get a Foot Massage And Mani-pedi too来个脚底按摩还有同时做手和脚  To be a Princess is to live a dream Come true做一名公主是生活在梦想成真中  Curtsey Princes Come to call行屈膝礼的王子来邀请你  Wear a new Gown To every Ball每场舞会都穿新礼服  all through the day There’s Just one way You must Behave对你只有一个要求就是守规矩  Pose with a Feather In your hat戴有羽毛的帽子摆姿势  Stretch On a golden Yoga mat在金色瑜伽垫上伸展肢体  Bend from above And Always Wear your Gloves and Wave从高处鞠躬并总是戴着手套然后招手  Shoulders Back and肩膀后挺  Tummy In and腹部收起  Pinky out and小指翘起  Lift The chin and抬起下巴然后  Slowly turn your head from side -To –side慢慢把你的头转一转  Breathing gently缓缓呼吸  Stepping Lightly脚步轻盈  Smile Brightly笑容开朗  Nod Politely礼貌点头  Do everything you do withPride做你做的每件事时都带着自豪  Glide滑行  To be a Princess Is to wear Your Family Crest做一名公主是戴着你家族的顶饰  To be a princess is to always Do your best做一名公主是永远做到最好  KEIRA:To be a popstar Is to Know which mike touse做一名摇滚歌星是知道要用哪个麦克风  To be a popstar Is to Not fall Off your shoes做一名摇滚歌星是不要掉落你的鞋  To Rehearse Until It’s Right排练到一切正确  Give A great Show every Night每晚都给观众完美的演出  and Have A room Service For Anything you choose可以为你选的任何东西叫客房服务  To be a popstar Is to Love your Great Reviews做一名摇滚歌星是热爱你重大的报道  takeIn the latest Fashion show去最新的时装秀  Fly through A lunch To Mexico在一个午餐的时间里飞去墨西哥  No time for Friends Except Your Dog and your Guitar只有时间给你的狗和你的吉他没有时间给朋友  Tweet Everyone Your latest News在推特上给所有人发布你的最新消息  Sit for a Thousand Interviews坐下接受上千个采访  Love every fan No matter How Bizarre They are爱每个粉丝不管他们怎么奇异  Here’s a Camera这有个相机  There’s a camera那有个相机  And a camera还有个相机  And a camera还有个相机  And another Autograph To sign ( Love Keira)还有另一个签名要签【爱你Keira】  Change your clothes and换身衣服  Strike a pose and摆个姿势  Walk a Crowd and在人群中走走Take a Bow and Don’t Forget To pose It AllOnline鞠一躬然后不要忘记把这些都放在网上  Shine闪亮  To be A popstar Is to never act Your age做一名摇滚歌星是永远不要做你这个年龄做的事  To be a popstar Is to make The world your stage做一名摇滚歌星是让世界做你的舞台  Oh,Oh,Oh噢噢噢  TORI (KEIRA):  Shoulders back and肩膀后挺  KEIRA(TORI):Strike A pose and摆个姿势  TORI (KEIRA):Pinky out and小指翘起  KEIRA(TORI):Change Your clothes and换身衣服  BOTH:Slowly turn Your head From Side - To – Side慢慢把你的头转一转  TORI (KEIRA):( I see Now)【我明白了】  KEIRA(TORI):Here’s A camera这有个相机  TORI (KEIRA):Stepping Lightly脚步轻盈  KEIRA(TORI):There’s a Camera那有个相机  TORI (KEIRA)Nod Politely礼貌点头  BOTH:Do everything you do with Pride做你做的每件事时都带着自豪  Glide滑行To be a Princess Isto always do your Best做一名公主是永远做到最好  To be a Popstar To Leave them All Impressed做一名摇滚歌星是要他们都被折服  Perfect DaySun’s up太阳起来了  A little after twelve十二点过了一点  Make breakfast for myself给自己做顿早餐  Leave the work for someone else把工作扔给别人做  People say人们说  They say that it’s just aphase他们说这只是一个阶段  They tell me to act my age他们告诉我要做我这个年龄该做的事  Well I am我正在做  On this perfect day在这个完美的日子  Nothing’s standing in my way没有什么能阻挡我  On this perfect day在这个完美的日子  When nothing can go wrong当任何事都不能有错  It’s the perfect day这是完美的日子  Tomorrow’s gonna come too soon明天就要来临  I could stay, forever as I am我可以永远停留在这里只要我想  On this perfect day在这个完美的日子Sun’s down太阳下山了  A little after ten十点过了一点  I pick up all my friends我接上所有朋友  In my Mercedes-Benz用我的梅德赛斯-奔驰  Wake up醒来吧  Don’t tell me it’s just a dream别告诉我那只是个梦  ’Cause when I’ve had enough因为我已经有够多的了  You’ll hear me say你会听到我说  Now don’t you try to rain on my现在别试图降雨  Perfect day在我的完美日子里  Nothing’s standing in my way没有事能阻挡我  On this perfect day在这个完美的日子  Nothing can go wrong任何事都不能有错  It’s the


《芭比之真假公主》里的: 1 free: http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/01%20Free.wma 歌词: ANNELIESE: All my life I’ve always wanted To have one day just for me Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be With no lessons,lords, or lunches Or to-do list in the way No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay That would be the day ERIKA: All my life I’ve always wanted To have one day for myself Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf With no hems in need of pressing And no sleeves in disarray No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet And no debt to pay What would it be like to be PRINCESS ANNELIESE: What would it be like to be ERIKA: Free PRINCESS ANNELIESE: Free Free to try crazy things ERIKA: Free from endless IOU’s ANNELIESE: Free to fly ERIKA: Free to sing ANNELIESE: And marry whom I choose ANNELIESE: You would think that I’m so lucky That I have so many things I’m realizing that every present comes with strings ERIKA: Though I know I have so little My determination’s strong People will gather around the world to hear my song WOMAN: Can I come along? ANNELIESE: Now I fear I’ll never be ERIKA: Soon I will forever be BOTH: Free I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away I could take flight but would it be right My conscience tells me stay ANNELIESE: I’ll remain forever royal ERIKA: I’ll repay my parent’s debt BOTH: Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret ANNELIESE: But I’ll never stop believing ERIKA: She can never stop my schemes 2 How Can I Refuse(坏大臣唱的) http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/02%20How%20Can%20I%20Refuse-.wma 3 I Am A Girl Like You http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/03%20I%20Am%20a%20Girl%20Like%20You.wma 歌词: I Am A Girl Like You ERIKA: If I’d like to have my breakfast hot Madame Carp will make me pay And I have to fetch the eggs myself And the barn’s a mile away It’s cold and wet and still I get An omlette on my plate But in my head I’m back in bed Snuggled up and sleeping late PRINCESS ANNELIESE: If I want some eggs I ring the bell And the maid comes running in And she serves them on a silver tray And she brings a cookie tin And while I eat, she rubs my feet And strolling minstrels play But I’d rather be in my library reading science books all day ERIKA: I’m just like you PRINCESS ANNELIESE: You are? ERIKA: You’re just like me There’s somewhere else we’d rather be Somewhere that’s ours Somewhere that dreams come true Yes, I am a girl like you You’d never think that it was so But now I’ve met you and I know It’s plain as day, sure as the sky is blue That I am a girl like you First I choose a fabric from the rack And I pin the pattern down And I stitch it in the front and back And it turns into a gown PRINCESS ANNELIESE: I wear the gown, without my crown And dance around my room BOTH: And imagine life without the strife of an unfamiliar groom PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): I’m just like you (I think that’s true) You’re just like me (Yes, I can see) BOTH: We take responsibility PRINCESS ANNELIESE & (ERIKA): We carry through (We carry through) BOTH: Do what we need to do Yes, I am a girl like you ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): I’m just like you (I’m just like you) You’re just like me (You’re just like me) BOTH: It’s something anyone can see ERIKA & (PRINCESS ANNELIESE): A heart that beats (A heart that beats) BOTH: A voice that speaks the truth Yes, I am a girl like you! 4 To Be A Princess http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/04%20To%20Be%20a%20Princess.wma 歌词: To Be A Princess JULIAN: To be a princess Is to know which spoon to use To be a princess Is to own a thousand pairs of shoes To maintain a regal gaite Leave the parsley on your plate And be charming but detached And yet amused To be a princess Is to never be confused Do a pli?and never fall Don’t ever stray from protocol All through the day There’s just one way You must behave Do keep a grip and never crack Stiff upper lip and arch the back Bend from above And always wear your gloves And wave Shoulders back and Tummy in and Pinky out and Lift the chin and Slowly turn the head from side to side ERIKA: I see now JULIAN: Breathing gently Stepping lightly Smile brightly Nod politely Never show a thing you feel inside Glide! To be a princess Is to always look your best To be a princess Is to never get to rest Sit for a portrait, never squirm Sleep on a mattress extra firm Speak and be clever Never at a loss for words Curtsy to every count and lord Learn how to play the harpsichord Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds BOTH: Thirds, thirds JULIAN: And She has beautiful eyes Your spirits rise When she walks in the room Doors close And the chemistry grows She’s like a rose That’s forever in bloom JULIAN & (ERIKA): Do a pli?and don’t (Ever ever ever fall) Never show dismay (And be there when people call) Be prepared whatever royal life will bring Do keep a grip and don’t (Ever ever ever crack) Take a dainty sip (Never ever turn your back) There’s a time and place and way for everything To be a princess Is to never make your bed To be a princess Is to always use your head 5 The Cats Meow http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/05%20The%20Cat’s%20Meow.wma 歌词: The Cat’s Meow I can see it when you’re feeling low You can’t hide that from me You’re no status quo calico So why keep trying to be? ’Cause you’re more than that You’re my doggish cat I wish you could see the you I see I say If you bark Celebrate it Make your mark Serenade it Noah’s ark Shoulda had a cat like you And if What you are Is a strange you Doesn’t mean You should change you Only means You should change your point of view Hey, feline You fetch just fine To thine own self be true Your bow wow’s The cat’s meow It’s how I know you’re you You don’t need the bows Or tiara Bid your woes Sayonara Trust your nose ’Cause it knows the way to go When you Chase your tail You’re enchanting Spirits sail When you’re panting When you wail You’re a rover, Romeo There is not One hair of you That I would rearrange I love you the way you are And that will never change That will never change 6 If You Love Me For Me http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/06%20If%20You%20Love%20Me%20for%20Me.wma 歌词: If You Love Me For Me ERIKA: Once a lass met a lad You’re a gentle one, said she In my heart I’d be glad If you loved me for me You say your love is true And I hope that it will be DOMINIC: I’d be sure, if I knew That you loved me for me ERIKA: Could I be the one you’re seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give you clues DOMINIC: What you see may be deceiving Truth lies underneath the skin ERIKA: Hope will blossum by believing BOTH: The heart that lies within DOMINIC: I’ll be yours Together we shall always be as one If you love me for me ERIKA: Who can say where we’ll go Who can promise what will be But I’ll stay by your side DOMINIC: I’ll be yours Together we shall always Be as one BOTH: If you love me for me If you love me for me 7 Written In Your Heart http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/07%20Written%20in%20Your%20Heart.wma 歌词: Written In Your Heart And you’re always free to begin again And you’re always free to believe When you find the place That your heart belongs You’ll never leave You and I will always be Celebrating life together I know I have found a friend forever more Love is like a melody One that I will always treasure Courage is the key that opens every door Though you may not know Where your gifts may lead And it may not show at the start When you live your dreams You’ll find destiny Is written in your heart Though you may not know Where your gifts may lead And it may not show at the start When you live your dream You’ll find destiny Is written in your heart 《芭比与十二芭蕾舞公主》中的: 1.shine http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/Shine.mp3 歌词: SHINE 2.Princess Destiny http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/Barbie%2012%20Dancing%20Princesses%20-%20Princess%20Destiny.mp3 《芭比与魔幻飞马之旅》中的: 1.Brie Larson - Hope Has Wings http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/Brie%20Larson%20-%20Hope%20Has%20Wings.mp3 《芭比之天鹅湖》里的: 1.swan lake http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/barbie%20of%20swan%20lake.wma 2.Leslie Mills - Wings http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/Leslie%20Mills%20-%20Wings.mp3 3.Spanish Dance- Carlitta’s Song http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/20%20Spanish%20Dance%20Barbie%20Barbie%20Sings!%20Pop&Classical%20320kbps.mp3 4.Hungarian Dance- Ivan’s Song http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/21%20Hungarian%20dance%20Barbie%20Barbie%20Sings!%20Pop&Classical%20320kbps.mp3 《芭比之森林公主》里的: 1.Here On My Island http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/01%20Here%20on%20My%20Island.mp3 歌词: Here On My Island Here On My Island the sea says hello Dolphins are waving their hands wherever I go There’ a song on the breeze And a home in there trees Friends I can talk with whenever I please Here on my island the playgrounds are great Slide every slide and you don’ have to wait There’ so much to be seen From our new trampoline Finding adventure’ our daily routine Birds and bananas And comfy cabanas And shell covered vases to fill coconut glasses And mint with molasses And pineapple patties to grill Here On My Island there’s nothing but fun Vine you can swing from A nap in the sun There are mud pies to make There are branches to shake Treasures await any road that you take. I’ll take the high path And I’ll take the low path And I’ll take the path through the sky I’ll jump the river And I’ll climb the mountain And I’ll stay here guarding the pie Here On Our Island the days are a dream Hanging together we work as a team And the magic extends through our family of friends Here On Our Island the fun never ends! 2.A Brand New Shore http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/03%20A%20Brand%20New%20Shore.mp3 3.Right Here In My Arms: Greenhouse http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/06%20Right%20Here%20in%20My%20Arms-%20Greenhouse.mp3 Right Here In My Arms (Reunion) Sun goes down and we are here together Fire flies glow like a thousand charms Stay with me and you can dream forever Right Here In My Arms to night Sounds of day Fade a way Stars begin to climb Me lo dies Me lo dies Fill the breeze Fill the breeze Sweeter all the time Sweeter all the time Sun goes down and we are My love here together is always Fire flies glow like a with you whether thousand charms near or far Stay with me and you can How sweet dream for ever to hold you Right Here In My Arms to night Right Here In My Arms to night 4.I Need To Know http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/INeedToKnow.mp3 歌词: I Need To Know Where is the land I come from? Who lives where I was born? Why do my memories start with a Storm? What if I have a family? Somewhere beyond the sea? Could there be some one there missing me? Tell me why I’m not sleeping and my heart is leaping inside me? Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide? Why does he look through circles? Why does he hide his feet? Why do I feel so shy when we meet? Is this the tree he sleeps in? What can he see from there? Could there be new horizons to share? These questions keep turning and churning and burning inside me What are these feelings I feel when he’s here by my side? I Need To Know answers I need to find my way Seize my tomorrow Learn my yesterday I need to take these chances Let all my feelings show Can’t tell what’s waiting Still I need to go I Need To Know Isn’ t she just amazing? Daring and bold and sure. Diferent from girls that i’ve ever met before. Do you think she like me? How do I look tonight? I just want everything to be right? All these questions keep turning and churning and burning inside me What are these feelings I feel when she’s here by my side? I Need To Know answers I need to find my way Seize my tomorrow Learn my yesterday I need to take these chances Let all my feelings show Can’t tell what’s waiting Sill I need to go I Need To Know 5.At The Ball http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/07%20At%20the%20Ball.mp3 6.Always More http://barbiecollectors.thelittleusedstore.com/09%20Always%20More.mp3 歌词: Always More Every body is born to care It’s some thing we were meant to share Not to keep to ourselves all alone If we make room for some one new Doesn’t mean that there’s less for you only means that our circle has grown Love knows Love grows Bigger than before In your heart there’s always more It’s magic The more you give it a way The more love comes back to you every day You are my Teak and I am your Ro Always for ever where ever we go so Love knows Love grows Bigger than before. In your heart there’s always more always more 还有 我超喜欢芭比的 有兴趣的话加我QQ472934806呐!

每一集Tough Enough那一小段的歌叫什么名字,是开头some people have to learn 这首,求歌名

Champion (Chris Brown &Chipmunk)some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗yeah/耶some people give their lives/有的人献出生命they wanna hold you back,tell’em pee off/他们想让你临阵脱逃,让他们闭上臭嘴whenever they say you can’t,take the T off/要是有人说你做不到,你得把当中的“不字”去掉I remember when they told me I couldn’t be famous/我还记得他们曾说过我根本成不了名now my dream and reality is simultaneous/而现在我的梦想已然成为了现实and work your own way to the top/要是想要达到成功之巅的话得自己去努力if they put you on a pedestal they can take you off/如果是人民把你推上王位那他们一样可以把你给拽下来and there’s a higher level than the top/而且一山更有一山高you gotta make more,don’t do with what you got/你必须继续努力,不要沾沾自喜yeah,so go and get it in sunny/耶,保持阳光心态追逐你的梦想not everybody gets a second chance at getting money/并不是每一个人都能拥有第二次赚钱机会or even getting lucky so you gotta feel/甚至有的人一生也就幸运那么一次,所以你必须the hunger in your tummy/必须感触你内心的那份饥渴I’m always pushing myself to the limit/我总是将自身推向极限making sure I stay ahead/我必须保持领先you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习ah,hah/啊哈some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机ah,hah/啊哈some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我I was born a champion/因为我生来就是个冠军some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗ah,hah/啊哈some people give their lives/有的人献出生命ah,hah/啊哈some people don’t believe/有的人就是不相信but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 X3uh,this gon be the realest shit I ever wrote/啊...这段写过的歌里TM最为真实的一段off the record,no camera’s,forget a quote/不宜公开报道,也别拍照,更别引用我要说的话some of my family doing good,most doing dope/我的亲戚中有的过得不错,但大多都靠贩毒发家I from Verginia where they used to hangin nigga by rope/我来自弗吉尼亚,曾经无数黑鬼在这儿被奴隶主绞死I used to see my momma getting beat down/我曾亲眼看着我妈妈遭人毒打is that the real definition of me now/难道现在的我真的已经变成了当年的打手I fell off,back on my feet now/我摔了一大跤,但现在我又重新站了起来headed to the sky,can’t even see down/我正飞向蓝天,甚至不能再往下看award shows,I poured my heart out/在颁奖典礼上,我用全身心来表演and people still steady trynna point my flaws out/但人们却还是乐衷于不断挑我的小毛病and I’d be lying if I said it ain’t get to me/要是说这些我都无所谓,那我就是在撒谎but I’m a champion,legend,hi-hi-history/但关键是,我是个冠军,我将成为传奇,缔造新的历史I’m always pushing myself to the limit/我总是将自身推向极限making sure I stay ahead/我必须保持领先you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习ah,hah/啊哈some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机ah,hah/啊哈some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我I was born a champion/因为我生来就是一个冠军some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗ah,hah/啊哈some people give their lives/有的人献出生命ah,hah/啊哈some people don’t believe/有的人就是不相信but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 yeah/耶but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军okay..no-one wants to help/好。。没有人愿意伸出援手I guess you are on your own/所以我想你全都得靠自己build a foundation with the bricks they throw/用他们向你扔来的板砖铸造坚实的地基in a black and white world,ture colors show/在这个黑白的世界,用心的色彩装点change if you want,everybody grows/你可以做点改变,因为人人都会长大life’s like an ill,but try and get a hold/生活像一场病,但你得努力治好他opinions ain’t fact,take em and let em go/人们的想法并不代表事实,听后就不用再在意you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习ah,hah/啊哈some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机ah,hah/啊哈some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我I was born a champion/因为我生来就是一个冠军some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗ah,hah/啊哈some people give their lives/有的人献出生命ah,hah/啊哈some people don’t believe/有的人就是不相信but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjU2NzA5OTcy.html