
a box of smarty

a box of smarty(smarty字符替换)

admin admin 发表于2023-10-21 08:12:52 浏览36 评论0




$smarty = new Smarty;$smarty-》assign(’articleTitle’, “Child’s Stool Great for Use in Garden.“);$smarty-》display(’index.tpl’); index.tpl: {$articleTitle}{$articleTitle|replace:“Garden“:“Vineyard“}{$articleTitle|replace:“ “:“ “} OUTPUT: Child’s Stool Great for Use in Garden.Child’s Stool Great for Use in Vineyard.Child’s Stool Great for Use in Garden. smarty手册上有例子


在数据库中你的表里面加个字段,把静态页的地址存上,这样{section name=sec7 loop=$info7}《a href=“{$info7.title}》《/a》{/section}就可以了,最后读的就是静态页的地址 smarty替换不知道吗?$smarty-》assign(’info7’,$data);其中$data就是你查询数据库的结果,记住应该是二维数组

js 中smarty的应用

很明显, 你还没有了解程序执行的顺序.smarty运行在服务端,JS运行在客服端. 所以smarty先执行,而JS后执行那么smarty先执行的情况下,vid 这个是JS的变量,在这个时候是没有值的,smarty当然把把作为string来处理了.


你可以研究研究 Block Functions块函数 void smarty_block_ name (array $params, mixed $content, object &$smarty) Block functions are functions of the form: {func} .. {/func}. In other words, they enclose a template block and operate on the contents of this block. Block functions take precedence over custom functions of the same name, that is, you cannot have both custom function {func} and block function {func} .. {/func}.块函数的形式是这样的:{func} .. {/func}。换句话说,他们用标记圈起一个块,然后对这个块的内容进行操作。块函数优先于同名的传统函数,即你不能同时有通明的传统函数{func}和块函数{func} .. {/func}。 By default your function implementation is called twice by Smarty: once for the opening tag, and once for the closing tag (see &$repeat below how to change this).默认地你的函数执行被Smarty调用两次:一次是在开始标记,另一次是在结束标记(参考下面的&$repeat怎样改变这种情况) Only the opening tag of the block function may have attributes. All attributes passed to template functions from the template are contained in the $params as an associative array. You can either access those values directly, e.g. $params; // do some intelligent translation thing here with $content return $translation; } }

