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Rear-end Collisions Rear-end Collisions, in which one vehicle runs into the back of another, can be treated in the same way as head-on collisions, except that the closing speed is the difference between the two speeds, and, while the occupants of the striking car suffer a frontal impact similar to that experienced in head-on collisions and tend to travel forward with respect to the car, those in the struck car tend to travel backwards relative to the car and therefore apply forces to the back of the seat. Impacts with Walls In impacts of cars with walls, at all angles of approach( the angle between long axis of vehicle and wall) more than about 40°(see Fig.21.1), the impact is effectively a head-on collision, though less severe than impacts at angles approaching 90°, and the front-seat occupants move towards the windscreen. The velocity of impact with the windscreen, steering assembly or instrument panel decreases as the angle of approach becomes smaller, but is greatly influenced by the coefficient of friction between the car and the wall; for example, when the coefficient changes from 0.25 to 0.5( approximately from a wooden surface to a concrete wall), the impact velocities of the occupants on the interior of the car are approximately doubled. After impact the car may rotate towards or away from the wall-towards the wall if friction with the wall is low, and/or the angle of approach is small, and away from it when the friction is high, and/or the angle of approach is large. 4 Intersection Collisions Almost all intersection car collisions involve a striking and a struck car. The striking car suffers mainly frontal impact, and the struck car a side impact. In most such accidents the paths of the two cars are at right angles, probably at a crossroads or Tjunction. The struck car is usually moving more slowly than the striking car. In one investigation about 50 per cent of the struck cars were judged to be travelling at less than 2omile/h(32km/h), and in about 60 percent the angles between colliding vehicles were about 90°。 车尾碰撞 所谓车尾碰撞,即其中一辆车撞到另一辆车的车尾,可以用对待车头对撞一样的方式处理,除了闭合速度(好像是和排挡有关)是两者之间速度间的差别,同时碰撞的汽车驾驶者遭受正面撞击类似经历的正面碰撞的汽车,那些被困住的车会向后倒车,因此强加力于后座。 与墙体的影响 在汽车的影响与墙,在各个角度的办法(之间的夹角长轴车和墙)超过约40 ° (见Fig.21.1 )的影响,实际上是一个迎头相撞,但不是那么严重的影响角度接近90 ° ,和前座乘员朝着挡风玻璃。 速度的影响与挡风玻璃,方向盘组装或仪表板随角度的办法变小,但影响较大的摩擦系数之间的汽车和墙;例如,当变化系数从0.25到0.5 (大约从一个木制表面的混凝土墙) ,速度的影响的住户的室内汽车大约增加了一倍。 影响后车可旋转的或远离墙对墙摩擦,如果墙上低,和/或角的做法是小国,并远离它时,摩擦是很高,和/或角做法是大。 第4交叉口碰撞 几乎所有的汽车碰撞交汇涉及一个突出和一个击中汽车。汽车的罢工主要是受到锋面影响,并击中车侧的影响。在大多数这类事故的道路两辆赛车都成直角,可能在一个十字路口或Tjunction 。该组织通常是赛车运动更为缓慢的惊人车。在一个调查,百分之五十的击中汽车被认为是行驶不到2omile /小时( 32公里每小时) ,并在大约百分之六十之间的角度相撞车辆约90 ° 。 语法绝对没问题的 谢谢采纳


2014年起受邀担任澳大利亚工程师协会(Engineers Australia)西澳大利亚石油与天然气技术委员会委员。2013年起受澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)和澳大利亚教育部邀请加入“科学家进入校园”项目,担任西澳大利亚州最大公立中学之一的校委会委员。2008年起受中国教育部邀请担任“春晖学者”,先后与西南交通大学、重庆大学、重庆交通大学、西南大学、重庆交通科研研究设计院等高校和科研单位进行科研合作,支援中国西部大开发建设。 工程项目管理,战略管理,土木工程,岩土工程,海洋石油天然气平台基础。具有扎实的力学功底和合理的知识结构,视野开阔,在世界最权威的岩土工程专业学术期刊上发表学术论文多篇。擅长重大工程项目管理,熟悉西方质量管理系统和项目管理系统的运营。熟悉西方发达国家的工程师注册系统管理与运营。 Chen,W,Zhou,H.and Randolph,M.F(2009).“Effect of Installation Method on External Shaft Friction of Suction Caissons in Soft Clay.”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,ASCE135(5),605-615.(美国岩土工程学报,美国土木工程师学会岩土工程最高学术刊物) Chen,W.and Randolph,M.F(2007).“External radial stress changes and axial capacity for suction caissons in soft clay.”Géotechnique,57(6),499-511.(英国岩土工程学报,国际岩土工程最高学术刊物) Chen,W.and Randolph,M.F(2007).“Uplift Capacity of Suction Caissons under Sustained and Cyclic Loading in Soft Clay.”Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,ASCE,133(11),1352-1363.(美国岩土工程学报,美国土木工程师学会岩土工程最高学术刊物) Chen,W.and Randolph,M.F(2007).“Measuring radial total stresses on model suction caissons in clay.”Geotechnical Testing Journal,30(2),Paper GTJ100262.(美国岩土工程测试学报) Chen,W(2005).“Uniaxial behaviour of suction caissons in soft deposits in deepwater.”PhD Thesis,The University of Western Australia.Perth,Australia.(西澳大学博士论文:深海油气平台吸入式沉管基础的承载力研究) Chen,W.and Randolph,M.F(2005).“Centrifuge tests on axial capacity of suction caissons in clay.”Proceedings of International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics,ISFOG’05,Perth,Australia,243−249. Chen,W.and Randolph,M.F(2004).“Radial stress changes around caissons in stalled in clay by jacking and by suction.”Proc.of 14th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,ISOPE’2004,Toulon,France,493−499.

mechanism and machine theory 是什么杂志

查看完整版本: promicin2009-07-13 22:43美国 机械原理 Mechanism.and.Machine.Theory 杂志 PDF 版介绍有齿轮、数控机床、模具等等。需要的自己下载吧! 02Changes in the Editorial Board 2009 03Design, prototyping and experimental testing of a chiral blade system for hydroelectric microgeneration 04Kinematic modeling of a 5-DOF parallel mechanism for semi-spherical workspace 05Kinematics/statics of a 4-DOF over-constrained parallel manipulator with 3 legs 06On the kinematic functionality of a four-bar based mechanism for guiding wheels in climbing steps and obstacles 07Reduction of gear fillet stresses by using one-sided involute asymmetric teeth 08Combination resonances in a rotating shaft 09Dynamic behaviour of hydrodynamic journal bearings in presence of rotor spatial angular misalignment 10Characterization and modeling of the static and dynamic friction in a damper 11Study of coast-up vibration response for rub detection 12Inspecting profile deviations of conjugate disk cams by a rapid indirect method 13Design of deviation-function based gerotorswangyuanzhe2009-07-13 23:55很有挑战性,连英语一块学了flyingsea2009-07-14 08:46好像没有1,3,6,9部分啊ldf97662009-07-14 09:02是杂志,很有时代特点,谢谢楼主分享!ldf97662009-07-14 09:02是杂志,很有时代特点,谢谢楼主分享!ldf97662009-07-14 09:02很有时代特点,谢谢楼主分享!ldf97662009-07-14 09:03很有时代特点,谢谢楼主分享!ldf97662009-07-14 09:04好东西,谢谢楼主了!ldf97662009-07-14 09:05很有时代特点,谢谢楼主分享!ldf97662009-07-14 09:53很有时代感的资料,谢谢楼主了!thinkpro2009-07-14 21:05不知道这个杂志能不能在国内订阅?xtqiao2009-08-12 12:42这个杂志很好,及能了解国外技术发展,又能学习专业英文!jhzxfdc2009-08-16 15:58英文的啊,下来试试看quanpengliu2009-12-18 11:27电驴里面可以订阅,呵呵雁过无痕2010-02-10 15:21好东西 希望LZ多发点 期待中。。。雁过无痕2010-02-10 15:44终于可以下完了 谢谢LZ!!!枫风2010-02-11 17:41很好,杂志比教科书要跟能跟上时代飞将军2010-02-11 22:56一个哥们想往上面投文章,无奈语言不过关,虽然研究成果肯定是领先的……ferry2010-02-14 06:57强人还挺多的飞将军2010-02-14 11:27学术论文外语的应该容易看懂的,大家可以多交流。globalname2010-02-22 11:44好东西,谢谢楼主分享dingyang1232010-03-04 17:04东西有点少啊

nonlinear dynamics有人给这个期刊审过稿吗

NONLINEAR DYNAM期刊简介如下,请参考 近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 2.419 3.009 1.247 1.741 中科院杂志分区 工程:机械分类下的 1 区期刊 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 SPRINGER 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0924-090X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Nonlinear Dynamics provides a forum for the rapid publication of original research in the developing field of nonlinear dynamics. The scope of the journal encompasses all nonlinear dynamic phenomena associated with mechanical structural civil aeronautical ocean electrical and control systems. Review articles and original contributions based on analytical computational and experimental methods are solicited dealing with such topics as perturbation and computational methods symbolic manipulation dynamic stability local and global methods bifurcations chaos deterministic and random vibrations Lie groups multibody dynamics robotics fluid-solid interactions system modelling and identification friction and damping models signal analysis measurement techniques.