
bunch up

bunch up(bruning up什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2023-11-10 18:34:39 浏览39 评论0



bruning up什么意思

单词拼写错了,应该是bruning up译为:烧毁,烧焦,燃烧例句:I feel like I am burning up.我觉得浑身烧热。I feel like I’m burning up.我觉得浑身烧热。The fire is burning up the top of the shopping malls!大火是从商场的顶部烧起来的!Youth, like a bunch of raging flame, burning up should be vigorous.青春像一束熊熊的火焰,燃烧起来就应该轰轰烈烈。While you are at school, or walking home, your body is burning up 100 calories an hour.你在学校上课或走路回家时,你的身体每小时要消耗100卡。希望能帮到你

pick sb up是什么意思

pick sb up随便地勾搭(异性),随便地结识; 例句:1.I’ll pick you up at seven tonight. 今晚7点我会去接你。2.It would clean your basement, pick you up at the airport and eliminate unsightly blemishes! 它可以帮你打扫地下室,到机场去接你,甚至帮你处理掉难看的污渍!3.Listen, if you want meto go back, pick me up! 听着,如果你想让我回去的话就来接我!

请问 一束鲜花 怎么翻译另外能不能详细解释一下 bundle 和 bunch的区别呢

一束鲜花:a bunch of flowersbundle:n.捆, 束, 包;v.捆扎,记得以前老师说过常用来形容木柴之类。bunch:n.串, 束;v.捆成一束而鲜花肯定是用bunch



1、give up on:对…绝望;对…不抱希望。例句:He urged them not to give up on peace efforts.他力劝他们不要放弃对和平的努力。

2、end up:最终成为;最后处于。例句:If you go on like this you’ll end up in prison.如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。

3、Live up to:不辜负…期望。例句:The boy lived up to all his parents’ expectations.这个男孩没有辜负父母对他的期望。

4、sign up for:报名(参加课程)。例句:Can I sign up for this course in advance?我能事先申请上这一课程吗?

5、Stand up for:维护。例句:The Blackwater chairman stood up for his guards in the hearing.黑水公司总裁在听证会上替公司的雇员说话。

6、Choke up:心情激动,一时说不出话来。例句:He choked up and could not finish the sentence.他话讲到一半就激动得说不下去了。

7、Talk up:Talk是讲话, talk-up是大声讲,或是大胆地讲,也有宣传,宣扬的意思。例句:Talk up and the school will help you.大胆讲, 学校会帮助你的。


1、up的基本含义是“起来,向上”,例如:get up:起床、hang up:挂起来,挂断电话;keep up with:跟上,不落后;

2、up常用来加强语气,暗含“完全,彻底”之意,例如:clean up:清除、clear up:澄清,放晴、dress up:盛装;

3、up无实际意义,仅起加强语气作用也很常见,例如:back(支持)up:支持,支援、back(倒退)up:倒退,倒车、be mixed up:糊涂,混合;

4、up常和动词搭配表示“碎裂,分开”,例如:break up:分裂,打碎、chew up:嚼碎、tear up:撕碎,取消。

参考资料来源:百度百科-UP (英文词汇)