
weighs ig

weighs(weighs用how many)

admin admin 发表于2023-11-12 15:15:36 浏览41 评论0



weighs用how many

how many后面加可数名词 how much后面修饰不可数名词 一般如果你问婴儿多少斤,答案都是 多少多少kilos 这里的kilo是可数名词,kilogram的缩写,也就是千克,所以当然用how many


微波炉 wēibōlúit is said that reportedly相关解释:They say hear say on the cry reputedly as the story goes it was said so the story goes assertedly on dit it is said to be 例句:据说法国人是世界上最浪漫的民族之一。It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world.据说法国人是世界上最好的园丁。It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners.weighv.(动词) weighed,weigh.ing,weighs v.tr.(及物动词)1. To determine the weight of by or as if by using a scale or balance.称…重量:用或好象用天平或秤来决定…的重量2. To measure or apportion (a certain quantity) by or as if by weight. Often used without : 称出或按重量分发:用或好象用重量来测量或分发(一定的数量)。常与out 连用: weighed out a pound of cheese.称出一磅乳酪3. To balance in the mind in order to make a choice; ponder or evaluate:权衡:在脑中比较以便做出抉择;思索或评价:weighed the alternatives and decided to stay.权衡了两种选择而决定留下来4. To choose carefully or deliberately:斟酌:认真或审慎地选择:weigh one’s words.斟酌自己的话5. Nautical To raise (anchor).【航海】 起(锚)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To be of a specific weight.特定的重量2. To have consequence or importance:有影响,具有重要性:The decision weighed heavily against us.See Synonyms at &b{count} &+{1}这项决议对我们极为不利参见 count13. To press heavily. Used withon or upon : 重压。常与on 或 upon 连用: Guilt weighed on him.犯罪感沉重地压在他在心头4. Nautical To raise anchor.【航海】 起锚常用词组:weigh down 1. To cause to bend down with added weight:压弯:因增加的重量而使…弯曲:vines that were weighed down with grapes.被葡萄压弯的葡萄藤2. To burden or oppress:负担或受压:were weighed down with cares; responsibilities that wore me down.因忧虑而心情沉重;使我烦恼的责任weigh in 1. Sports To be weighed before or after an athletic contest.【体育运动】 称体重:体育比赛前或后称体重2. To have one’s baggage weighed, as at an airport.过磅:称行李的重量,如在机场3. Slang To enter as a participant:【俚语】 成为参加者:She weighed in with some pertinent facts.她带着相关的事实参加了


你好!weighs v. 重达; 称…的重量( weigh的第三人称单数 ); 权衡,考虑; 有…重; The gemstone is 28.6 millimetres high and weighs 139.43 carats.这块宝石高28.6毫米,重139.43克拉。

this bag weighs 20kg中weigh做重多少时不是不及物动词,为什么加20kg

句中谓语动词weigh不及物动词,表示称重。因为它是不及物动词,所以不能跟宾语。句中twenty kilograms是一个数量短语。,修饰谓语动词,因此它做的是状语。