
argument type mismatch

argument type mismatch(由date类型引发的argument type mismatch异常怎么解决)

admin admin 发表于2023-11-14 21:36:54 浏览29 评论0



由date类型引发的argument type mismatch异常怎么解决

解决方案:1、struts 动态上传文件使用《html:file》标签时,form标签需要加 enctype=“multipart/form-data“ 属性设置2、查看页面数据类型,例如:form 中的字段定义成Date 类型,页面也会出错,可改为:private Date brithday;public String getBrithday() { return new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd“).format(brithday);}public void setBrithday(String brithday) throws ParseException { this.brithday = new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd“).parse(brithday);}以后得注意了。

异常java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

at com.y2t916.dao.BaseDAO.executeQuery(BaseDAO.java:98)at com.y2t916.dao.FoodInfoDAO.selAll(FoodInfoDAO.java:14)参数类型不匹配,检查一下上面这两个方法,应该是setAll的时候参数类型搞错了。


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch。看字面意思就是参数类型不匹配啊,你的表单全是String,而实体bean却有int有date。可以把bean的属性改成String, 或者把表单里的某些值改下类型。 -----------新回复:你的Date是java.util.Date吗?貌似不支持这个,需要改成java.sql.Date。BeanUtils支持的转换类型如下: * java.lang.BigDecimal * java.lang.BigInteger * boolean and java.lang.Boolean * byte and java.lang.Byte * char and java.lang.Character * java.lang.Class * double and java.lang.Double * float and java.lang.Float * int and java.lang.Integer * long and java.lang.Long * short and java.lang.Short * java.lang.String * java.sql.Date * java.sql.Time * java.sql.Timestamp 这里要注意一点,java.util.Date是不被支持的,而它的子类java.sql.Date是被支持的。因此如果对象包含时间类型的属性,且希望被转换的时候,一定要使用java.sql.Date类型。否则在转换时会提示argument mistype异常。

type mismatch什么意思

type mismatch的中 文意思是:类型失配。英式发音为  。


type mismatch的用法

1、Type mismatch between proxy type { 0} and activation type { 1}. 


2、Type mismatch in function argument: { 0}(), argument { 1}, expected { 2}. 


3、Decoder type mismatch. Cannot load the requested decoder. 


4、In other words, when two class loaders load different classes ( that is, different bytecodes) with the same name, class loader constraints guarantee that there will be no type mismatch between them. 


5、Type mismatch between indexed read and indexed write methods 


6、Event stub^ 0 has a parameter type mismatch with its event declaration. Events take a single parameter as object. 


7、This may be due to an unset Orientation property for the axis or a type mismatch between the values being plotted and those supported by the axis. 


8、However, a file type mismatch where the filesystem contains a plain file and the database records a device node is harmless; this is how pseudo emulates creation of device nodes.
