
balance an

balance(想买双鞋,新百伦、纽百伦和new balance到底哪个是真的该买哪个)

admin admin 发表于2023-02-20 09:32:48 浏览56 评论0



想买双鞋,新百伦、纽百伦和new balance到底哪个是真的该买哪个

新百伦、纽百伦和new balance并不是同一个品牌。

大家重点关心的应该是“总统慢跑鞋”到底是哪个牌子对吧?它是new balance。

其实还有一个容易被大家弄混的品牌,纽巴伦。这3个名字开始都是大家对New balance的中文叫法,但是其实这些中文名都是中国的一些小的运动品牌。

被誉为“总统慢跑鞋”“慢跑鞋之王”的New balance现在并没有中文名字。只要是有中文名的都是中国品牌。最开始New balance在中国命名确实是新百伦,但是当时中国自己有一个已经注册了的名称正好也叫新百伦,New balance被告,然后就没有中文名了。

什么新百伦,纽巴伦都不是你们要的那个品牌,他们都是借着New balance的名字和N标志的中国低端运动品牌。想要买好的跑鞋的人们千万不要买错了。还有就是外面那些门店天天打折,买一送一什么的都是中国品牌,而且质量并不怎么样。



体操 gymnastics

屈体跳 piked jump
山羊 buck
足尖跑 running on toes
高杠 high bar
肩倒立 shoulder stand
吊杠 hanging bar
侧空翻 side airspring
吊环 hand ring
横杠 bar
蹦床 bounding table
双杠 parallel bars
鞍马 pommeled horse
高低杠 asymmetrical bars
平衡木 balance beam
平衡梯 balancing
规定动作 required routine支撑 rest;support
水平支撑 front rest horizontal hanging scale lever
手倒立 hand stand
手翻 beuypitch;handspring,semi―aerial tumbling;spring
悬垂 hand;suspense
旋翻 twist turn
滚翻 roll
摆动动作 swing part
腾越 vault
静止动作 hold part

have gymnastics lessons

英语作文 如何使用信用卡

As mentioned in an early article, there are two types of credit cards: secured and unsecured. This article will explore some of the issues of secured credit cards.
What is a secured credit card?
A secured card is a credit card that requires you to deposit a certain amount of money into a savings account, money market account, or certificate of deposit. The minimum amount usually ranges between $200 and $500 but this will vary from one company to another. Your deposit is considered your security and some card issuers will even allow the deposit to earn interest.
The amount that you deposit into the account is your credit limit. You should understand that sometimes the limit will be for the full amount that you put into the account but with some companies your limit may be a percentage of the total amount that you deposited.
A secured credit card is not a debit card. This is important to understand because if full payments are not made each month, interest will be charged on the outstanding balance.
Who should consider using secured credit cards?
If you have no credit history at all, using a secured credit card can be a good way to begin establishing your credit. Many young people who are just starting out may choose this as an option.
If you have bad credit, you may wish to use a secured credit card to help you improve your credit score. In addition, a secured credit card may be the only source you will have for obtaining a credit card. There are some transactions that require the use of a credit card. This might include car rentals or hotel reservations. If you need to make those types of transactions and cannot get an unsecured credit card, this might be the only way you can get a true credit card.
What to look for in a secured credit card:
Interest Rate: Do not be fooled into thinking that because you have no credit history or a bad credit report that you have to settle for exorbitant interest rates. Make it a point to shop around for the lowest rates that you qualify for before you apply for a secured credit card.
Fees: Pay close attention to any fees that will be charged to you or to your account once it is opened. There are some companies that will charge ridiculously high fees that will reduce your initial deposit before you even use the card. Stay away from those companies. Look for companies that have no fees whatsoever or for those companies that charge a small one-time fee to set up the account. Annual fees for attractive secured cards typically range from $20-$35.
Scams: It is sad to say that there are companies out there who are in the business of ripping people off. They prey on the vulnerability of those who may be in a credit crunch. Some of the things they do include promises of getting you “quick credit“ for a price. Another popular scam is to ask you to call a 900 phone number for “secrets“ to getting a credit card or credit repair. Your phone company will charge you a high rate for using a 900 number and you never get the information that was offered.
The best advice to avoid secured credit card scams is that if it sounds too good to be true it is. Use your common sense and do not be taken by these crooks.
Credit Improvement Issues: Even with a very good payment history on your secured card it can takes many months before you begin to see improvement in your credit record. You have to be patient when repairing bad credit. You also have to be smart. Make sure that the company that issues the secured credit card to you will report your good payment history to the three big credit reporting agencies. Not all companies report and if they do not report you are simply wasting your time.
Keep in mind that they will also report your bad payment history if you do not pay on time. Be careful and make your payments on time each and every month.



  • Unpaid balance

  • Outstanding balance

outstanding balance

balance有“均衡,差额“的意思。实际这里相当于he pays for course or accommodation in order not to be outstripped(超越,胜过).
如果那样理解,应该说pay for any outstanding balance of course or accommodation.不是吗?因为pay for后面跟它的对象宾语,为什么而买单。原句的目标宾语却是course or accommodation而不是差额本身。
所以,这里的 any outstanding balance 相当于句子的一个状语成分,“以钱来补足差距”,钱的概念反映在pay(为..付钱)身上。

outstanding payments是什么意思

outstanding payments
网 络
1. The bank called for all outstanding payments.
2. Outstanding payments will be transferred to your account after the cargo ship arrived.
3. But they receive no dividends until interest payments are made on outstanding bonds.
4. Encourage prompt payments to RI for the full amount of the outstanding balance.


三性加分(additional score for risk,difficulty and originality)
体操比赛术语。国际体操联合会男子技术委员会于1954年苏黎世会议上通过。即按难度由低到高把动作分为A组、B组、C组三个等级。并制订出各个项目的动作难度分类表,附于当时发行的《国际评分规则》上。此后随着技术水平的提高,评分规则中难度分类表也日趋完善。 现在还有E组动作 ,更难的称为超E组动作。
会商(hold a consultation)
有效分(middle mark)
纪律违例(violation of demand)
基本分(base score;basic score)
后得分(final score)

outstanding balance是什么意思

outstanding balance
英 [ˌaʊt’stændɪŋ ’bæləns]     美 [aʊt’stændɪŋ ’bæləns]    
用作名词 (n.)
Further orders will not be processed on those accounts where outstanding balances are overdue for payment.


1.track and field; athletics
赛艇rowing 、羽毛球badminton、垒球softball 、篮球basketball、足球football、拳击Kick Boxing 、皮划艇canoe/kayak 、自行车cycling; cycle racing 、击剑fencing 、体操gymnastics、举重Weightlifting、、柔道judo、棒球baseball、马术horsemanship、、网球tennis、乒乓ping_pong、射击fire 、铁人三项、排球volleyball。游泳Swim 跳高Jump
自由体操 floor/free exercises
技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics
垫上运动 mat exercises
单杠 horizontal bar
双杠 parallel bars
高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars
吊环 rings
跳马 vaulting horse
鞍马 pommel horse
平衡木 balance beam
球类运动 ball games
足球 football; soccer
足球场 field; pitch
篮球 basketball
篮球场 basketball court
排球 volleyball
乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong
乒乓球拍 racket; bat
羽毛球运动 badminton
羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle
球拍 racket
网球 tennis
棒球 baseball
垒球 softball
棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground
手球 handball
手球场 handball field
曲棍球 hockey; field hockey


1、羽毛球:badminton, [ˈbædmɪntən]。

1873年,在英国格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿镇有一位叫鲍弗特的公爵, 在他的领地开游园会时,有几个从印度回来的退役军官就向大家介绍了一种隔网用拍子来回击打毽球的游戏,人们对此产生了浓厚的兴趣。“伯明顿”(Badminton)即成为英文羽毛球的名字。




3、篮球:basketball, [ˈbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l]。

1904年,圣路易斯奥运会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1936年,篮球在柏林奥运会中被列为正式比赛项目 。1992年,巴塞罗那奥运会开始,职业选手可以参加奥运会篮球比赛。


广义的“体操”是对所有体操项目的总称。现代奥运会体操项目设有竞技体操、艺术体操 和蹦床三个大项,除此以外还有竞技健美操、技巧运动等非奥运会项目。

5、网球:Tennis 。





