

marvel(如何评价荣威Marvel X)

admin admin 发表于2023-02-19 20:34:42 浏览40 评论0



如何评价荣威Marvel X

近年来各大汽车品牌都在布局新能源汽车,其中以各大互联网巨头联合投资的蔚来汽车可谓出尽风头,但是从去年12月份上市的蔚来ES8至今销量却并没有很可观,7月份仅售1300辆。而在前几天的成都车展上,荣威汽车上市了自己的新能源车型—Marvel X,这矛头可是直指蔚来ES8,下面我们就来看看这款荣威Marvel X都有哪些亮点吧。

荣威Marvel X的售价区间是26.88—30.88万元,共计两款车型,比起蔚来ES8的44.8—54.8万元的售价区间来看,便宜的整整一半。优势非常明显。

一、 外观设计

荣威Marvel X的外观很有看点,前脸是光弧式的横条状格栅,荣威家族传统的飞翼式大灯灯组与格栅融为一体,光源采用LED并且配备了流水式转向灯,独特又富有辨识度。


二、 动力参数

荣威Marvel X的两个车型分别采用双电机和三电机驱动,三元锂电池的电池类型可以让他的续航里程最大达到403公里,比起蔚来ES8的355公里还是有一些优势的。

三、 车身尺寸

荣威Marvel X的整车尺寸是长宽高分别为4678/1919/1618mm,轴距达到了2800mm。作为一款中型新能源SUV,在尺寸上略逊色于中大型SUV的蔚来ES8。

四、 内饰配置





MARVEL X定义为电动超跑,这台车的性能到底怎么样














同为中高端电动车,全新唐EV和荣威MARVEL X谁更值得入手

荣威Marvel X与唐EV并不属于同级车,唐EV如属于中端则漫威X最高等级属于轻奢。


动力系统分为后驱和四驱,后驱版为后桥双电机然而也只有137kw、410N·m,参数理论上也可以实现相当理想的动力,不过7.9秒的破百成绩在同一价格区间新能源汽车中并不算强劲;四驱版为前单电后双电,综合功率达到222kw以及665N·m,这一版本能在4.8秒破百还是比较理想的, 不过性能对续航的影响太严重了。







荣威MARVEL X这款车怎么样

你好,我是玩车弟,荣威MARVEL X是一款纯电动的SUV,要说一款纯电动汽车的技术是否成熟可靠,要从电机,以及续航能力上进行总体分析,首先我先给你介绍一下它电机的整体性能。






荣威MARVEL X和保时捷全系车型,到底谁是王者

10月21日,在上海天马山赛车场上演了一出好戏——荣威MARVEL X挑战保时捷911、718、Macan、帕拉梅拉。那么这场速度与激情的较量究竟谁笑到了最后呢?


荣威MARVEL X被称为“全球首款电动智能超跑SUV”,看名字就不难得知它的动力是主打方向。其分为全驱版和后驱版两种车型,均使用52.5KWh的三元锂电池与永磁同步电机的组合,其中全驱版有三个电机,后轴上安装两个前轴一个,最大功率222KW,峰值扭矩665NM。官方给出的百公里加速达到了4.8秒,考虑到重达1870kg的整备质量,这个数据已经足够惊艳了,如果没有强悍的动力,哪来的胆量来叫板保时捷呢?双驱版两个电机置于后轴,百公里加速7.9秒,即使这个成绩也是不输同级的任何对手。续航方面,官方给出的全驱版最大续航里程为503km,上海天马山赛车场全长2.063公里,跑满两圈后电量下降了1%,看来这个数据可信度还是蛮高的。不仅如此,在快充模式下40分钟就可充到满电量的80%,极其方便省时。


如此强悍的动力更应该匹配一个运动潮流的外观,MARVEL X车身上设计有大量U型弧光,远远看来,就像一道飞驰的闪电。大面积的横条幅镀铬中网辅以两侧锐利的LED大灯,营造出血脉喷张的大嘴效果。车身侧面采用双腰线设计,使整车看起来更加匀称,并且安装有隐藏式门把手,一体化更加明显。来到车尾,一条连接左右侧尾灯的镀铬装饰条将其分为上下两个部分,ROEWE和MARVEL X的字母分居上下两侧,极好的平衡了视觉观感。

内饰也是MARVEL X的一大亮点,触手可及的部分均采用了皮质包裹,并以浅棕为主要色调,突显豪华。19.4英寸的中控屏上搭载了一套斑马智行3.0系统,智能导航、音乐、语音控制等功能一应俱全。值得一提的是,MARVEL X还拥有AR增强现实技术,前方路况会被立体的显示在仪表盘上。同时,在车速达到100km/h后NVH控制的也很出色。驾驶感和乘坐感都极其舒适。


赛道之上,PK一触即发,MARVEL X被保时捷跑车包围在中间,颇有一种三英战吕布的即视感。引擎轰鸣,随着裁判一声令下,比赛拉开帷幕。MARVEL X作为一台电动车,其起步优势在这时就显的相当明显,当仁不让的冲到了第一位,与后面的911拉开了半个身位。弯道的卡位及直道强力的加速度另后面的跑车难以超越,最终MARVEL X一路领先,以1分32秒的成绩率先撞线。百米冲刺竞争的较为激烈,肉眼已经很难分辨是谁先冲过了终点线,MARVEL X与Macan势均力敌。一次次引擎的轰鸣和拉拉队的热舞点燃了现场气氛,高潮连连,掌声不断。


作为上汽荣威迈向中高端市场的首款车型,MARVEL X的强劲动力及外观内饰都是值得肯定的。其不仅开创了智能汽车新领域,为消费者带来智能便捷用车体验的同时,更为无人驾驶的到来提供了更多可行性和预见性。

又是一个“秒杀”特斯拉的全球首款,荣威MARVEL X真的行吗

现总结下结论,后面再细谈:说荣威MARVEL X秒杀特斯拉,那只能说太过自信了。就技术水平看,无论是在电动驾驶和智能驾驶的成熟度上,上汽和特斯拉硬杠还不够格。就设计水平看,荣威MARVEL X确实是一款高度延续概念车,设计造诣很不错的车型。但大家要注意了,这款车的概念车本来就收着,而且设计并不算大胆。如果不说这是一款纯电汽车,相信很多人看不出来。

关于纯电表现和智能化水平看,特斯拉都应该是量产电动车领域的引领者,荣威MARVEL X最后一公里自动泊车虽然很不错,但特斯拉已经玩自动驾驶很多年了好吗?虽然最近特斯拉一直不太平,但技术实力毋庸置疑。举例来说,体量更大的特斯拉Model X 75D的NEDC续航里程是417km,但荣威MARVEL X在工况法(国家)续航里程不过370km。

(荣威MARVEL X长宽高分别为4678/1919/1616mm,轴距为2800mm。Model X长宽高分别为5037/2271/1684mm,轴距为2965mm)

而就设计水平看,虽然荣威MARVEL X高度延续了概念车设计,但就设计的高级感来说,它还是比不上Model X。举例来说,Model X的鹰翼门就十分唬人,而且还能实现多种角度折叠,功能性也是很不错的。

另外,荣威MARVEL X仍然保留了传统汽车设计风格,相对保守,但Model X给人的信号很直接,一眼就能看出这是一款纯电动车。既然纯电就是来搅局的,我觉得还是要个性化一点才好。

当然,荣威MARVEL X巨大的19.4英寸中控屏,一定能让你忘掉以往任何接触过的任何一款量产车,包括大中控屏鼻祖特斯拉。可以肯定,配合以少数的按键和换挡按钮带来的良好点缀效果,荣威MARVEL X中控绝对能排上年度最唬人前三。


荣威MARVEL X和特斯拉Model X的讨论就到这里,因为我觉得拿这两者比较其实并没有太多意义。毕竟价格放在那里。其实荣威MARVEL X真正应该比较/对抗的是自家的ERX5和一众造车新势力才对。

在动力表现上,荣威Marvel X配备两台驱动电机,驱动电机功率分别为85kW和52kW,最高车速170km/h,百公里加速4s。相比现在最高端的荣威ERX5,后者最高车速不过135km/h、百公里7.8s。

对外方面,这一表现足以媲美蔚来ES8的4.4s百公里加速成绩,不过后者的极限速度要比荣威Marvel X高10km/h,所以在这点上二者算是打了平手。但是就功率和扭矩方面,还是ES8要强势一些,毕竟身上那两台高性能电机,其最大功率高达480kW、峰值扭矩则直逼840Nm。

电池方面,荣威Marvel X采用时下正火的宁德时代的三元锂电池组,电池能量密度达145.76Wh/kg,和荣威ERX5表现相当。但在整备质量更高的情况下(1870kg),通过更大的电池组,将最大续航里程推到了500km,工况法续航里程则达到370km;


不过对外方面,这个数据就不太亮眼了。虽然它比ES8表现要好(综合工况下的续航里程为355km),但要知道后者的尺寸可是达到了5022/1962/1753mm/轴距3010mm,可是要比荣威Marvel X大很多。

另外价格更加便宜的威马EX5综合续航里程要高达450km/h,达到这个范围我想大多数人的里程焦虑就不太明显了。考虑到EX5的科技感也相当不错,荣威Marvel X还是有压力的。

当然了,荣威Marvel X的耗电量仅为14.2kmh/100km,如果在400A的快速充电模式下,仅需40分钟就可以充满80%的电量,可以说很好地弥补了续航里程有待提高的问题。不过考虑到现在的快充条件,对大部分用户来说,实际效果很难达到如此出色的程度。

根据规划,荣威MARVEL X将在今年6月份启动预售,9月份正式上市交付用户。没有了像新势力造车周期的困扰,让蔚来、威马、小鹏汽车一众企业羡慕不已。不过在技术特点看,想要PK造车新势力那股冲劲还是有不小难度的。所以一旦新势力们携着量产车杀入市场,到时候到底是谁的天下,还真有待观察。



1、DC的头牌英雄基本都是黄金时代的遗产,Marvel黄金时代(那时还叫Timely)的三巨头到如今还能算上一线的只有美国队长一个了,也就是Marvel实际上是白银时代才真正(基本上全是Stan Lee和Jack Kirby的功劳)崛起的。






A skin milk can be said to be the most bright a name card in agreeable virtuous delicacies.Agreeable virtuous abounds in the high-quality water buffalo milk, besides a skin milk outside, the ginger bumpses the milk, fry the milk and fry the milk, milk fried dumpling, milk a round flat cake, following the virtuous person develops out various uses of the water buffalo milk all.The delicacies prose house shen is great to say not:Agreeable virtuous person to milk of deeply attached, do not say in the south of ling, is whole the race of han too very rare.
Big and good water buffalo milk pole liang , there is“ a bead“ with“ hang the cup“ of thick dense.Milk flavor with joss-stick, use to cook such as“ big and good fry the milk“, again or create“ braise a skin milk“ with to“ ginger juice bump the milk“ etc., all have the very good result.
A skin milk faces with people’s letter, the letter of renmost for main line, two should be and together the root livings, the first ancestor is all a “ the father of a skin milk“ dong filial piety hua .There is a renletter in the happy road in east, person every evening a jiji , the business is very it is prosperous.We arrive at to gather news here, hot liver beam the boss carries an a skin milk provides us to taste.
The wonderful place of a skin milk, ising the milk on skin can keep skin from laying egg the liquid is intemperate but appear aging, so special lubrication in finished product.Because the work preface is complicated, the creation is fine, to do an a perfect a skins milk, the whole distance needs 2 and a half hours.
A skin milk chooses the fresh water buffalo milk that use has not yet the dilution, adding just the right amount of refined sugar, boiling with the slow fire, avoiding the fresh protein in the milk concretion.Need the refined sugar well after fusing, divide to note an inside, need the hot milk jing after places the cooling, superficial coagulation a very thin milk in layer skin, sign to take the milk skin dime lightly with the zhu at this time, pour out the milk along the rim of a bowl.Leave the milk skin in a bottom.This work preface handles to call the “ too skin“.The milk of pouring out joins the egg the pure mixing evenly, mixs with the egg milk to syrup with the filter after filtering, infuse into lightly from the leathern openings in milk in a bottom, make milk skin floats to rise slowly.Original bowl into pot, cover the arch form pot cover, the ge water braises to again familiar, then a skin milk.Beam the owner says, the main work preface is still to complete personally from him, after all is secret that one after one generation it is rumored amid.
Gather news that very day, we be lucky to permit to arrive at kitchen second floors, miraculous a skins milk creation in the spot visit process.The at present a view make person marveling without stop:See 100 semi-processed goodses tidy only but arrange in small compass more than 20 rices in case on the stage grow, a honor guard for is white porcelain, milk,such as white jade,, as ifly battlefield ordering soldier arranging is general, the condition is extremely sublime.
Because that very day is experience that Christmas festival the first a day, press beam the boss, evening to person who eat a pair of skin milks will compare usually much several times.The letter of ren is old to spread although it is said each color a light repast, cold drink has several hundred kinds of, but a skin milk is forever lord to beat the product.Can sell usually several 100 bowl, the stanza day off then sells up to thousand.
The yongzuthat there is not a few a skins milk complains to say:A skin milk is too sweet.Beam the owner says, for looking after the modern people the low taking a meal the request thermally, he has reduced the sugar, but can’t reduce again too severe, otherwise the fresh flavor of the water buffalo milk do not come for.
Shuangpinai Shunde cuisine can be said to be one of the most beautiful cards.Shunde milk rich in water quality, in addition to Shuangpinai, ginger plane milk, milk speculation that the bombing of milk, milk fried dumpling, milk cake.Shunde people of the various uses of water have developed the milk.Food essayist fei said : Shunde passion for the milk, let alone in the southern whole Chinese nation is also very rare.Big milk very good water quality goods, “depressed“ and “pegged Cup,“ the stiffness.Milk special incense, used runners as “milk-speculation“, or the production of “stewing Shuangpinai“ as well as the “Ingredients plane milk.“have excellent results.Shuangpinai to a trust, most of whom Ren, both from the same root, is the ancestor of “Father Shuangpinai“ DONG Xiao Hua.Hui Dongle road in a letter to the head every night, the presence of a very brisk business.We come here to interview, the boss brought out a warm beam five or six tastes Shuangpinai for our taste.Shuangpinai the instance, the surface is Naipi subcutaneous egg if you can prevent aging and, in particular lubrication products.Because of the complicated process to produce fine to make a perfect Shuangpinai throughout needed two hours and 30 minutes.Shuangpinai use of fresh water without diluting milk, adding some sugar, and boil slowly, to avoid milk protein coagulation.To be fully dissolved sugar, separate injection bowls, you put it aside for at least hot milk after cooling, a thin surface layer formation Naipi.At this time using bamboo stick lightly to provoke Naipi 3.10, milk tray along the ground.Naipi left in the tip.This treatment process called “rolling too Paper.“Adding egg white milk down the well. Ovo mixed slurry used Filter,She injected from the tip Naipi the bunghole, Naipi slowly float.Original bowl wok, back arched Cover and Riser again Dunzhi cooked, it becomes Shuangpinai.Beam boss said he personally completed the major processes remains, after all, the secret of which is handed down from generation to generation.Interview the same day, we honor given to the second floor of the kitchen, visiting the magical Shuangpinai production process.Scene : the amazing eyes only 100 ranked in the Bowl semi-neat and intensive case of the 20-meter-long stage,is a white porcelain bowl, white as milk, as the honor guard generally ranked soldiers on the battlefield, is extremely impressive.Because that day is the day before Christmas, according to Liang bosses experience, the evening will eat Shuangpinai times higher than normal.Ren old shop Although colored snacks, cold hundreds, but never hit Shuangpinai products.Weekdays selling hundreds of bowls, sold 1,000 holidays will bowl.Many of the fan complained : Shuangpinai Shuangpinai a sicky-sweet.Beam boss said that to address the modern low calorie consumption, he has reduced sugar, but it can not be reduced too drastically.Otherwise, the flavor of milk could not get off the water.
Double Pi Naike said is a Shunde good food sharpest name card. Shunde is rich in the high quality water milk, besides the double skin milk, Jiang Zhuangnai, fried the milk, explodes the milk, the milk pot-sticker, the cheese, the Shunde person all develops water milk each use. Good food proser Shen Hongfei said that,Shunde people to milk being passionately devoted, let alone in Lingnan, is the entire Han nationality extremely is also rare.
The greatly good water milk dresses up extremely, has “the silver ingot” and “hangs the cup” thick thick. Down to the milk taste is especially fragrant, uses for to prepare food like “fries the milk greatly good”, or the manufacture “cooks the double skin milk” “Jiang Zhizhuang the milk” and so on, has the extremely good effect.
Double Pi Nai to believes, the kind letter most orthodox school by the people, the two originally are lives with the root, the first ancestors all are “father of the double skin milk” Dong Xiaohua. Has a kind letter in east Le Lu, every evening number of people is all numerous, business extremely prosperous. We arrive here to interview, warm boss Liang carried leaves 56 kind of taste double skin milks to taste for us.
The double Pi Nai interesting part of it, is on the surface cream may prevent the skin lays eggs the fluid to go too far appears the aging, therefore the end product lubricates specially. Because working procedure complicated, the manufacture is fine, must make a perfect double skin milk, the entire journey needs for 2 half hour.
The double skin milk selects without the dilution fresh water milk, adds the right amount white sugar, boils with the slow fire, avoids in the fresh milk the protein coagulation. After treats the white sugar full dissolution, divides in the note bowl, after waits the hot milk to settle cooling, on the surface congeals light cream, this time gently provokes a cream jiao with the bamboo slip, pours the milk along the bowl nearby. Leaves behind the cream in the bowl bottom. This working procedure processing is called “扌 too the skin”. Pours the milk which comes out to join the egg white to mix evenly, filters the egg milk mix thick liquid after the filter, pours into gently from the bowl bottom cream jaw opening, causes the cream to float off slowly. The original bowl enters the pot, covers the arch pot cover, separates the water to cook again to ripely, then forms a pair the skin milk. Boss Liang said that, the main working procedure still personally completed by him, was after all the secret which was the continuation of in among.
The interview same day, we are allowed to arrive fortunately the kitchen two buildings, the scene visit mysterious double skin milk manufacture process. At present scene mirable not already: Sees only hundred bowls of half-finished products neatly and arranges crowdedly in on more than 20 Mi Chang document Taiwan, the bowl is the white enamel, milk like Baiyu, is similar to the guard of honor which a sandy plain soldier arranges to be ordinary, scene extremely magnificent sight.
Because the same day is the Christmas day day before, according to boss Liang’s experience, the human who evening eats double Pi Nai can compared to usually many several times. Although the kind letter established shop the assorted snack, the cold drink have several hundred kinds, but the double skin milk forever is the host hits the product. Ordinary day may sell several hundred bowls, the holiday must sell over a thousand bowls.
Has many double Pi Nai to support the wholesale to complain: Double Pi Naitai was sweet. Boss Liang said, in order to consider the modern people low quantity of heat to eat food the request, he already reduced the sugar minute, but cannot reduce too fiercely, otherwise the water milk fresh taste cannot come out.


I often travel. I like taking a trip to Beijing most. Because there are scenic spots and historical sites in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Summer Palace, Tian An-men, etc.. Especially go to visit the Great Wall, because the extraordinary grandness of the Great Wall, it has solidified the Chinese people’s crystallization,etc.. The people there are very kind and approachable. However, that of generally going will say mandarin, will still grasp certain English. Grasp weather there,etc..

miracle 和marvel的区别


1、miracle n. 奇迹;神迹


〔例证It was a miracle that they managed to catch the train.


2、marvel n. 奇迹


〔例证〕People believe that these are the marvels of modern science.




英 [’mɪrək(ə)l]  美 [’mɪrəkl] 

n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例


英 [’mɑːv(ə)l]  美 [’mɑrvl] 

v. 感到惊奇(或好奇);大为赞叹

n. 令人惊异的人(或事);不平凡的成果,成就;惊讶,惊奇



只有复数: miracles


第三人称单数: marvels 复数: marvels 现在分词: marvelling 过去式: marvelled 过去分词: marvelled