
educational exchange

educational exchange(SEAL是什么机构的英文缩写)

admin admin 发表于2023-02-27 21:32:02 浏览56 评论0




很多种意思了。但楼主问的可能是美军的“海陆空作战队”。Sea - Air - Land Combat Team。注意:不光是“海陆空”的意思。见下面第一条:
SEAL is short for:
Meaning Category
Sea - Air - Land Combat Team Governmental-》Military
Sea Explorer Advanced Leadership Academic & Science-》Ocean Science
Service Education And Leadership Community-》Educational
Skill Exchange And Learning Community-》Educational
Sleep Eat And Lift Business-》General
Society For Experimental Arts And Learning Community-》Non-Profit Organizations
Submarine Escape Action Levels Governmental-》Military
Sulcal Extraction And Labelling Governmental-》US Government
Sulcus Extraction and Assisted Labelling Business

the Council on International Educational Exchange是什么意思

美国国际教育交流协会 (CIEE)
简介: CIEE成立于1947年, 为非政府、非营利的全球性教育机构,总部在美国Portland, Maine。其宗旨为帮助人们在当今全球化的环境中,增进不同文化间了解、获取知识并发展技能,以应对复杂且快速发展的世界。自创始以来,CIEE一直在全世界的语言学习与文化交流领域中处于领导者地位。仅2003年,就有超过五万名的中学生、大学生与教师参与协会创办的各种全球交流项目。近60年来,CIEE不断在世界各国开设办事处,设立新项目,并建立新型合作关系。CIEE北京办事处成立于1979年,位于北京大学校内,是最早进入中国 的国际教育机构,在海外学习领域里享有很高的声誉。

It is to be___an exchange student 英语作文80词

A group of British students from Woodpark School in London are visiting XinhuaJunior High School in Beijing on an educational exchange.“I was very nervous at first,” says Sarah.“However,my host family are really friendly.I’m glad to be a guest in their home.I’ve learnt to use chopsticks,and they’re teaching me a little Chinese!”
The students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students.At the weekend,they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.
“It’s been a fantastic experience so far,” says Eric.
“I’ve learnt a bit of t’ai chi,and I really
enjoy it.We’ve already learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history.The teachers have introduced us to Chinese painting as well.We’ve also tried to paint some pictures ourselves!I haven’t had much success yet,but I’ll keep trying.”
“I’ve made many new friends,” says Sarah.“I plan to keep in touch with them when I return home.We’ll see one another soon because they’ll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month.I can’t wait!”

educational exchange是什么意思

educational exchange
1. I’m so glad to take part in this educational exchange.

关于“educational exchange“写一篇英语作文 80个单词左右

what to do during the summer holiday?(这个暑假做什么?)The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. Views vary form person to person.Some students like to stay at home. Because they think that travel will spend a lot of money. And stay at home is more comfortable. Despite the advantages stated above. Stay at home, We can’t learn more form the world.Mean while, some student want to go out to have a trip.In this way thay can their horizon more widely. But it will spent more money and meet some troubles while they are traveling.假期生活:This summer, I had some special days. I joined Dongzhou International Educational Exchange Summer Camp.  First, I will tell you about our foreign teachers, they are Shrina and Rebecca. They are friendly and beautiful. They are students at Oxford University.  We talked about many things: famous people, subjects in England, different jobs, our deal days, western star signs, what can we say in a restaurant and so on.  We know lots of things, like what the difference is between “chef” and “cook”, all the parts of the body…  We tried to write a letter to Principal Zhang. We made a play and we drew our own comics and tried to sell it. We gave some other students English lessons, we taught them about Chinese Dragon, Chinese Martial Arts and the Olympics.  Every afternoon, we played exciting games: Chinese Whispers, Tongue Twisters, Wheelbarrow, egg and spoon, three legs…  On the last day, we had a good time. We made black tea. We put tea bags, some milk and lots of water in to a big bowl, and then we stirred the tea until it became red and dark. Oh, it tasted good! Later, we used eggs, flour and milk to make many pancakes. To cook them is very interesting. When we finished it, the pancakes looked round


Dear Mike
I am so glad to hear from you! i believe you are having a good time in Christmas holidays! I am still in the No.4 Peking Middle School, and i join some clubs in the school, such as basketball club, piano club computer club, and painting club. I have many hobbies and i like activities very much. among all my hobbies, in fact my favorite is the architecture. I like architecture from very young age and in the library i can read books on architecture for a day. My favorite subject is physics because it has something to do with the architecture.
New year is coming, i plan to go abroad to see architecture. oh, it is big dream, right. I think I can make it ture because we have a chance to go to the USA for half a year as a educational exchange. if I can get all-A in the school subject, I can get the chance. I will work hard for it, believe me!
yours sincerely
Wang Qiang

创意English duty talk

或者干脆弄个纯粹for fun的游戏,找些有意思的甚至有哲理的IQ题或谜语让大家猜猜,然后告诉他们这道题目说明了什么,锻炼和拓展了什么思维之类。注意不要冷场,冷场是互动talk show的大忌,要调节好气氛。

去到国外去进行一些类似于educational exchange的体验活动,但不是出国留学那种,有什么弊端,至少三个

  1. 时间太短,只能是走马观花。

  2. 时间、活动等都是被安排的,只能看到别人想让你看的,只能听到别人想让你听的。

  3. 体会和了解不到那个国家的真正文化和现实。