
catching crabs

catching crabs(有没有用英语介绍螃蟹的文章)

admin admin 发表于2023-03-01 01:36:23 浏览93 评论0




  Catching Crabs
  There is a river near my home. There are a lot offish and crabs in it. I often go to catch crabs with my brother.
  Yesterday my brother and I went to catch crabs again. As soon as we got to the river, we began to work at once. My brother caught crabs with his hand, and I put them into a basket. After a short time we caught a lot of crabs, for my brother was very skillful at it.
  Crabs have two sharp and large pincers. Ifyou are not careful, the crab may grip your fingers firmly and make you painful, Once my brother was gripped by a crab. He put his hand to the crack ora rock very slowly, and moved the crab to one side. Then he held the crab’s back, with another hand, forcing it to loosen its pincers Quickly he threw it into my basket.
  We worked till about five o’clock in the afternoon. Then we went back home. The basket was very heavy with several jin of crabs in it. We had a delicious dinner.


Last summer vacation I went to the beaches with my parents.Do you know what the local people were doing?Some of them were catching the crabs ,fish,other seafoods.I was having a rest on the soft soil,watching the scenery of the blue sea!Can you imagine how relaxed I was!My parents were playing beach volleyball over there!I had a wonderful time on my last vacation!This was the happiest vacation!


But childhood gave me the impression is not so good, because very early to school, back home after a day Xia Leke the largest program is doing homework, parents of a relatively strict, not to watch television in general, only the weekend to relax.
In fact, my childhood are also very happy when the weekend is the time for parents and children together to play parks or Waterfront Park, where a rotating Trojans, and many of the small crabs. So now, I still like catching crabs at the seaside.
Happy childhood memories are also unhappy memories, I would like to remember only those unhappy.

英语作文 写一篇70词左右的英语短文,讲述自己最难忘的一次经历.【用过去进行时】

Last summer vacation I went to the beaches with my parents.Do you know what the local people were doing?Some of them were catching the crabs ,fish,other seafoods.I was having a rest on the soft soil,watching the scenery of the blue sea!Can you imagine how relaxed I was!My parents were playing beach volleyball over there!I had a wonderful time on my last vacation!This was the happiest vacation!

catching crabs什么意思

catching crabs
蟹( crab的名词复数 ); 阴虱寄生病; 蟹肉;
捕蟹( crab的第三人称单数 );


You gringos are like a bad case of the crabs.


Catching Crabs

1 In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. the relaxed atmosphere of the

preceding summer semester, the imprompt ball games, the boating on the Charles River, th late-night parties had disappeared, and we all started to get our heads down, studying late, and attendance at classes rose steeply again. We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we bee ame determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one w anted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o’clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-06



Catching Crabs

1 In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. the relaxed atmosphere of the

preceding summer semester, the imprompt ball games, the boating on the Charles River, th late-night parties had disappeared, and we all started to get our heads down, studying late, and attendance at classes rose steeply again. We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we bee ame determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year. No one w anted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o’clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.


如果您对我的服务满意 麻烦给个五星评价吧~

It is better to die one’s feet than _______. 求答案

综述:It is better to die one's feet than(live on one's knees).










A Better Tomorrow英雄本色;无敌者;明天会更好;无籍者






稜 skin turtle Division (Dermochelyidae) and the turtle Division (Cheloniidae) of the sea-dweller turtle.Adapt to the aquatic life, limb into fin-shaped, conducive to swim.Generally only during the breeding season out of water coming ashore.Female turtle eggs will be digging holes at the beach.稜 skin turtle (Dermochelyscoriacea) was extant turtle species of approximately 2.1 meters (7 ft), weighing about 540 kilograms (1, 200 pounds).End of the two former fin is approximately 2.7 between span meters.The most broadly long up to 3 meters, weighing about 900 kg.Composed by strut carapace, slightly overburden to sepia or black leather quality skin.Back 7 obvious longitudinal 稜, there are 5 of the abdomen.On the world’s oceans, longer than swimming, and omnivorous.
稜 Dermochelys coriacea turtles (skin)
Sea turtles are turtles turtle species.Presence in Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.Made in China, belonging to the Japan Sea turtles from Shandong, South to have distribution Beibu Gulf offshore.Up to the life of 1 m, maximum size of around 150-year-old ... with a pair of overhead his forehead squamous cell.Forelimb propeller, extremities as taking longer than the hind limbs, medial, toe has got a claw.Head, neck and limbs could shrink into KAB.Feed mainly on seaweed.Living in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, to land their eggs, hatchling.Meat edible fats can refinery.As a national class two animal protection.
Turtle maxillary-mandibular flat out, slightly curved to the bait, JAWS rim jagged notched.On the forehead and squamous cell 1.Heart-shaped carapace assumes.Arrange Scutum inlay.Vertebral shield 5 slices; rib guilders per side 4 tablets; 11 per side margin shield.The paddle-shaped extremities.Forelimb longer than the hind legs, claws medial with 1.Male tail is long, one half of $ body length.Forelimb claws large, curved hook.Carapace olive or brown-coloured stripes, clutter-taking; abdominal KAB yellow.Living in the upper sublittoral.To fish, cephalopod animals, crustacea and algae, etc.The annual 4 to 10 months for the breeding season, often in the vicinity of the mating surface of the reef, 3 ~ 4 hours.Female at night to get to shore on the beach, forelimb to dig a deep and body high considerable Tai Hang, pits, and then to hind alternating to dig a diameter 20 cm, deep 50 cm or so ” “ eggs hang, in the pits to lay eggs.Producing BI to cover, and then back to the sea.The annual spawn several times, 157 per production 91 ~.Egg white, round, 41 ~ 43 mm diameter, shell, the Shura soft leather quality.Incubator 50 ~ 70 days.
Sea turtle life up 152 years, is animal well-deserved 老寿星 animals longest life expectancy — turtles turtles as early as the emergence of 230 million years ago, on the planet is the famous ” “ living fossils.As far as the world of Guinness record, the turtle’s life up 152 years, is a well-deserved 老寿星 in animals.Precisely because the turtle is the longevity of animals in the ocean, so the people along the instruction will still be turtle regarded as the mascot of longevity, just as the mainland people with pine trees the same as a symbol of longevity, coastal people also turn the turtle seen as a symbol of longevity, and have ” “ Wannian turtle. The ocean is currently a total of eight species of sea turtles, where there are four produced in our country, principally in Shandong and Fujian, Taiwan and Hainan, Zhejiang and Guangdong coast, the maximum number of our group is the green turtles.
[edit types of this paragraph]
In the ocean Live 8 species of sea turtles: a leatherback turtle, hawksbill turtles and red head, olive green squamous turtle, big turtles, green sea turtles, black turtle (Pacific Lepidochelys) peace back turtles.All of the sea turtles were classified as endangered species.
Since male turtles and young turtles go ashore, we will not be very difficult to know the sea turtle survival in the wild.The number of the sea turtles are generally calculated according to their hatching rate.
Research shows that all kinds of immature sea turtles are different degrees of diminished.Especially big turtles and leatherback turtles, all sea turtle disappearing kinds of greatest risk.The maximum number is olive green squamous turtle several to the Indian coast nesting.
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) body large and heavy carapace length of about 0.7 ∼ 1 meters, weighing about 1.4 kilograms. ∼ 90The largest body length about 1.2 meters above sea level, 585 kilograms in weight.Carapace width and smooth, full-body-Brown or light green, distributed in coastal areas of the world; the main warm waters; feeding of seaweed and unlike other turtles sometimes ashore in the Sun.
Caretta caretta turtle () for a large, similar to the green turtles, but the larger head.Micro-reddish-brown or brown carapace length of about 0.7 ∼ 2.1 meters.Large specimens General weighing about 135 kilograms, but nearly 400 kilograms in weight.It is rumored that their temperament ferocious carnivorous, spread throughout the world’s oceans.
Eretmochelys imbricata) hawksbill (body smaller.Its scientific name according to the carapace arranges the overlying plate of tile.The warm waters around the world ocean.Aggressive to feed animals and plants.KAB long about 40 ∼ ∼ 55 cm (16, 22-inch) weighs about 45 kilograms of 13 ∼ ∼ 100 pounds (29).
RI Dali turtle l. (Lepidochelys) is a small turtle, width, a circle.Atlantic RI Dali turtle (m. kempii) gray, about 60 ∼ 79 cm.Produced in the Gulf of Mexico, accidental Gulf stream, an East-North-New England, Great Britain and Europe.This kind of turtle and tortoise commonly known as “hybrids“, this name originates from people mistook Atlantic RI Dali turtle is green turtles and turtle after generation.Pacific Dali turtle (L. olivacea) on the Indo-Pacific region. warm-water areaThe type of the body is greater than the Atlantic, slightly greenish to animals and plants.
[edit feature of this paragraph]
Turtle is in existence for 1 billion years of prehistoric reptiles.Sea turtle scales and quality of the shell, although you can stay under water for several hours, but still want to regulate body temperature floating surface and breathe.
It is the largest sea turtle, Leatherback turtle as long as 2 metres, over 1 ton.The smallest is olive green squamous turtle, 75 cm long, 40 kg heavier.
Turtle uniqueness is the tortoise shell.It can protect sea turtles are inviolable, let them swim around freely in the harbour.In addition to the leatherback turtle, all of the sea turtles have shells.Leatherback turtles with thick oily skin, presents 5 longitudinal edged ..
And the tortoise, sea turtles which can’t be in the head and limbs shrink back to the shell.Like wings-like forelimbs mainly used to promote the turtle forward, and the hind limbs like rudder direction in the grip of travelling time.
In mature male and female turtle prior to the body is the same.When male turtles matures, tail thickened with variable-length, because the reproductive organs in relation to the bottom of the tail.
Different types of sea turtles have different mature age.The hawksbill turtles 3 years old mature, turtles-50-year-old mature.Turtles must be at the land lay their eggs, once can yield 50-200 a ping-pong ball-shaped eggs, but the chances of young sea turtle survival respirable.
[edit this paragraph] Habitat and range of activities
Most of the sea turtle survival in a relatively shallow coastal waters and bays, lagoons, coral reefs and sea-river estuary.We usually warm and comfortable throughout the world’s seas found turtles.
Different kinds and the same type of sea turtle populations within each migration habits.Some turtles to swim to several kilometers away from the nesting and feeding turtles.While the leatherback turtle migration farthest, they want to 5000 kilometers of beach nesting.Black turtle is like in their distribution area of the southernmost and northernmost turtles breeding and feeding.
[edit this paragraph] diet
Turtles whilst no teeth, but their beak but very sharp, different species have different eating habits.Turtle is divided into plant-eating, meat and omnivorous.
Red-headed turtle and tortoise and squamous cell, you can have JAWS milled crabs, some coral Mollusca, jellyfish.While the hawksbill turtle’s upper beak hook Qu resembling olecranon, available from the coral interstices identify sponge, shrimps and squid.Green Turtle and black turtle palate assumes the jagged, mainly eats the seaweed and algae.
Turtles eat aquatic plants also swallowed seawater, ingest a large number of salt.Beside the sea turtle some special of the lacrimal gland expel these salts, creating a sea turtles on the shore of “ tears ” phenomenon.
[edit] this paragraph survive threat
Mainly hatching areas damaged and illegal poaching.
Incubation area damaged
The development of the beach greatly reduce sea turtle nesting sites.Turtles are no longer ashore incubation for various reasons: human activities and noise pollution and waste barricaded the turtles way, and if turtles eat the rubbish they may die; Beach man-made light allow turtles to mistake is misled them in the daytime, evening incubation, it will make just hatching out want to go back to sea turtles lose direction.In India Orissa incubation of olive green sea turtles are also facing serious threats.
Illegal poaching
Turtle shells are used to tabulate Combs, spectacle frames, jewelry and other cosmetics and priced very expensive.Turtle fat was used to make soup, sea turtle eggs is also considered wild game.
[edit this paragraph] sea turtle protection
Sea turtle protection work into a high-speed development period, coastal economic activities and harmful fishing operations subject to monitoring.Sea turtle conservation work has been much progress has been achieved.Australia has launched a project, investing millions of dollars in community in the turtle conservation activities, and trying to find ways to solve the problem of ghost nets.Indonesia is conducting an advanced study to determine the fishing industry and the turtle survival status of mutual relations, and with industry to develop appropriate mitigation measures.Seychelles have developed innovative ways to make the participation of private enterprise to actual conservation action.At present, eight countries have already begun implementation focuses on turtle protection of national plans, whereas the other ten countries are also plans to introduce similar schemes.Decades, Austria, Oman, Seychelles and South Africa are monitoring the number of various since sea turtle; otherwise several countries in the last decade have also implemented a protection scheme.United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Bangkok Office is responsible for coordinating the agreement executed by Douglas Hykle said, this national report made it clear that countries are making greater efforts, monitoring, management and protection of the countries of the turtles.
The quantity of green turtles in Sudan, Oman, but in Indonesia and the Philippines, due to unsustainable poaching turtle eggs and collected, the quantity of green turtles.It is reported in the Indian Embassy in the nest, thousands of Lepidochelys quantity continues to decline.While in Thailand, Lepidochelys quantity has been very scarce, it is estimated the number only and has a history of 5 per cent of the high level. Signatory pointed out that natural phenomena such as predator-prey is the largest sea turtle facing threats, immediately following it is incidental capture of coastal fisheries issues.It is reported both threats involving 18 countries by about 35 per cent of the scene in strength is “ moderate to strong ”.In 14 countries of the 20 per cent of field investigations, turtle egg collection have serious threats at all ranks third.After a thorough investigation, the traditional turtle meat and turtle egg consumption remains at three quarters of the signatory States.
Fishery is also becoming the focus of concern.Half of the signatory to the report of fixed gill net have severe effects on sea turtle.Shrimp trawling cause turtle become Deputy catches by, has been a serious problem, however, only one signatory taken effective measures to solve this problem.There are other harmful illegal fishing activities have been put on record, some destructive fishing methods start coming back, such as the use of explosives and poison.
The development of coastal areas, such as the negative consequences of tourism, has also become a focus of attention.The project’s Advisory Committee, said Dr Jack Frazier: “ in most of the Indian Ocean region, coastal development, particularly tourism facilities construction quickly.On sea turtle nesting beaches and turtle foraging and rest of the nearshore beaches, the negative effects caused by growing significantly.”
Is expected to have more than 30 countries of the official delegation will attend the Bali meeting.The meeting will discuss an ambitious conservation and management plan to implement the programme involves the field of the 24 project.The meeting will focus case studies, including coastal development problems, fisheries and the turtle of a large project in India and Indonesia to tuna longline fishing industry.The meeting also discusses the establishment of a turtle and endangered habitats in the network.
Recently also will introduce some sharing of information and monitoring turtle number of new tools, such as recently upgraded IOSEA online reporting system.The line database at: http://www.ioseaturtles.org/report.php, website involved, the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asian turtle haunted 700 key locations.Users can query the system to obtain relevant information, such as a sea turtle species occur, they place in a particular threat faced by, and is implementing mitigation measures that ongoing research activities.Google maps provide all information of high resolution satellite images.
[edit] law of this paragraph
All turtles are in the CITES Convention (CITES) law protection, does not allow any turtle products traded.Even from abroad brings any turtle products are an offence.
Sea turtles there is not currently enlisted in the list of animal protection in China.But as the international wildlife trade one of the Convention on the Member States, China always supports prohibit any turtle products traded.
[edit] network of this paragraph the words
Overseas officers.Formerly ” “ returned, and now use more is known as “ turtles homonym ”. This is known as the network.
[edit the value of this paragraph] diet therapy
Turtle species turtle meat.The distribution of the Yellow Sea turtles and South China Sea.Get the main extraction, after the flesh and blood standby.
Sexual taste flat.Be delicious, moistening the cough.For ganshenyingxuxing, hot flashes, night sweats or dryness and Yin with lung, gasp cough short gas, etc.Can be cooking or fried soup.


fish 1
1 / fɪʃ; fɪʃ/ n (pl unchanged or ~es 复数或不变或作fishes) =》Usage 见所附用法.
[C] cold-blooded animal living in water and breathing through gills, with fins and a tail for swimming 鱼: They caught several fish. 他们捉到几条鱼. * fishes, frogs and crabs 鱼﹑ 青蛙和螃蟹 =》illus 见插图.
[U] flesh of fish eaten as food 鱼肉: frozen, smoked, fresh, etc fish 冻鱼﹑ 熏鱼﹑ 鲜鱼 * boiled, fried, grilled, etc fish 煮鱼﹑ 炸鱼﹑ 烤鱼 * Fish was served after the first course. 第一道菜之後就上了鱼.
(idm 习语) a big fish =》 big. a cold fish =》 cold1. a different kettle of fish =》 different. drink like a fish =》 drink2. a fine, etc kettle of fish =》 kettle. a ,fish out of `water person who feels uncomfortable or awkward because he is in unfamiliar surroundings 离开水的鱼(因环境不熟悉而感到不舒服或尴尬的人): With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people. 我出身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在. have `bigger/`other fish to fry have more important, interesting, etc things to do 另有要事或有兴趣的事要做. neither fish, flesh nor
good red herring (saying 谚) difficult to identify or classify; vague; ambiguous 难以识别或分类的; 非驴非马的; 不伦不类的. an `odd/a `queer fish (infml 口) eccentric person; person whom others find hard to understand 古怪的人; 难以理解的人: He’s a bit of an odd fish -- he’s never been out of his house for years. 他这个人很古怪--多年来深居简出. play a `fish (when fishing with a rod and line) allow a fish to exhaust itself by forcing it to pull against the line (钓鱼时)让鱼拉钓线使之疲乏. there are (plenty of) `other fish in the sea; there are (plenty) `more (good) fish in the sea there are many other people/things that are as good as the one that has proved unsuccessful 海里的鱼有的是(这个不成, 好的人[事物]还有很多).
》 fishy adj (-ier, -iest)
1 of or like a fish, esp in smell or taste 鱼的; 鱼味的; 鱼腥味的: a fishy smell 鱼腥味.
2 (infml 口) causing a feeling of doubt or suspicion 可疑的; 引起怀疑的: There’s something rather fishy going on here. 这里有些事不大对头.
,fish and `chips fish fried in batter and eaten with fried potato chips 软炸鱼加炸土豆条: Fish and chips is getting very expensive now. 现在软炸鱼加炸土豆条越来越贵了.
`fish cake small flat cake of cooked fish and mashed potato, usu covered with breadcrumbs 鱼饼(鱼﹑ 土豆泥, 通常裹以面包屑制成的饼).
,fish-eye `lens wide-angled lens with a distorting effect 鱼眼镜头; 超广角镜头.
`fish-farm n area of water used to breed fish artificially 养鱼场.
,fish `finger (US ,fish `stick) small oblong piece of fish covered with breadcrumbs or batter 鱼条(裹着面包屑或面糊的长方形鱼肉条).
`fish-hook n barbed metal hook for catching fish 鱼钩. =》 illus at hook 见hook插图.
`fish-kettle n oval pan used for boiling fish 椭圆形煮鱼锅.
`fish-knife n blunt knife with a broad blade used for eating fish (吃鱼用的)餐刀.
`fishmonger / -mʌŋgə(r); -ˏmʌŋɡɚ/ n (Brit) person whose job it is to sell fish in a shop (商店的)鱼贩: buy fish at the fishmonger’s/from the fishmonger 从鱼贩那里买鱼.
fish-net n 1 [C] net used for catching fish 鱼网. 2 [U] fabric made with small holes 网眼织物: [attrib 作定语] fish-net tights 鱼网状裤袜.
`fish-slice n kitchen tool consisting of a broad flat blade that has slits in it and is attached to a long handle, used for turning or lifting food when cooking 煎鱼铲(铲面上带有长孔). =》 illus at kitchen 见kitchen插图.
`fishwife n
1 woman who sells fish 卖鱼妇.
2 (derog 贬) nagging abusive person (usu a woman) 粗俗爱骂街的人(通常指女人): She was screaming like a fishwife! 她像泼妇一样尖叫!
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Fish as a countable noun has two plural forms: fish and fishes. *fish一词作可数名词时有两个复数形式: fish和fishes.
1 Fish is the more usual form, used when referring to a mass of them in the water to be caught or seen 较普通的形式是fish, 指水中可捕捉或可看见的鱼: The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了. * A lot of fish were caught during the competition. 在比赛中捉到很多鱼.
2 Fishes is used to refer to different species of fish *fishes的形式是用以指鱼的不同品种: He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean. 他专门研究印度洋的鱼类.
》 fishing n [U] catching fish as a job, sport, or hobby 捕鱼(为生﹑ 为娱乐或为业余爱好的): deep-sea fishing 深海捕鱼 * Fishing is still the main industry there. 捕鱼业仍为那里的主要行业. * [attrib 作定语] a fishing boat 渔船 * a fishing ground 渔场. `fishing-line n line1(9a) with a hook attached for catching fish (系有钓钩的)钓线, 钓丝. `fishing-rod n (US `fishing pole) long wooden or (jointed) metal rod with a fishing-line attached to it 钓竿. `fishing-tackle n [U] equipment used in fishing 渔具. fish 2
/ fɪʃ; fɪʃ/ v
(a) [I, Ipr] ~ (for sth) try to catch fish with hooks, nets, etc (用鱼?﹑ 鱼网等)捕鱼: I often fish/go fishing at weekends. 我常在周末去钓鱼. * fishing for salmon 捕大麻哈鱼. (b) [Tn] try to catch fish in (an area of water) 在(某水域)中捕鱼: fish a river, lake, etc 在河中﹑ 湖中等捕鱼.
[Ipr] ~ for sth search for sth, esp in an area of water or a hidden place 寻找某物(尤指於某水域或隐蔽处): fish for pearls 采集珍珠 * Fishing (around) in the bag for the keys. 在袋子里摸找钥匙.
(idm 习语) fish in troubled waters try to gain advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs 混水摸鱼.
(phr v) fish for sth try to gain sth by indirect methods 设法用间接手段得到某事物: fish for compliments, information, praise 拐弯抹角获得恭维﹑ 情报﹑ 赞扬. fish sth out (of sth) take or pull sth out (of sth) esp after searching for it 经搜寻後从(某物)中拖出或拉出某物: Several old cars are fished out (of the canal) every month. 每月都从运河中打捞出几辆旧汽车来. * He fished a length of string out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子.
》 fishing n [U] catching fish as a job, sport, or hobby 捕鱼(为生﹑ 为娱乐或为业余爱好的): deep-sea fishing 深海捕鱼 * Fishing is still the main industry there. 捕鱼业仍为那里的主要行业. * [attrib 作定语] a fishing boat 渔船 * a fishing ground 渔场. `fishing-line n line1(9a) with a hook attached for catching fish (系有钓钩的)钓线, 钓丝. `fishing-rod n (US `fishing pole) long wooden or (jointed) metal rod with a fishing-line attached to it 钓竿. `fishing-tackle n [U] equipment used in fishing 渔具.