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4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。



引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。

论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:提出-论点;分析问题-论据和论证;解决问题-论证与步骤;结论。
















CSS outline:none当元素获得焦点的时候,焦点框为0.比如说当前这个网页,你用tab键切换的时候,文字链接、搜索框、按钮等的外面会有一个虚线框(或高亮框),此时当前的元素就获得了焦点,你可以对它进行操作。这个功能一般是为使用键盘操作的用户准备的。有些链接——比如一个图片链接,你不想让他出现虚线框破坏设计感,就可以用此方法。建议一般不要去掉,只在一些影响设计美感的地方用。毕竟这个焦点框对键盘用户是很有帮助的。定义和用法outline-style 属性用于设置元素的整个轮廓的样式。样式不能是 none,否则轮廓不会出现。outline (轮廓)是绘制于元素周围的一条线,位于边框边缘的外围,可起到突出元素的作用。outline 属性设置元素周围的轮廓线。注释:请始终在 outline-color 属性之前声明 outline-style 属性。元素只有获得轮廓以后才能改变其轮廓的颜色。注释:轮廓线不会占据空间,也不一定是矩形。默认值: none 设置轮廓的样式:p { outline-style:dotted; }浏览器支持所有主流浏览器都支持 outline-style 属性。只有在规定了 !DOCTYPE 时,Internet Explorer 才支持 outline-style 属性。可能的值值 描述 none 默认。定义无轮廓。 dotted 定义点状的轮廓。 dashed 定义虚线轮廓。 solid 定义实线轮廓。 double 定义双线轮廓。双线的宽度等同于 outline-width 的值。 groove 定义 3D 凹槽轮廓。此效果取决于 outline-color 值。 ridge 定义 3D 凸槽轮廓。此效果取决于 outline-color 值。 inset 定义 3D 凹边轮廓。此效果取决于 outline-color 值。 outset 定义 3D 凸边轮廓。此效果取决于 outline-color 值。 inherit 规定应该从父元素继承轮廓样式的设置。


第一个选择:An outline breaks down the parts of your thesis in a clear, hierarchical manner. Most students find that writing an outline before beginning the paper is most helpful in organizing one’s thoughts. If your outline is good, your paper should be easy to write.The basic format for an outline uses an alternating series of numbers and letters, indented accordingly, to indicate levels of importance. Here is an example of an outline on a paper about the development of Japanese theater:OUTLINE NOTES I. Thesis: Japanese theater rose from a popular to elite and then returned to a popular art form.II. Early theatrical formsA. BugakuB. SarugakuC. Primitive NohD. Authors and AudienceIII. Noh theaterA. AuthorsB. Props1. Masksa. womenb. demonsc. old men2. Structure of StageC. Themes1. Buddhist influence2. The supernaturalD. Kyogen interludesE. AudienceIV. KabukiA. AuthorsB. Props1. make-up2. special effectsC. Themes1. Love stories2. RevengeD. AudienceV. Bunraku (puppet) theaterA. AuthorsB. PropsC. Themes1. Love stories2. Historical romancesD. AudienceVI. Conclusion The thesis is stated in the first section, which is the introduction. The body follows the introduction, and breaks down the points the author wishes to make. Note that some section have subdivisions, others do not, depending on the demands of the paper. In this outline, II, III, & IV all have similar structure, but this will not necessarily be true for all papers. Some may only have three major sections, others more than the five given here. Your conclusion should restate your thesis, and never introduce new material. 第二个选择:How to Write an Outline What is it?An outline is a general plan of the material that is to be presented in a speech or a paper. The outline shows the order of the various topics, the relative importance of each, and the relationship between the various parts.Order in an OutlineThere are many ways to arrange the different parts of a subject. Sometimes, a chronological arrangement works well. At other times, a spatial arrangement is best suited to the material. The most common order in outlines is to go from the general to the specific. This means you begin with a general idea and then support it with specific examples.Thesis Statement of Summarizing Sentence All outlines should begin with a thesis statement of summarizing sentence. This thesis sentence presents the central idea of the paper. It must always be a complete, grammatical sentence, specific and brief, which expresses the point of view you are taking towards the subject.Types of OutlinesThe two main types of outlines are the topic outline and the sentence outline. In the topic outline, the headings are given in single words or brief phrases. In the sentence outline, all the headings are expressed in complete sentences.Rules for Outlining1. Subdivide topics by a system of numbers and letters, followed by a period.Example:I. A. B. 1. 2. a. b.II. A. B.2. Each heading and subheading must have at least two parts.3. Headings for parts of the paper of speech such as, Introduction and Conclusion, should not be used.4. Be consistent. Do not mix up the two types of outlines. Use either whole sentences of brief phrases, but not both.ExamplesTopic OutlineChoices in College and AfterThesis: The decisions I have to make in choosing college courses, depend on larger questions I am beginning to ask myself about my life’s work. I. Two decisions describedA. Art history or chemistry1. Professional considerations 2. Personal considerations B. A third year of French?1. Practical advantages of knowing a foreign language2. Intellectual advantages3. The issue of necessity II. Definition of the problemA. Decisions about occupationB. Decisions about a kind of life to lead III. Temporary resolution of the problemA. To hold open a professional possibility: chemistryB. To take advantage of cultural gains already made: FrenchSentence OutlineChoices in College and AfterThesis: The decisions I have to make in choosing college courses, depend on larger questions I am beginning to ask myself about my life’s work.I. I have two decisions to make with respect to choosing college courses in the immediate future.A. One is whether to elect a course in art history or in chemistry.1. One time in my life, I planned to be a chemical engineer professionally.2. On the other hand, I enjoy art and plan to travel and see more of it.B. The second decision is whether to continue a third year of French beyond the basic college requirement.1. French might be useful both in engineering and travel.2. Furthermore, I am eager to read good books which are written in French.3. How necessary are these considerations in the light of other courses I might take instead?II. My problem can be put in the form of a dilemma involving larger questions about my whole future.A. On the one hand I want to hold a highly-trained position in a lucrative profession.B. On the other hand I want to lead a certain kind of life, with capacities for values not connected with the making of money.III. I will have to make a decision balancing the conflicting needs I have described.A. I will hold open the professional possibilities by electing chemistry.B. I will improve and solidify what cultural proficiency in another language I have already gained, by electing French.第三个选择:How to Write an OutlineAn outline is a list of topics, of sentences, or of questions you intend to answer in your essay. The outline is the over-all plan of your essay. It determines what central points your paper is going to make and how they will be organized, to support your thesis. Steps All parts of the outline should be constructed and organized to support your thesis or central point. Therefore, before you begin the outline you have to have a sense of what you will argue in the paper: you have to be clear about your thesis statement. Main Categories. Arrange your general ideas in main categories. These are the main topics of your essay. Arrange your main categories in the order you discuss them.To help you arrange your categories: look at your main categories, with your thesis in mind, try to find a way that the labels might be arranged in a sentence or two that supports your argument. Sub-categories (Paragraphs). Within each general category list and arrange the paragraphs that support the category. Sentences. Within each sub-category list and arrange your specific notes to support the argument made on that paragraph. This is the order of sentences in the paragraph. The arrangement of caregories, sub-categories and sentences should present a clear, logical argument to support your thesis. Read here about Methods of proving a topic sentence. Also, the different sections should relate logically to each other. Read here about Logic in Argumentative Writing. Organize the outline according to your purposes: Are you attempting to show the chronology of some historical development, the cause-and-effect relationship between one phenomenon and another, the process by which something is accomplished, or the logic of some position? Are you defining or analyzing something? Comparing or contrasting one thing to another? Presenting an argument (one side or both)? Some methods of organizing:Climactic arrangement: one that works up to your strongest point, which is delivered as a kind of grand finale.The inductive argument: in which you build up the evidence first, and then draw conclusions. A problem-solution format: involves presenting the problem first and then outlining the solution.More Principles of Organization. Tips A sample of a topic outline. An outline can be written as a topic outline, in which you use only short phrases to suggest ideas, or as a sentence outline, in which you use full sentences (even very brief paragraphs) to show the development of ideas more fully. Warnings Your paper depends on it! A good outline enhances the organization and coherence of your paper. The outline can help you organize your material, stay focused, be clear, discover connections between pieces of information that you weren’t aware of, make you aware of material that is not really relevant to the purposes of your paper, help you fill in gaps, etc. Watch who that you communicate with if On-Line.




Outline n. 1. 提纲, 要点, 概要2. 外形, 轮廓, 略图3. 概述,梗概vt. 1. 画出…的轮廓,显示,勾勒,描画(事物的轮廓)2. 概述, 列提纲,略述如你是学生,目前在阅读写作中最长碰到和用到的意思是“提纲”写作文/论文,老师一般会要求先列提纲Draw an outline泛读的时候,主要也是把握outline例句1.outline; summary 要略收藏指正 2.original outline 原先的提纲收藏指正 3.outline for review 复习提纲收藏指正 4.Outline your goals. 道出你的目标。收藏指正 5.outline; essential points 崖略收藏指正 6.in broad outline 概略地收藏指正 7.outline; sketch; essentials 纲要收藏指正 8.draw an outline 画一张略图收藏指正 9.a shadowy outline 模糊的轮廓收藏指正 10.Outline of Medicine 《证治汇补》收藏指正


outline不是派生词outline的翻译如下vt.概述;略述;显示…的轮廓;勾勒…的外形n.概述;梗概;轮廓线;略图前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词与原词词性相异。例如:injustice(不公平的), unhappy(不高兴的, impossible(不可能的)等。但要注意:英语中的前缀in-,un-通常表示“不”或“…的相反”的含义,因此由其构成的派生词一般具有否定的意义。然而,有些由这两个前缀构成的派生词并非有否定的意义,而与词根同义或近义。著名学者周海中教授在《in-,un-不一定表示“否定”》一文中就举了若干个例子,如:coming/incoming(来到),habit/inhabit(居住于),loose/unloose(解开,释放),rip/unrip(撕开)等。这类派生词虽然不多,但值得注意,勿望词生义。


outline 英 n. 梗概,大纲,提纲,草稿,要点,主要原则;外形,轮廓,轮廓线,轮... vt. 概述;略述;画轮廓,打草图,描略图 profile 英 n. 侧面,半面;外形,轮廓;翼型;人物简介 vt. 描…的轮廓;给…画侧面图;为(某人)写传略;铣出…的轮廓 outline 指平面图形的边界线,常常指物体在背景上的正投影的边线,是二维的图形profile 指(面部的) 侧面轮廓


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第一个问题在是maya8以后默认情况下把设置正确的骨骼和蒙皮后转换成彩色显示。这样就表示骨骼间的运动互相作用。比如你的人物模型在T-pose 状态下,拉扯移动手腕,到了一定的距离,他的手臂,肩膀,腰部都会跟随着手腕的运动而做出最接近于真实的物理反应。就好比你站着不动别人扯拽你的手臂会做出何种反应一样。这样的骨骼交互在maya中做FullbodyIK。第二个问题你表述的不是很清楚。不是很理解你的意思。但是你可以重新按一下outline下面的4格视窗显示再按会outline试试看。如果还是不行 建议更新显卡驱动。


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