


admin admin 发表于2023-03-22 12:13:04 浏览35 评论0






We went straight to a supermarket in the city. I saw lights and lights in the shop, and I was jubilant; the radio, gongs and drums in the new year’s festival were in bursts, and the music was exciting; the goods on the counter were all kinds of, and there was an endless stream of people buying new year’s goods. Everyone was immersed in an atmosphere of joy.


Our family split up, each carrying a shopping basket to get what they need. Soon, we had all the things we wanted to buy. I have everything to eat, wear and use. Of course, I have snacks, extracurricular books and sports goods I want.


With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, new year’s products are more and more abundant, and people’s life is more and more wonderful.


television 英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 美[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən] 

n. 电视节目; 电视,电视机; 电视业; 

[例句]She turned the television on and flicked around between news programmes.


[其他] 复数:televisions




1 We should tout our wares on television. 


2 They erected a television antenna on the roof. 


3 He hawked his products on radio and television. 


4 The president beamed his views at the nation through television speeches. 


5 New programmes will appear in the fall on television. 


6 A colour/black-and-white television

7 The manufacture of television sets is a case in point.


8 I have got a remote color TV with a 29-inch screen.


9 My mother got a TV set form this department store on time.


10 It is vitally important to switch off the electricity before attempting to repair the television.


11 The sound,image,or message transmitted or received in telegraphy,telephony,radio,television,or radar.


12 If you put on the radio, the television, and the iron, it will blow the fuses.



尽管到处是林立的工厂,遍地弥漫着烟尘,这一地区的自然 霉仟并不差。就地形而论,这儿是一条狭窄的河谷,其中流淌着一道道发源自山间的深溪。这儿的人口虽然稠密,但并无过分拥挤的迹象,即使在一些较大的城镇中,建筑方面也还大有发展的余地。 这儿很少见到有高密度排列的建筑楼群,几乎每一幢房屋,无论 大小,其四周都还有剩余的空地。显然,如果这一地区有几个稍有职业责任感或荣誉感的建筑师的话,他们准会紧依山坡建造一些美观雅致的瑞士式山地小木屋——一种有着便于冬季排除积雪的陡坡屋顶,宽度大于高度,依山而建的低矮的小木屋。可是,他们实际上是怎么做的呢?他们把直立的砖块作为造房的模式,造出了一种用肮脏的护墙板围成的不伦不类的房屋,屋顶又窄又平,而且整个地安放在一些单薄的、奇形怪状的砖垛上。这种丑陋不堪的房屋成百上千地遍布于一个个光秃秃的山坡上,就像是一些墓碑竖立在广阔荒凉的坟场上。这些房屋高的一侧约有三四层,甚至五层楼高,而低的一侧看去却像一群埋在烂泥潭里的猪猡。垂直式的房屋不到五分之一,大部分房屋都是那样东倒西歪,摇摇欲坠地固定在地基上。每幢房屋上都积有一道道的尘垢印痕,而那一道道垢痕的间隙中,还隐隐约约露出一些像湿疹痂一样的油漆斑痕。


On September 1, I will enter a new environment of higher life began. I expected. I like!
Perched precariously, along the way, the fourth of the school has ended, at this moment, my heart, or happy, or sorrow, or regret, or excitement. Looking from the familiar stranger to finish in the past, students study dribs and drabs, I carefully with the sweet memory storage. Before the high grade shigeshijiemen see from my eyes, however, filled with the wing for a better future. Many of my dream now is a mixture. We have crossed between wave youth first threshold, reaping the back on the past, thoughts, and the future prospect. Third, our past together with the teachers, thin, experiencing never tasted ups and downs, young joy of feeling. The future of higher, paintings, imagining the question from the shrinking, drilling bright sunshine, I expect, carefully opened the door, the colourful teenager with boundless sea of cats and dogs sunshine and I hit. I was surprised to wide mouth, eyes, look around flat-footed between filled with joy and yearning. I will have higher learning tasks and heavy pressure and heart longing is increasingly more rich and colorful campus life and dream. I want to be in the chest don’t own bright TuanHui in literature, to enjoy the charm of text in science, to develop a tour of the physical world, experience the fun of his hard. The higher the mysterious, can I brandish asperses self-purity and beautiful tong, also can enjoy appreciate passion of youth. In July, the sun is shining and eye-catching slight heat up and look out of the window, lush, rows of camphor trees are tall and leafy branches and leaves, covered with green in summer wind rustling. Someday, we would also like this beautiful camphor tree, dance, the heart of the dream. Now, we need to do is to walk every step steadfastly with wisdom, decorate with faith and their youth, so, can see the rainbow after the rain, snow empress sunshine. The beautiful summer, waved her hand, and we walked to the station, the youth with lofty sentiments towards a stand down, from now on, belong to our future.
Tall, I don’t know if I could use a good attitude to face, I want to study hard, improve grades, but I know I am not such persistence, is I never fail. Or unwilling to face, so the learning school. I knew in high school, I was very nervous, especially the study of art especially immortal, so we will learn art. I was ready to fight! Let the more violent storm!
Facing the new classmate was, I stared. I fear. I don’t know. I can’t let go, and they make friends heart failure experience in junior high school. Let me afraid and anyone do the very good friend, because their friends and I will think before, someday we will become the most familiar strangers. Can also listen to once said, high n is really can make good friends! Stage. I believe! Ignore those who experience, I believe people are not the same. After high school, everybody can have a lot of things are going down.


“The lord of flies“ alludes to the word Baalzebub in Hebrew.
The Bible terms “Baal“ as “the head of all evils“. In English, “the lord of flies“ is the lord of filth, and meanwhile a synonym of “evil soul“
The story is set in a remote period in the future. During a nuclear war, a group of boys are evacuating from Britain to the south in a plane, which was forced to land on a desolate coral island after being attacked. So the boys are temporarily cut off from the civilized world. No plane, no adults, the civilization which human beings took great pains to extablish becomes precariously at risk. The unfavorable living condition on the island is posing a threat to the survival of the kids, but ---
The evil inside these innocent boys are even more hazardous.
They begin an island life without adult guidance. The 12-year-old Ralf is the son of an British Navy Commander. As an elegant, optimistic and confident boy, Ralf feels hilarious to get rid of adult control. He summons the other boys scattering on the island with a trumpet and declares himself their leader. Under Ralf’s leadership, the boys set up tents, collect wild fruits, and light bonfires as signals asking for rescue. At first their island life seems harmonious and enjoyable, until the appearance of some “wild beasts“. The tranquility was disturbed among them. As a result, they split up into two groups: one headed by Ralf, insisting on establishing a civilized island society with ordered behaviours, for example, taking pees at designated locations, organizing meetings to cope with emergencies, rasing his hands when someone wants to speak at such meetings, and lastly, a perennial fire being kept as a signal of asking for rescue. The other party of them is headed by Jack, the choir leader. They sneered at the civilized, democratic conducts, advocated the original sin, devastation, and instincts for destroying.
Presumptuous by nature, Jack felt discontent when Ralf is elected the leader. When he is assigned the hunting job, he stabbed through
the heads of wild hogs on pointed wood posts. Then he forces his crew to paint their faces in mised colors like barbarians do and have a spree around the hog head which had buzzing flies around. He does not stop the signal fire from burning out, though, which deprived the boys of the valuable chance of receiving rescue. It turned out more disasterous that, as time went by, Jack’s party prevailed and more boys joined them. The evil of human nature finally finds an outlet when the boys are far away from civilization and other obligations. The boys stepped into the abyss of “evil“. In a bid to regain his leadership, Ralf attacked the residence of Jack with his crew. Ralf’s best friend, Piggy, dies in the intense battle after falling off a cliff, Simon is beaten to death, and Ralf himself is surrounded. A slaughter followed among the boys. Horror swept the whole island. Finally these boys destroyed the whole lot on the island, whild ended up in a glaring fire. A turning point saved the day when an British warship noticed the fire and arrived on time to rescue Ralf.
Ralf is finally rescued as he wished, but he feels extremely sad. He weeps incessantly for the fall of humanity of his friends...


1、hanger 挂钩

2、hanse 中世纪商业行会

3、hangman  刽子手

4、hangout 常去的地方

5、hangover 宿醉

6、hangup 挂断

7、hangwire 炸弹保险丝

8、hank 一束

9、hanker 渴望

10、hankie 手帕

11、hanksite 碳酸芒硝

12、hang 绞杀


hang 读法 英 [hæŋ]     美 [hæŋ]    

v. 悬挂;(使)低垂;悬浮(在空中);逗留;绞死

n. 悬挂方式;悬挂;绞刑


1、The hang of the curtain shows that somebody is standing behind it.

2、She was condemned to hang for killing her husband.


1、hang的基本意思是“悬”“挂”,一般指把某物悬挂在高处或线上,由此下垂并能够摆动,引申可表示某物依赖于他物的状态; 某物缠在或贴在他物之上的状态以及一切能使人由悬挂的情景联想到的事物或状态。hang还可作“吊死,绞死”解。


3、hang可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式含有被动意义。

4、在正式英语中, hang作“绞死”解时,其过去式和过去分词为hanged, hanged; 作其他意义解时,其过去式和过去分词为hung, hung。非正式用法无此区别,所有意义皆用hung, hung。


1、hang loosely 宽松地披着

2、hang precariously 根据不足地搁置

3、hang stubbornly 顽固地拖延


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