
formal education

formal education(翻译一篇经济学相关文章(二))

admin admin 发表于2023-03-24 10:33:37 浏览48 评论0




2. 模型规范随机边境生产职能广泛地使用分析技术效率在过去二十年。Aigner 原始的模型、Lovell 和Schmidt (1977) 并且Meeusen 和van den Broeck (1977) 被修改了和被扩大了在numberofways 。Onedevelopmenthasbeentoexpressinefficiencyasanexplicitfunction offirm-specificvariables 。Themodelcanbeestimatedbyatwo-stagetechniquewherethe 随机边境首先被获得并且被预言的效率然后退步在牢固具体可变物。但是,一个同时估计做法有提供一致的好处和高效率的估计。Battese 和Coelli (1993 年,1995) 提出了这样模型根据盘区数据。被指定生产职能,注意现在被转动对因素影响technicalefficiency 。不幸地,thereexistsnoformalprocedurewhichcanbefollowed indecidingwhatvariablesshouldbeincludedintheefficiencyfunctionversustheproduction 作用。在最经验主义的研究中、常规输入譬如劳资或他们的等值通常包括在生产职能,以其它可变物是includedintheefficiencyfunction 。AccordingtoBatteseandCoelli(1993) ,somevariables 也许甚而出现在两个作用。在种植业,技术效率可能由大范围因素影响。这些mayinclude: A. 生物factors..these 与种类属性,相互连续影响有关在庄稼之中根据密集的庄稼系统,土壤特征,并且重音gen- erated 由自然灾害在庄稼期间成长。某种程度上,生产商是能tocontrol 或影响thesefactors viamanagement 决定。B. Humanresources..theseembraceknowledgeandskillsforcarryingoutproductionand managerialactivities 。Humancapitalcanbeaccumulatedthroughformaleducationand 训练,orlearning 由做,andcanbecomplementedbyexternaltechnicalservices 。C. 社会经济conditions..these 包括经济发展、政策框架和协会设置的状况。在中国,政
try to make you spacing better, and make it easier for people to translate!
2. 专用模型
随机边境作物函数已经在过去二十年里被广泛地应用于科技有效性的分析上。Aigner, Lovell和Schmidt(1977)及van den Broeck(1977)双方的原始模型完全可以相互替代,并且已经由它们演化出大量更多的研究方法。其中一个分支就是用于描述企业有效性的外在函数—专用变量。模型参数可以用双战策技巧来估计,即是说,先得出随机边界,再由企业专用变量回归得出预期效率。不过,一种同步估计过程在提供常数和有效估计量上更占优势。Battese和Coelli(1993,1995)根据平面数据提出了这样的一个模型。
A. 生物因素----这些与变量属性有关,在强烈的作物体系中作物间的相互连续的影响,土壤特征,以及作物生长中自然灾害的巨大压力。从一定程度上来说,耕种者通过适当的方法决策能够控制或影响这些有影响的因素。
B. 人力资源----(还是看不懂的句子。。。)
C. 社会经济情形----包括经济发展地位,政策构架和制度的制定。在中国,农业部分在各种程度上依然存在着政府干涉情形。存在着许多不容忽视的区域性的关于食品政策上的改革,尤其是地方谷物市场情形及地方政府的财政能力占有很大的决定性影响力量。特别地,土地使用期限是影响科技有效性的一个重要决定性因素。
基于数据的局限性,并不是上面提及的所有因素都能够引入分析模型。此外,Lovell和Schmidt(1980, 第23页)争论到有效性还和农业管理实施有极大的关系。因此,我们还需要考虑是否把下面的的变量包括进函数:受过良好教育的户主将有可能更能够有效的利用现有的。


So That Nobody Has To Go To School If They Don’t Want To
by Roger Sipher
A decline in standardized test scores is but the most recent indicator that American education is in trouble.
One reason for the crisis is that present mandatory-attendance laws force many to attend school who have no wish to be there. Such children have little desire to learn and are so antagonistic to school that neither they nor more highly motivated students receive the quality education that is the birthright of every American.
The solution to this problem is simple: Abolish compulsory-attendance laws and allow only those who are committed to getting an education to attend.
This will not end public education. Contrary to conventional belief, legislators enacted compulsory-attendance laws to legalize what already existed. William Landes and Lewis Solomon, economists, found little evidence that mandatory-attendance laws increased the number of children in school. They found, too, that school systems have never effectively enforced such laws, usually because of the expense involved.
There is no contradiction between the assertion that compulsory attendance has had little effect on the number of children attending school and the argument that repeal would be a positive step toward improving education. Most parents want a high school education for their children. Unfortunately, compulsory attendance hampers the ability of public school officials to enforce legitimate educational and disciplinary policies and thereby make the education a good one.
Private schools have no such problem. They can fail or dismiss students, knowing such students can attend public school. Without compulsory attendance, public schools would be freer to oust students whose academic or personal behavior undermines the educational mission of the institution.
Has not the noble experiment of a formal education for everyone failed? While we pay homage to the homily, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink,“ we have pretended it is not true in education.
Ask high school teachers if recalcitrant students learn anything of value. Ask teachers if these students do any homework. Quite the contrary, these students know they will be passed from grade to grade until they are old enough to quit or until, as is more likely, they receive a high school diploma. At the point when students could legally quit, most choose to remain since they know they are likely to be allowed to graduate whether they do acceptable work or not.
Abolition of archaic attendance laws would produce enormous dividends.
First, it would alert everyone that school is a serious place where one goes to learn. Schools are neither day-care centers nor indoor street corners. Young people who resist learning should stay away; indeed, an end to compulsory schooling would require them to stay away.
Second, students opposed to learning would not be able to pollute the educational atmosphere for those who want to learn. Teachers could stop policing recalcitrant students and start educating.
Third, grades would show what they are supposed to: how well a student is learning. Parents could again read report cards and know if their children were making progress.
Fourth, public esteem for schools would increase. People would stop regarding them as way stations for adolescents and start thinking of them as institutions for educating America’s youth.
Fifth, elementary schools would change because students would find out early they had better learn something or risk flunking out later. Elementary teachers would no longer have to pass their failures on to junior high and high school.
Sixth, the cost of enforcing compulsory education would be eliminated. Despite enforcement efforts, nearly 15 percent of the school-age children in our largest cities are almost permanently absent from school.
Communities could use these savings to support institutions to deal with young people not in school. If, in the long run, these institutions prove more costly, at least we would not confuse their mission with that of schools.
Schools should be for education. At present, they are only tangentially so. They have attempted to serve an all-encompassing social function, trying to be all things to all people. In the process they have failed miserably at what they were originally formed to accomplish.









I’m on the top of the world.我是世界之王。

I’m the best! I’m the greatest! I’m invincible.我是最棒的.我是不可征服的。

 I’m ready for any challenge.我已经准备好应付任何挑战。

idiom; comparison; English; Chinese:

英文关键词:题目采用五号“Times NewRoman”字体,加粗,两个单词的首字母要大写,置于粗体方括号【】内,顶格放置;随后的内容与前面的粗体方括号【】之间空一格,不用任何其他标点符号。

采用五号“Times New Roman”字体,不加粗,除了专有名词外,其他单词的首字母不大写,各单词之间用分号“;”隔开,分号之后空一格。


前者是官方的,如官方死亡证明 official death certificate
后者是正式的,正规的,如填写在姓名栏的formal name,向人致歉的formal letter,正规教育formal education,正式合同formal contract,晚礼服formal dress,表达都是一种尊重、庄重的感觉和氛围

formal education的优点
