

pliers(pliers 本身是单数还是复数)

admin admin 发表于2022-12-27 00:52:56 浏览87 评论0



pliers 本身是单数还是复数

pliers [’plaiəz] n. 钳子;老虎钳(plier的复数形式)
-pliers: 铗钳;钳子;镊,牙钳;钢丝钳 铗钳
专业的机械设备的咨询代表正坐等待着您 ... pinchers||钳子 pliers||铗钳 plug||柱塞头 ...
医学翻译词汇十三 ... plexor 叩诊槌 pliers 镊,牙钳 plinth ①操练椅 ②底座 ...
铸造学专业英语词汇(7) ... 钢水瓢测温法 spoon test 钢丝钳 pliers 钢丝刷 wire brush ...
-serrated pliers: 锯齿钳;有齿钳;锯齿莔 锯齿钳
医学英语词汇(S1)-英语学习-食品伙伴网 Szh... ...serrated 锯齿状的serrated pliers 锯齿钳serrefine 小弹簧镊 ...
机械工程专业英语词汇翻译 ...锯齿螺帽 serrated nut 有齿钳 serrated pliers 齿轮 serrated shaft ...
医学英语词汇(S1)-英语学习-食品伙伴网 Szh W Category Asp Bid 305 User 17 ...serrated 锯齿状的serrated pliers 锯齿莔 serrefine 小弹簧镊 ...
-gas pliers: 气管钳;煤气管钳
一把老虎钳:Pair of pliers


应该是pliers,是复数形式,老虎钳不是将两个零件(那个部分专业术语我不知道怎么说)用螺丝连接的嘛,plier指的就是单个这样的零件,所以中文说的“一把老虎钳”在英文中要说“a pair of pliers“,这和剪刀(a pair of scissors)是一个原理


pliers    英[ˈplaɪəz]    美[ˈplaɪərz]    

n.    手钳; 夹钳; 钳子,老虎钳;    


  • 1

    This pair of pliers is really handy. 


  • 2

    I got out my pliers and torch and crawled under the ambulance. 



老虎钳,也叫钢丝钳,拼音:(Lǎo hǔ qián),英文pliers ,如一把老虎钳,翻译为a pair of pliers。解释:手工工具,钳口有刃,多用来起钉子或夹断钉子和铁丝。











钳子的英语翻译 钳子用英语怎么说

[词典] pliers; pincers; tongs; forceps; pinchers;
His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers

vice ,tweeter,pliar有什么区别



pliers [’plaiəz]
plier [’plaiə]
a handful of plier
a handful of


For the detection, measurement, observation and calculation of the physical, material composition, physical parameters such as the apparatus or equipment. Vacuum leak detectors, pressure gauges, the length measurement instrument, microscopes, multipliers, all belonging to instrumentation. Broadly speaking, instruments may also have automatic control, alarm, signal transmission and data processing functions.
Instruments to improve, expand or supplement the functional. Sensory organ to people with visual, hearing, taste, touch external things, and the microscope, binoculars, sound level meter, or acidity, temperature and other instrumentation dollars to improve and expand the functionality of these people. In addition, some instruments such as the magnetometer, and Ray, and so can feel the count of the physical. Other instruments can be more than the ability to record, computing and counting, such as high-speed cameras, computers, and so on.
A brief history of instrumentation development has a long history. According to “Hanfeizi a degree of“ records, in the Warring States period, China has been the use of magnets made of natural guide apparatus, known as Sinan. Ancient Instruments in a very long historical period in which a multi-directional, or time for weights and measures used in simple equipment. 17 to the 18th century, some European physicists started to use current and magnetic force into a simple principle flow of the seizure, the use of optical lenses made of binoculars, laid the electrical and optical equipment the basis for the observation and measurement Thus, various instruments gradually developed. The 19th century to the 20th century, the industrial revolution and modern mass production of the new disciplines and promote the development of new technologies, and later a computer and space technology, instrumentation and thus rapid development. Modern instruments have become measurement, control and automation technology indispensable tool.
Category Instruments is a variety of scientific and technological comprehensive product variety, the use of extensive and constantly updated, there are a variety of classifications. The purpose and use to the use of points, mainly Measuring Tool Measuring Instruments, car dashboard, ionizing radiation meters, tractor instruments, marine instruments, aviation instrumentation, navigation equipment, driving equipment, radio test equipment, construction materials testing equipment, seismic testing equipment, land surveying Equipment, water equipment, timing equipment, agricultural testing equipment, commercial test equipment, teaching equipment, medical equipment, environmental equipment, and so on. A mechanical instrument of industrial products are industrial automation instruments, electrical instrumentation, optical devices, analytical instruments, laboratory equipment and devices, materials testing machine, the marine meteorological equipment, film machinery, photographic machinery, copying microfilm machinery, instrumentation components , Instrumentation materials, instruments and other equipment of 13 categories. They are more common, larger quantities, or for the instrumentation necessary for the industrial base.
Various types of instruments for different characteristics, such as functions, measurement and control targets, structure, principles, such as further sub-divided into several categories or subcategories. Industrial automation functions right into the dashboard instrumentation that instrument, regulation and implementation of instruments, etc. Instrumentation which is divided into physical measured by the temperature measuring instruments, pressure measurement instruments, flow measurement instruments, level measurement instruments and mechanical measuring instruments, such as. Temperature measuring instruments and mechanical measuring instruments, and so on. By measuring the temperature measuring instruments and methods into contact Thermometer and non-contact thermometer table. Contact Thermometer is divided into thermoelectric, expansion, such as vaginal Xinhua. Other types of instruments similar to the general classification, major and development process, habits and related products relating to the classification. Instruments at Bailianchenggang in no uniform standards, instruments there are also the naming of a similar situation.
Instruments to measure performance of the major technical indicators have precision, sensitivity, response time, and so on. Precision measurement instruments that measure the true value with the degree of consensus. The precision of the instruments used to accurately grade, for example, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and so on. Table 0.1 meters of error of no more than ± 1.0% range. Precision of a few small class, that the instrument system error and random error are small, that is, this precision instrument. When measured sensitivity that the volume of a small incremental increase with this cause, said incremental value ratio, which reflects the smallest measuring instrument can be measured. Response time is a step in the importation of instruments, from its initial value of output the first time reaching the final stable value of the time interval, the general requirement to reach the stable value of 95 percent, whichever is the time when. In addition, there is repeatability, linearity, hysteresis, dead zone, the drift of technology, and other indicators.
The development trend of scientific and technological progress continue to update Instruments higher requirements. Instrumentation is the development trend of continuous use of the new principle and the use of new materials and new components, such as the use of ultrasonic, microwave, ray, infrared, magnetic resonance, superconductors, such as laser principle and sensitive use of new semiconductor components, Integrated circuits, integrated optical, optical fibre and other components. The aim is to achieve the miniaturization of instrumentation, reduce weight, reduce production costs and more user-friendly and maintenance. Another important trend is through the use of micro-computers to improve the performance of instrumentation, Tam high instrument itself automation, intelligence and data-processing capacity. Instruments not only individual use, and may have standard interfaces and data channels and computer integrated to form the various test control management system to meet the higher requirements.

求函数最值 求用大学方法

我来看这道题的话,会用到  Lagrange multipliers, 


这个Lagrange multipliers的原因我就不证明了,他的作用是:

maximize f(x, y)

subject to g(x, y) = b.

and/or h(x, y) 《= d;


算法如下图所示,(google Lagrange multipliers):

L(x, y, u) = f(x, y) + u * (d - h(x, y));


L(x, y, u) = (x^2+y^2) + u * (4 - (x-1)^2 - y^2)             *     ;

然后对该 * 式子,分别对 x, y, 和 u 求导,然后设为 0:

对x 求导: 2*x - 2*u*(x - 1) = 0     (1)

对y 求导: 2*y - 2*u*y = 0             (2)

对u 求导: 4 - (x-1)^2 - y^2 = 0    (3)

然后再加上原来的条件 (x-1)^2+y^2《=4     (4)

以及 u 》= 0      (5);


由 (2) 得到 y = 0 or u = 1, 

if u = 1, 那么带回(1)不成立,所以 y = 0;

if y = 0, 那么 由 (4)得到 x = 3 或者 x = -1 ;可知当 x = 3时,z有最大值 9;

同样道理如果想求 z的最小值,只要把z 变成 -z 求最大值即可:

L(x, y, u) = -(x^2+y^2) + u * (4 - (x-1)^2 - y^2)             *     ;

然后对该 * 式子,分别对 x, y, 和 u 求导,然后设为 0:

对x 求导: -2*x - 2*u*(x - 1) = 0     (1)

对y 求导: -2*y - 2*u*y = 0             (2)

对u 求导: 4 - (x-1)^2 - y^2 = 0    (3)

然后再加上原来的条件 (x-1)^2+y^2《=4     (4)

以及 u 》= 0      (5);

由 (2) 得到 y = 0 or u = -1,因为 u 》= 0, 所以 y 必须是 0;

然后由 (4)得到 x = 3 或者 x = -1 ;可知当 x = -1 时,z有最小值 1;

