


admin admin 发表于2023-12-04 01:17:54 浏览29 评论0





360问答vb6.0怎样实现汉字的拼音如text1输入“拼音”就msgbox(pinyin)lpnwk LV122013-07-01满意答案husky0114LV112013-07-02我自己做了一个ocx’控件,可以输入一大段中文后可输出它的拼音,但前提是电脑可以联网 调用方式 Private Sub Command1_Click() py1.输入字符 = "你想要的文字" MsgBox py1.输出字符 End Sub 控件下载地址我发给你,注意到百度信息里查收


Private Function py(mystr As String) As String ’获得汉字的拼音简码 On Error Resume Next If Asc(mystr) 《 0 Then If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("啊") Then py = "0" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("啊") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("芭") Then py = "A" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("芭") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("擦") Then py = "B" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("擦") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("搭") Then py = "C" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("搭") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("蛾") Then py = "D" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("蛾") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("发") Then py = "E" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("发") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("噶") Then py = "F" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("噶") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("哈") Then py = "G" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("哈") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("击") Then py = "H" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("击") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("喀") Then py = "J" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("喀") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("垃") Then py = "K" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("垃") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("妈") Then py = "L" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("妈") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("拿") Then py = "M" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("拿") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("哦") Then py = "N" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("哦") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("啪") Then py = "O" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("啪") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("期") Then py = "P" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("期") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("然") Then py = "Q" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("然") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("撒") Then py = "R" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("撒") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("塌") Then py = "S" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("塌") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("挖") Then py = "T" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("挖") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("昔") Then py = "W" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("昔") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("压") Then py = "X" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("压") And Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 《 Asc("匝") Then py = "Y" Exit Function End If If Asc(Left(mystr, 1)) 》= Asc("匝") Then py = "Z" Exit Function End If Else If UCase(mystr) 《= "Z" And UCase(mystr) 》= "A" Then py = UCase(Left(mystr, 1)) Else py = mystr End If End IfEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click() MsgBox py(Text1.Text)End Sub


’wtoa是把中文字符串转换成首字母的函数’你可以新建一个文本框和按钮试一下Function wtoa(ByVal word As String) As StringDim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As IntegerConst s = "A阿B芭C擦D搭E蛾F发G噶H哈J击K喀L垃M妈N拿O哦P啪Q期R然S撒T塌W挖X昔Y压Z匝"For j = 1 To Len(word) k = Asc(Mid(word, j, 1)) For i = Len(s) To 1 Step -2 If k 》= Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) Then wtoa = wtoa & Mid(s, i - 1, 1) Exit For End If NextNextEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click()d = Replace(Text1.Text, "四川公司", "")d = Replace(d, "加油站", "")MsgBox wtoa(d)End Sub


  1、Word确实具有拼音识别的功能,但是,需要具备一个基本的条件,那就是你的微软中文输入法 是3.0 或更高版本,才能够给汉子注上拼音。首先,检查你的输入法是什么版本的,右键单击输入法,选择“设置”。




  5、这样就调出了【拼音指南】窗口,里边含有很多关于拼音的选项,先不管这些 ,点击确定按钮,看看添加拼音之后的效果。






如何使用正则表达式表示所有拼音如何使用如下:试下:MsgBox(0,"",StringRegExpReplace("静养 jìngyǎng;卧床休息 wòchuáng xiūxi. ","(?is)+",""))
