
booth boot

booth是什么意思 booth简单释义?booth用in还是at

admin admin 发表于2024-01-14 22:32:29 浏览28 评论0


大家好,如果您还对booth不太了解,没有关系,今天就由本站为大家分享booth的知识,包括booth是什么意思 booth简单释义的问题都会给大家分析到,还望可以解决大家的问题,下面我们就开始吧!


booth是什么意思 booth简单释义

1、booth是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“货摊;公用电话亭”。 2、例句: (1)Do you have any corner booth? 你们有角落摊位吗? (2)But the McLure girls who were to take this booth were called away and there was no one else, so Melanie and I. 不过,负责这个摊位的麦克卢尔家的姑娘们临时有事到外地去了,又没有别的人,所以媚兰和我。 (3)Welcome to our booth. Which items are you interested in ? 欢迎来到我们的展位。 您对哪些产品感兴趣?


1.I prefer to sit in a booth because there is more room. 我喜欢坐在包间里,因为那里的空间更大一些。 2.Just as I got my beer I looked around, and saw Keefer and the girl in a booth behind me. 我一边搁了啤酒一边负周围环顾一下,成因顾见基弗和这姑娘正在我先面的一个隔启的小间外。 3.Two of our regulars are playing host in a booth on the arcade’s main drag, a hetero couple in their 30s. 我们的两个常客,一对30多岁的的异性恋夫妇正在那里尽兴。 4.Tho ugh it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth nearby at once rather than waiting for him toe. 尽管还很早,光却不愿等待,立刻就在附近电话亭给同学打了个电话。 5.Though it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth nearby at once rather than waiting for him to come. 尽管还很早,光却不愿等待,立刻就在附近电话亭给同学打了个电话。

booth是什么意思 详解booth的定义和用法

"Booth" 是一个英语单词,其含义为 "小隔间,展位,电话亭"。具体定义和用法如下:

  • 小隔间:Booth 通常指的是在普通空间之内创建的各种小隔间,例如在办公室、展销会场等地设置的小隔间。

  • 展位:在展销会或展览会中,展位(booth)则是指为展示某个公司或品牌产品而设立的区域,通常有装饰、展示产品或服务等设施。

  • 电话亭:在英国和美国的一些地方, "booth" 还可以指 "电话亭",即供还没有移动电话的人使用的公共电话站。

  • 例如:

  • We rented a booth in the trade show to showcase our products.(我们在展销会上租了一个展位展示我们的产品。)

  • There is a small booth in the corner where you can make a private phone call.(在角落里有一个小隔间,可以进行私人电话通话。)

  • The old phone booth on the street corner has been replaced by a digital kiosk.(街角的旧电话亭已被数字信息亭替代。)




boothn.(名词)【复数】 boothsA small, often enclosed compartment, usually accommodating only one person:棚子:一种小的围成的隔间,通常仅供一人住宿:a voting booth; a projection booth.投票站;放映间A small enclosed compartment with a window, used to separate the occupant from others:小间:一种围住的带窗户的小隔间,用于将居住者与其他人分离开:a ticket booth.售票亭A seating area in a restaurant that has a table and seats whose high backs serve as partitions.餐厅中的火车座:饭店里有桌子和位子的座位区,位子的高靠背作为隔离物A small stall or stand for the display and sale of goods.货摊:一个陈列和出售商品的小摊或售货台你自己看看吧 我看那几个选项都不是很贴近上面的解释

booth 的中文解释是什么

booth 中文\英文翻译: booth1. (有篷的)货摊I had a pepsi at a refreshment booth round the corner.我在转角处的餐饮摊喝了一杯百事可乐。2. 【美】公用电话亭;岗亭He went into the phone booth and dialed the number.他走进电话亭拨了号码。3. 投票站4. (隔开的)小房间;(餐厅等的)雅座

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