
magnitude物理意思db lab


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经过FFT变换后横坐标是频率的话纵坐标的物理量 应该是强度magnitude(dB)代表量级(分贝)Phase(degrees)代表相(阶)


magnitude英美n.量级; 巨大,广大; 重大,重要; (地震) 级数;震级; 大小; 量;An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult.这么大的手术实施起来十分困难。复数:magnitudes

magnitude造句 magnitudeの例文 “magnitude“是什么意思

The magnitude of the external virtual force is irrelevant . 外虚力的大小是无关的。

Then, too, the soviet airpft was growing in magnitude . 还有,苏联的空运规模日益增大。

A vector is defined by a direction as well as a magnitude . 一个矢量要用大小和方向来表示。

The magnitude of the effect is still a matter of some controversy . 对后果的大小仍有争议。

We have not always understood the magnitude of your problems . 我们往往不理解你们的问题之重大。

Bodies or particles, of these *** all magnitudes react very pecuparly . 这些物体或粒子运动很独特。

He had proved the existence features of considerable magnitude . 他还证实了相当多水下特征的存在。

Numbers of this enormous magnitude are very difficult to prehend . 这个巨大的数字是很难想象的。

It is hard to overstate the magnitude of the turnaround . 其转机的幅度之大,不论怎样形容也不算过分。

Lily was duly impressed by the magnitude of her opportunities . 选择良偶的重要性丽莉早已深深地铭刻在心。

It’s difficult to see magnitude in a sentence. 用 magnitude 造句挺难的

It made his role more extravagant, of greater magnitude . 这一来他的地位就更高不可攀了,身份就更尊贵了。

Dependable production is just as important as the magnitude of output . 可靠的生产和巨大生产量一样重要。

That is, the regression pne would tend to overestimate the magnitudes of y . 即回归线趋于过高估计了Y值。

Find the magnitude of the average acceleration during the interval . 求在这段时间间隔内平均加速度的数值。

Its conservation law enpasses both its magnitude and its direction . 它的守恒定律包括大小和方向两方面。

Planck’s constant controls the magnitudes involved in both cases . 普朗克常数决定了这两种情况所涉及的量值。

It confirmed the existence of underwater features of considerable magnitude . 还证实了相当多水下特征的存在。

The device speed has improved by o orders of magnitude since 1960 . 自1960年至今,器件速度已改善了两个数量级。

In a series connection the magnitude of charge on all plates is the same . 在串联接法中,所有各板上的电荷量相同。

A vector quantity is an entity with a magnitude and a direction in space . 矢量是空间中既具有大小又具有方向的量。

Platycercus elegans cause similar problems of equal or greater magnitude . 红鹦鹉也引起同等的或更大程度的类似问题。

An outside agent exerts a force p of sufficient magnitude causes to spring to stretch . 施足够大的外力P,使弹簧拉长。

The magnitude and extent of poverty in any country depend on o factors . 任何国家贫穷的范围和程度都取决于两个因素。

The magnitudes of the rectangular ponents of a vector are easily puted . 一个矢量的正交分量的大小是很容易计算的。

A vector quantity is one whose direction as well as its magnitude is significant . 矢量是一个其方向和其大小同样有意义的量。

Not all geometrical magnitudes of the same kind are mensurable with one another . 同类几何量中彼此之间并非都是可通约的。

The hierarchy of the cathopc church reapze the magnitude of the paradigm change . 天主教堂僧侣统治集团认识到范例改变的份量。

Physical properties that are pletely specified by their magnitude are called scalars . 物理性质完全由其大小所确定者叫做标量。

The industrial countries are surprised at the magnitude of the claims made against them . 工业国家对许多反对它们的意见感到吃惊。

This procedure allows us to keep track of the magnitudes of the terms that occur . 这种做法使我们可以时常注意所出现各项的数量级。

It’s difficult to see magnitude in a sentence. 用 magnitude 造句挺难的

The growing crisis in energy calls for a crash program of just this magnitude . 日益严重的能源危机非常需要这样一个大规模的应急措施。

These spiritual gems were the only ones of any magnitude that isabel possessed . 这些精神珠宝,是伊莎贝尔所拥有的多少有些价值的东西。

It is in fact quite serviceable for seiches of an appreciable magnitude and short period . 但事实上它对量值大而周期短的假潮还颇适用。

The magnitude of the spike and of the reversal varies in different heart tissues . 峰电位和极性倒转的幅度,随不同类型的心肌组织而异。

The scalar product of a vector with itself is the square of the magnitude of the vector . 一个矢量自身相乘的标积等于该矢量大小的平方。

We are always able to know the third one when we know the magnitudes of the other o . 只要已知其中的两个量,我们就可以求出第三个量。

a difference of statcoulombs existed beeen the magnitudes of each changes. 这两种电荷的大小存在着静库的差别。

The extremely crude treatment serves to estimate the order of magnitude of the response . 精确度很差的处理方法可以用来估计响应的数量级。

Many studies are made on the patterns of earthquake occurence in space, time and magnitude . 对地震发生的空间、时间和震级的图象作了许多研究。

Many studies are made on the pattern of earthquake occurrence in space, time and magnitude . 对地震发生的空间,时间和震级的图像作了许多研究。

The magnitude of the war effort involved in these desert struggles must not be underrated . 包含在这类沙漠战斗中的战争努力之巨大,决不可以低估。

A numeric value is a quantity with magnitude only, a quantity that is represented by a single number . 数值是只有大小的量,即由单个数字表示的量。

An increase in the magnitude of the angular momentum simply means that the body rotates more rapidly . 角动量大小的增加,意思就是物体转动更快了。

As for his capital, only o persons were in a position to make even a rough estimate of its magnitude . 至于他现金的数目,只有两个人能知道一个大概。

In other words, the magnitude of the angular momentum is increased, its direction remaining the same . 换句话说,即角动量的大小增加了,但其方向不变。

Haley was accustomed to strike the balance of probabipties beeen pes of greater or lesser magnitude . 在大小谎言之间权衡轻重对海利来说是家常便饭。

The magnitude of the hazard from fallout will then be far less than if the explosion were a surface burst . 这时沉降的危险性就比表面爆炸条件下小得多。

At first sight it might be thought that these o effects would be of the same order of magnitude . 初看起来,可能会认为两个效应的大小属于同一个数量级。

Objects press around us filpng the mind with their magnitude and with the throng of desires that wait upon them . 森罗万象,纷至踏来,七情六欲,交集于心。

Objects press around us, filpng the mind with their magnitude and with the throng of desires that wait upon them . 森罗万象,纷至沓来,七情六欲,交集于心。

It’s difficult to see magnitude in a sentence. 用 magnitude 造句挺难的

cst中magnitude in db是什么意思

cst中magnitude in dbCST中幅度dBcst中magnitude in dbCST中幅度dB
