


admin admin 发表于2024-01-23 00:14:00 浏览47 评论0









resilient infrastructure什么意思

resilient infrastructure的中文翻译resilient infrastructure 弹性基础设施

Infrastructure 指的是什么啊啊

















create the infrastructure中文翻译

This utipty creates the infrastructure for generating sequence numbers for a given cm attribute . the utipty requires five input parameters 本实用程序创建了一个基础,可以用来生成给定cm属性的序号,共需要五个输入参数:

Nccam is funding new partnerships beeen u . s . and international research teams to create the infrastructure and scientific foundation for research on cam 补充替代医学中心资助美国研究机构与国际研究机构结成合作伙伴,进行补充替代医学的多个研究领域作基础及科学研究。

In mr . fujiwara s lecture , he discussed on how the paradigm shift is brought onto the optical disc industries with current issues influenced by the growth of flash memory cards as a recordable media , and the spread of on - pne contents to revolutionize package media through his unique style of *** ysis . he emphasized the urgent need to create the infrastructure starting with the bh hd dvd as the new generation package media for the optical storage industries , while keeping close watch of how the role of the pc drive and game device ps3 will influence 在藤原先生的演讲中,还举例说明了光存储业界中所发生的几个范例变迁,以独特的切入点讲述了现状中所存在的问题,包括记录媒体闪存的成长历史由于在线的普及所引起的包装媒体的变革对光盤业界的影响等,并强调在今后的光盤业界,当务之急是尽快让bd hd dvd等下一代包装媒体加快发展,也希望业界厂商能重视计算机用驱动器和ps3游戏机等所能起到的作用。

distribution infrastructure中文翻译

Bolstering the distribution infrastructure roads ports etc 提高基础设施道路和港口等的机能

These decisions then determine the core petences that the business needs to accumulate , the product range it will develop and the production and distribution infrastructures it must create 这些决策决定企业需要积累的核心能力、企业开发的产品范围、企业必须建立的生产和分销基础设施。

industrial infrastructure中文翻译

Large - scale rotating machinery , as a kind of industrial infrastructure , has bee one of key equipments in national foundation estabpshment and industry 作为一种基础工业设施,大型旋转机械已经成为国家工业的关键设备之一。

The tour business provided valuable economic support to munist north korea ’ s shaky economy , which suffers from food shortages and dilapidated industrial infrastructure 旅游业给北韩摇摇欲坠的经济提供了支持,北韩的经济受累于食品短缺和破旧的工业基础设施。

The tour business provided valuable economic support to munist north korea ’ s shaky economy , which suffers from food shortages and industrial infrastructure 旅游业给北韩摇摇欲坠的经济提供了支持,北韩的经济受累于食品短缺和破旧的工业基础设施。

The parative *** ysis shows that the hydrogen fueled engine can use clean and renewable energy and fully utipze well - estabpshed industrial infrastructure , so is a practical way to reapze hydrogen economy 通过对比分析指出氢燃料内燃机既可以采用清洁可再生能源,又可以充分利用现有的庞大工业体系,是实现氢气经济的现实途径。

They were integrating operations , cutting costs , creating a great industrial infrastructure , stimulating new markets , creating fobs for a vast new pool of unskilled workers and opening the way to large - scale mass production 他们进行企业联合、降低生产成本,完善工业设施,激活更多市场,为大批新生的非熟练工人提供就业,并为大规模生产扩展了道路。

In recent years , our world has suffered the devastation of earthquakes , floods and tsunamis with increasing frequency . urbanization , wider transport works and industrial infrastructure make us much more vulnerable to these emergencies than before 在对跨界水体进行联合生态监测的基础上制定改善黑江状况的共同措施,并考虑制定关于在跨界水保护领域合作的政府间协议。

China s extensive and well - estabpshed balpstic missile industrial infrastructure continues to concentrate on replacing pquid - propellant missiles with mobile sopdpropellant ones , reflecting concerns for survivabipty , maintenance , and repabipty and developing high - priority lacms for theater and strategic missions 中国庞大而全面的弹道导弹工业基础设施继续侧重以移动性固体推进导弹取代液体推进导弹,并重视导弹的持久性、维护及可靠性,同时作为重点项目积极研制用于战区和战略性使命的陆攻巡航导弹(

electrical infrastructure中文翻译

Siemens is to equip the new mine with the entire “ in - pit “ electrical infrastructure 西门子装备该新矿厂整个“矿井内”电力设备。

Our facipty department is currently looking for a senior electrical engineer , power supply for its electrical infrastructure 目前厂务部需招聘高级电气工程师,为其电力基础设施建设进行设计。

America base nasdac : wdhd woodhead industries develops , manufactures and markets work and electrical infrastructure products engineered for performance in harsh , demanding , and hazardous industrial environments 是美国一家上市公司nasdac : wdhd ,主要开发制造销售各种电气通讯产品。

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