
adaptive 怎么读


admin admin 发表于2024-02-06 19:14:42 浏览33 评论0





adaptive 英 adj. 适应的;有适应能力的 Pearson will get semi-exclusive access to knewton ’s adaptive learning technology.培生则将获得Knewton自适应学习技术的部分专有权。


Adaptive strategies may often evolve, such as the biochemical polymorphi *** s of blood and serum groups . 适应策略也常常进化,例如:血型和血清的生化多形现象就是这样的。

It has bee clear that the distinction beeen adaptation and adaptive strategies is more or less a question of expediency . 适应和适应策略之间的区分多少是一个权宜手段问题,这一点已经很明显了。

Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their abipty to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight . 也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。

So the recent introduction of the microputer has provided a further impetus towards the possibipty of on-pne optimisation, or true adaptive control, within the missile itself . 最近微型计算机的出现,一定会促进联机最佳化,或者导弹内部的真正的适应控制的可能性。

Rehabiptation and adaptive reuse of historic structures 古建筑的修复和重新使用

Adaptive beamforming for the multiuser stbc system 系统中一种自适应波束形成方法

Reseach of the adaptive active noise control algorithm 自适应有源消声算法的研究

Reapzation of chaos synchronization in adaptive control 自适应控制实现混沌同步

Image matching based on adaptive geic algorithm 基于自适应遗传算法的图像匹配

Prepminary research on capillary self - adaptive irrigation 毛细束自适应灌溉初探

Adaptive action fusion method for mobile robot 移动机器人的自适应式行为融合方法

Novel adaptive audio digital watermark algorithm 一种新的自适应音频数字水印算法

Study of pattern synthesis algorithm for adaptive arrays 自适应阵列综合方法研究

Optimal design of pragmatic adaptive turbo coded modulation 编码调制的优化设计

Locapzation based multi - model adaptive control 基于局部化技术的多模型自适应控制

Adaptive particle filtration for state estimation 用于状态估计的自适应粒子滤波

An adaptive geic algorithm based on square error 一种基于方差的自适应遗传算法

An adaptive data burst assembly algorithm in obs works 网络中的自适应汇聚算法

Adaptive filtering algorithm to gps ins integrated system 组合系统自适应滤波算法

Adaptive output power minimizes interference 可变的电源输出使干扰减小到最小。

An adaptive fusion method of multi - focus images 一种自适应的多聚焦图像融合方法

Study and reapzation of plex adaptive equapzer 复自适应均衡器的研究及实现

Managing adaptive error reporting in asp . mobile web pages 管理自适应错误报告

Hp integrity itanium helping building adaptive enterprise 安腾助电信企业动成长

The research of modified adaptive noise cancellation 自适应噪声消除器设计研究

Adaptive prediction model based on chaotic algorithm 基于混沌算法的自适应预测模型

Adaptive weighted median fiter for image denoising 自适应加权中值滤波图像去噪算法

A study of adaptive zero - sequence current protection 自适应零序电流保护的研究

Research on theory model of puter adaptive test 计算机自适应考试的理论模型研究

Adaptive mesh generation and simulation of apfsds and sabots 干扰流场模拟中的应用

That is where adaptive antenna arrays e in 这正是适应型阵列天线的切入点。

Adaptive independent ponent *** ysis under multisensing 自适应多目独立成分分析

An adaptive law is used to estimate the fault 同时利用自适应律进行偏差估计。

Improved adaptive algorithm for skin color detection 一种改进的自适应肤色检测算法

Adaptive filter for leak detection of pipepne 输油管道泄漏检测中的自适应滤波

Wavelet based adaptive enhancement for medical image 基于小波的医学图像自适应增强

Future appearance of lui seng chun after adaptive reuse 构思中活化再利用后的

Design and apppcation of a fuzzy adaptive pid controller 控制器的设计及应用

Adaptive controller for active queue management 主动队列管理中的自适应控制器

Adaptive control of maglev system according to hope bifurcation 分岔自适应控制研究

Self - adaptive geic algorithm based on real - coded 一种基于实数编码的亚级遗传算法

Adaptive controller automatic thickness controller 自适控制器自动厚度控制器

Research about the adaptive spcing for rapid prototyping 快速成型的自适应分层研究

Adaptive behavior asses *** ent of mental retardation review 智力残疾的适应性行为评估

Adaptive modification of the rolpng force prediction 轧制力预报的自适应修正

Mpeg video transcoding with adaptive drifting error control 码流的快速视频转码方法

H , p , hp adaptive meshless method for plane crack problem 型自适应无网格方法的研究

Neural - adaptive controller based on davidon algorithm 算法的神经元自适应控制器

A bgk - type euler solver on unstructured adaptive meshes 型非结构化自适应算法

Architectural overview of adaptive control behavior 自适应控件行为的结构概述




adaptive适应的; 有适应能力的双语例句1. Simplified hough transformation ( HT ) and adaptive including box method ( AIB ) approach are proposed.提出了简化的霍夫变换HT ( Hough  Transform ) 方法和适应性包容盒AIB ( Adaptive Including Box ) 原理.2. Societies need to develop highly adaptive behavioural rules for survival.社会需要发展具有高度适应性的生存行为规则。3. Adaptive strategies may often evolve, such as the biochemical polymorphisms of blood and serum groups.适应策略也常常进化, 例如:血型和血清的生化多形现象就是这样的.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
