
prompt engineering

prompt engineering(aiaa engineering note 怎么写)

admin admin 发表于2024-02-23 19:34:26 浏览19 评论0


大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于prompt engineering,aiaa engineering note 怎么写这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


aiaa engineering note 怎么写

AIAA Journal的note和paper的区别? Technical or Engineering Notes:Papers (approximately 2500 words) intended for prompt disclosure of new, significantdata or developments of limited scope.note即短文,full paper即长文,两者通常按照贡献来分的。note也是article,毕业啥的都算,能在aiaa上发表note已经算是很不错了,祝你顺利

英语作文 what is your opinion of genetic engineering

Far-reaching significance of genetic testing: All diseases are genetically related. Genes are DNA molecules carry the genetic information of the function of fragments of biological material to pass genetic information. Genes for life itself, is the root of life, sickness and death. 1, predictive medicine. In health and sub-health era will be able to accurately predict the risk of disease. 2, disease prevention. Disease = internal + external factors. Through the understanding of internal factors, which can effectively avoid the impact of external factors, thereby reducing the risk of illness. 3, health management. Through genetic testing, knowing that they have certain aspects of disease susceptibility genes, we can take the initiative for improving the environment and living habits,Make their own health management. 4, personalized health care services. Through genetic testing, prompt us to what medicines to be used with caution, not only significantly reduce unnecessary medical expenses, increased efficacy, but also to avoid causing more harm to the human body.基因检测深远的意义: 一切疾病都与基因有关。基因是 DNA 分子上携带有遗传信息的功能片断,是生物传递遗传信息的物质。基因主宰生命,是生命生老病死的根源。 1 、预测医学。在健康和亚健康时期就能够准确预测疾病的风险。 2 、疾病预防。疾病=内因+外因。通过对内因的了解,可有效地避免外因的影响,从而可降低患病的风险。 3 、健康管理。通过基因检测,知道自己有某方面的疾病易感基因,就可主动的改善环境和生活习惯,做好自己的健康管理。 4 、个性化医疗服务。通过基因检测,提示我们哪些药物要慎用,不但大大地降低了不必要的医疗支出,提高了疗效,更避免了对人体造成更大的伤害。

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