

stolen(Monrose的《Stolen》 歌词)

admin admin 发表于2024-02-27 09:14:34 浏览29 评论0


“stolen”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看stolen(Monrose的《Stolen》 歌词)!


Monrose的《Stolen》 歌词

歌曲名:Stolen歌手:Monrose专辑:I AmStolenWe were inseparablesomehow invincibleThe way you touched medeep inside left me beyond insatiableThere was no one everYou were irreplaceableHit by reality, I felt my whole world freezeSuddenly the phone rang and I dropped right down on to my kneesChoking, breakingThe clouds came over meYou left me here without goodbyeNow I can’t even find a way through the lightStolen, stolenIs there’s nothing left living for?Cuz I can’t even breathe enough to cry no moreStolen, stolenYou’re everywhere I go, deep printed in my soulI can see you, hear you, feel you, smell you, like you’re still at homeSleeping beside me - I’ve really lost controlWhat am I suppose to do, I can’t escape the truthEverything reminds me of the fact that I can’t be with youStolenYou left me here without goodbyeNow I can’t even find a way through the lightStolen, stolenIs there’s nothing left living for?Cuz I can’t even breathe enough to cry no moreStolen, stolenThe touch of your skin - Gone!The sound of your voice - Gone!The look in your eyes when we use to make love- Stolen... Gone!The fun and fights- Gone!We laughed and we cried - Gone!The moments we stayed up just talking all nightStolen from me, left with just a memoryTaken from me, I miss your every heartbeatStolen from me, left with just a memoryTaken from me, I miss your every heartbeatYou left me here without goodbyeNow I can’t even find a way through the lightStolen, stolenIs there’s nothing left living for?Cuz I can’t even breathe enough to cry no moreStolen, stolen***隐藏网址***


stealKK: At this TV set was a steal!这台电视机只卖五十元,真是便宜!5. 【棒】盗垒

stolen 这个英语单词怎么读

个人推荐给你的汉字谐音读法:stolen: 斯都了恩这个单词还是比较好读的,不知道你是不是对于音标掌握得不太熟练,音标学透的话,读单词就会触类旁通。


stolen读音美 /ˈstoʊlən/;英 /’stəʊlən/。







1、Our weekends were stolen from us once we had mandatory overtime.


2、She had stolen my heart.


3、A ton of money was stolen from the bank last night.


4、Have you ever had your thunder stolen by a co-worker?


5、The police hunted down the thieves and returned the stolen goods.



stolen vbl.steal的过去分词stealstealAHD: D.J.K.K.v.(动词)stole steal.ing, stealsv.tr.(及物动词)To take (the property of another) without right or permission.偷:没有授权或未经允许拿(别人的财物)To get or effect surreptitiously or artfully:偷偷做:秘密地或巧妙地得到或影响:steal a kiss; stole the ball from an opponent.偷吻;从对手那里动球To move, carry, or place surreptitiously.潜行:秘密运动、运送或设置To draw attention unexpectedly in (an entertainment), especially by being the outstanding performer:出色表演:在(娱乐中)意外地引起注意,尤指出色的表演者的:The magician’s assistant stole the show with her comic antics.魔术师的助手以她滑稽的动作引人注 目Baseball To advance safely to (another base) during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a base hit, walk, passed ball, or wild pitch.【棒球】 偷垒:在一次投球后,没有击球员、游击手、传球手或外野手的帮助而安全跑入(另一垒 )v.intr.(不及物动词)To commit theft.偷To move, happen, or elapse stealthily or unobtrusively.偷偷地行动:秘密、不显明地行动、发生或消失Baseball To steal a base.【棒球】 偷垒n.(名词)The act of stealing.偷:偷的行为Slang A bargain.【俚语】 讨价还价steal (someone’s) thunderTo use, appropriate, or preempt the use of another’s idea, especially to one’s own advantage and without consent by the originator.强占:使用、强占或用先买权占有别人想法的使用权,尤指对自己有好处且未得到发明者同意的

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