
glass substrate

glass substrate(这些英语怎么翻译呀)

admin admin 发表于2024-03-02 07:58:00 浏览27 评论0


“glass substrate”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看glass substrate(这些英语怎么翻译呀)!



ss系列 ss系列是一款自然挥发干燥的丝网印刷油墨,采用高性能聚合物同高档颜料组合而成,油墨溶剂体系采用环保溶剂不含苯类,气味芳香,又具有良好的印刷适应性能,在PVC不干胶上、PVC、PC底材上具有良好的附着力。产品性能: 亮光,色泽鲜艳。优良的附着力,印刷适应性好,产品环保,符合欧洲EN-71重金属检测标准。承印物:PVC不干胶上、PVC、PC,纸张可供选用稀释剂及清洗剂 ss专用稀释剂;783慢干水;718中干水;719快干水;707洗网水。Ss seriesSs series is a natural volatile dry screen printing ink, using high-performance polymers with high-grade paint, ink solvents system USESGreen solvents excluding benlei, aroma, and has good performance in the printing, PVC label to the substrate, PVC, PC with good adhesionEmphatically.The properties of product:Light and bright color. Excellent adhesion, good adaptability, printing, accord with environmental protection European EN - 71 heavy inspection standard.Documents: PVC label, PVC, PC, paperAlternative thinner and cleaningSs special thinner, 783 dry slowly, 718 dry water, 719 quick dry, 707 washing nets water.SG系列产品说明: SG系列是一款自然挥发干燥的丝网印刷自干单组份油墨,采用进口高性能聚合物同高档颜料组合而成,具有良好的印刷适应性能。在玻璃、金属底材上具有优异的附着力。产品性能: 平光,良好的附着力,印刷适应性好,产品环保,符合欧洲EN-71重金属检测标准。承印物:金属,玻璃,木器,PVC,ABS,卡纸等。可供选用稀释剂及清洗剂: sG专用稀释剂;783慢干水;718中干水;719快干水;707洗网水。SG seriesProduct description:SG series is a natural volatile dry screen printing ink, the dry of imported high-performance polymers with high-grade paint,Good printing to performance. In glass, metal substrate with excellent adhesion.The properties of product:Classification includs glass, good adhesion, printing adaptability, good product environmental protection, with European EN - 71 heavy inspection standard.Documents: metal, glass, wood, PVC, ABS, paperboard etc.Alternative thinner and cleaning:SG special thinner, 783 dry slowly, 718 dry water, 719 quick dry, 707 washing nets water.SG—H系列产品说明: SG—H系列是对应本公司sT系列在性能上更加完善的一款产品,在兼备SG系列产品性能的基础上,在耐水煮、耐化学性方面有着较大的提升。产品性能: 平光,高附着力,单组份(双组份附着力更佳)、耐水煮、耐化学性好,产品符合EN-7l标准。承印物:金属,玻璃可供选用稀释剂及清洗剂: SG-H专用稀释剂;783慢干水;718中干水;719快干水;707洗网水。SG - H seriesProduct description:SG - H series is corresponding to the company sT series in the performance of a more perfect products, in both SG series product, on the basis of performance in waterBoil, chemical-proof nature has bigger promotion.The properties of product:Classification includs glass, high adhesion, of (bi-component adhesion preferred), resistance to water and chemical resistance, good product conforms to the standards of EN - 7l.Documents: metal, glassAlternative thinner and cleaning:The SG special thinner, - 783 dry slowly, 718 dry water, 719 quick dry, 707 washing nets water.PC-M系列产品说明: PC-M系列具有良好的印刷适应性,高遮盖力,是针对摩托车,汽车仪表盘的表面印刷装饰而开发的产品。产品符合EN-71标准。产品性能:平光,高遮盖,不烧底,无针孔,印刷适应性良好。承印物:PC,PVC片材。可供选用稀释剂及清洗剂: PC-M专用稀释剂,783慢干水;718中干水;7l9快干水;707洗网水。PC - M seriesProduct description:PC - M series has good printing adaptability, high hiding power, is for motorcycle, car dashboard surface printing adornment and development of product. Product conforms to the standards of EN - 71.The properties of product: classification includs glass cover, don’t burn, high end, without the pinhole, printing adaptability.Documents: the PC, PVC material.Alternative thinner and cleaning:PC - M special thinner, 783 dry slowly, 718 dry water, 7l9 quick dry, 707 washing nets water.PET系列产品说明: PET系列是针对未处理的PET材质及部分处理后的PET底材上印刷所需而开发的产品,该系列具有良好的印刷适应性,良好的附着力,针对客户的不同要求而提供不同的产品型号。产品性能: PET-G系列:平光、未处理的PET或PET薄膜、适合薄膜开关、高档标签、全自动印刷、耐冲压、高遮盖、附着力好。 PET-K系列:高光泽、附着力好、适用PET薄膜、片材、不干胶、化妆品瓶等。 PET-KY系列:哑光、流平性好、附着力好、适用PET薄膜、片材、瓶子、烟酒包装等。承印物:PET片材,PET薄膜,PET瓶子,PET不干胶。可供选用稀释剂及清洗剂: PET专用稀释剂,783慢干水;718中干水;7l9快干水;707洗网水。 PET seriesProduct description:PET series is aimed at unprocessed materials and parts for PET after the PET substrate for printingProducts, this series has good printing adaptability, good adhesion, according to customerThe different requirements and provide different types of products.The properties of product:PET - G series: classification includs glass, unprocessed PET or PET films, suitable for membrane switch, high-grade labels, fully automatic printing, stamping resistance, high cover,Good adhesion.PET - K series: high gloss, good adhesion, suitable for PET film, sheet, stickers, cosmetic bottles, etc.PET - was dumb smooth series: softness, good adhesion, suitable for PET film, sheet, bottle, tobacco packaging, etc.Documents: PET sheet, PET film, PET bottle, PET stickers.Alternative thinner and cleaning:PET special thinner, 783 dry slowly, 718 dry water, 7l9 quick dry, 707 washing nets water.

请帮助翻译Glass Composition For Low-Temperature Fired Substrate And Glass Ceramics Using The Same

低温烧制的基底(substrate在这里,你可以结合自己所知看是不是基底)和玻璃陶瓷的玻璃成分。(using the same指的是跟substrate的烧制方法一样,所以可以简单地像上面那样翻译。)
