
capl 函数


admin admin 发表于2024-03-07 11:54:58 浏览21 评论0





你没有说具体问题是什么,以下介绍一下capl常见问题一、capl程序组织1、全局变量的声明–you declare variables that can be read or changed by any part of your CAPL program.在程序的任何部分都可以读取和修改。–It is a good idea to declare messages and timers in this section.适合定义messages和timers。2、事件处理–Event procedures are blocks of code that are executed when an event occurs.事件发生时执行。–CAPL allows you to define event procedures for several different kinds of events.可以为多个不同的事件定义事件处理–Most of your program code will be in event procedures, since most actions are performed after an event, such as a message being received on the CAN bus.大多数代码都写在事件处理中。–Event procedures cannot return a value.事件处理不能有返回值。3、用户定义函数–Your programs can contain procedures that can be used to complement CAPL’s built-in functions. –These procedures can contain any legal CAPL code and are globally accessible. –Putting frequently-used code in a procedure makes programs more efficient. –User-defined functions can return a value of any simple type.可以有返回值。二、CAPL文件类型★两种*.CAN 包含CAPL程序(ASCII 文本格式)*.CBF 编译.CAN文件得到(二进制文件),只能被CANslyzer或CANoe执行。三、CAPL数据类型char 8bit unsignedbyte 8bit unsignedint 16bit signedword 16bit unsignedlong 32bit signeddword 32bit unsignedfloat 64bit signeddouble 64bit signedmessage 一条通信消息timer 秒级计时器msTimer 毫秒级计时器四、运算符(雷同c语言,只列部分)位操作部分:《《》》《《= compound assignment(left shift)》》= compound assignment(right shift)&= AND^= XOR|= OR五、控制结构1、if(){}else{}2、switch(){case :default:}3、while(){}4、do{}while();5、for(;;){}6、break & continue7、this


  CAPL就是Communication Application Programming Laguage的缩写,CAPL类似于C语言的语法,因此所有的语法请参考C语言教程。


  在打开CANoe,新建个工程,在Simulation Setup中加个Network node ,点铅笔,右键Start-》New,键入如下代码。

  编译后,关闭CAPL Brower。运行CANoe工程即可成功。
