


admin admin 发表于2024-03-11 23:57:01 浏览36 评论0





oriented在这里是形容词连字符使用的基本规则有: 一、连字符可用于构成复合词。 这种复合词主要有: 1.形容词+名词:如long-distance telephone(长途电话), old-style machine(旧式机器)。 2.名词+v-ing:如peace-loving people(热爱和平的人民)。 3.名词+过去分词:如hand-made goods(手工制品),man-made lake(人工湖泊)。 4.副词+过去分词:如highly-developed industry(高度发达的工业)。 5.副词+v-ing:如hard-working people勤劳的人民。 6.名词+名词:如coal-mine(煤矿),wave-length(波长)。 7.形容词+名词-ed:如 old-fashioned machine(老式机器),cold-blooded animals(冷血动物) 8.名词+形容词:如snow-white paper(雪白的纸)。 9.形容词+v-ing(或过去分词):如funny-looking man(相貌可笑的人),clear-cut answer(明确的回答)。 10.形容词+形容词:如dark-blue ink(深蓝色的墨水)。 二、连字符常被用于作为定语的一个单元修饰语之间,以避免误解。 如: Mr. Green was a small-business man.格林先生是位做小买卖的商人。 Mr. Green was a small business man.格林先生是一个身材矮小的商人。 三、位于名词之前用作定语的复合修饰语之间,一般应加连字符。如: Jim is a 15-year-old boy.吉姆是一个十五的男孩。 Lily is a well-dressed woman.莉莉是一个衣着漂亮的女人。 四、通常在self-,ex-,half-,quarter-,all-作为词缀的复合词各部分之间应加连字符。 如: self-control(自制),self-respect(自尊心),ex-president(前总统),half-asleep(半睡的),quarter-share(四分之一部分),all-round(多才多艺的)。 五、连字符可用来连接由一个单一的大写字母和一个名词或分词构成的复合词。如: an X-ray photograph(一张X光照片) V-shaped thing(V形物)。 六、连字符可用来连接21—99的复合数词。如: thirty-nine(39),fifty-one(51),eighty-eight(88) 七、连字符可用在书写分数的分子和分母之间,特别是在当这一分数用作修饰语时。如: a three-fourths majority(占四分之三的大多数)。 八、当连字符用在数词之间或日期时,它有“到”和“包括”的含义。如: pages 12-56(从第十二页到第五十六页)。 九、连字符可用于某些前缀分词与词根之间。如:vice-chairman(副主席)。 十、连字符可用于临时性的复合词的单词之间。如: Good-for-nothing material


纯粹从人力资源管理的角度的解释如下:performance(绩效):a)how well or badly a person, company etc does a particular job or activity例:1)We are designing a training program to improve employees’ performance2)Sean’s performance at school has greatly improved.the country’s economic performance3)Five employees were fired for their poor performanceb)the act of doing a piece of work, duty etc例:The manager was quite satisfied with the performance of my official dutiesorientation(定位):a)the type of activity or subject that a person or organization seems most interested in and gives most attention to例句:1)The company needs to develop a stronger orientation towards marketing its products. 2)How can we get employees to adopt a serious orientation to working?b)a period of time during which people are trained and prepared for a new job or course of study 例句:This is orientation week for all the new students.
