


admin admin 发表于2024-03-19 13:36:55 浏览26 评论0





fore 作为一个前缀,带有前锋、前面的意思。 例如: forebode 预兆;凶兆; forefather 前人,祖先; forearm 前人,祖先; forecast 预料; foreshadow 预示,暗示。




forebode:及物动词 vt.1.《正》预示(灾祸等) Black clouds forebode a storm.乌云预示有暴风雨。I foreboded that I might fail.我预感自己可能会失败。She foreboded her failure in the exam.她预感自己会考试不及格。foreshadow:..foreshadow 预示,预兆Her early interest in airplanes foreshadowed her later career as a pilot. The hero’s predicament is foreshadowed in the first chapter. foresee 及物动词 vt.1.预知,预见,预料,看穿 He foresaw the world war.他预见了世界大战的爆发。He foresaw that it would rain before morning.他预知清晨之前就会下雨。No one can foresee what will happen in the future.谁也无法预见到将来会发生什么forecast及物动词 vt.1.预言, 预报,预测 Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。She forecast that he would fail.她预测他会失败。Who can forecast what a baby will do next?谁能预测出婴儿要做什么?名词 n.1.预测,预报


英/fɔːˈʃædəʊ/     美/fɔːrˈʃædoʊ/

vt.预示;是…的预兆     n.预兆,先兆





记忆技巧:fore 前面;预先 + shadow 影子 → 影子预先来 → 预示


foreshadow w 预示

omen foreshadow 预兆

Foreshadow Productions 出版者

foreshadow foreshadow 预示不祥的东西来到

Foreshadow Music 出版者

foreshadow and forecast 预测预报


foreshadow 英 vt. 预示,是…的先兆 预示; 预兆 过去式:foreshadowed 过去分词:foreshadowed 现在分词:foreshadowing 第三人称单数:foreshadows 【1】预示;是…的预兆 If something foreshadows an event or situation, it suggests that it will happenThe disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies... 令人失望的销售额预示着会有更多人被裁员。The change proposed last month was foreshadowed in the March Budget. 上个月提议的变动在 3 月份的预算中已经有所预兆了。1.The disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies. 令人失望的销售额预示着会有更多人被裁员。 2. Their words foreshadow events to come. 他们的话预示了所将要发生的事情. 3. The current surge of Internet - enabled cell phones and personal digital assistants ( PDAs ) foreshadow what’s to come. 上网手和个人数字助理 ( PDA ) 蓬勃兴起的现状预示示未来的趋势. 4. The descriptions of the clerks foreshadow the main characters, of the Dreams in the Red Mansion. 薛蟠致人死亡案中,胥吏的形象更是被作者揭露得淋漓尽致. 5. The book then uses this information to foreshadow the direction that future anti - neoplastic therapies will take. 书然后使用这讯息预兆将来的 反 新生物的治疗将带的指示. anticipate英 vt. 预感;预见;预料;先于…行动 vi. 过早地提出;过早地考虑(或说、做)一件事;(在口头或用文字)预言;预测 料想; 意料; 预见; 提前使用 过去式:anticipated 过去分词:anticipated 现在分词:anticipating 第三人称单数:anticipates 【1】预期;预料;预计 If you anticipate an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are prepared for it. At the time we couldn’t have anticipated the result of our campaigning... 那时我们不可能预料到我们这项运动的结果。It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost... 预计将失去相当于192份全职工作的岗位。Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war. 官员们预计各个毒品团伙头目之间的对抗可能会引发一场全面的冲突。【2】未待提出就回答(问题);预先考虑并满足(请求、需要等) If you anticipate a question, request, or need, you do what is necessary or required before the question, request, or need occurs. What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question... 杰夫预先回答了我的下一个问题。Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs? 你是否期望你的伴侣不等你提出就主动满足你的需要?【3】早于…做(或想、说);先于…行动 If you anticipate something, you do it, think it, or say it before someone else does. In the 50s, Rauschenberg anticipated the conceptual art movement of the 80s. 上世纪50年代时,劳申伯格就早早地预见到了80年代的概念艺术运动。hope, anticipate, await这些动词均有“希望,期待”之意。hope: 指希望得到积极、有利的结果,所期待的可能实现,也可能不会实现。anticipate: 指对未来的期望,一般是对好事的期待。await: 书面用词,指对将要或预料要发生的事怍于期待状态。1.What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question. 杰夫预先回答了我的下一个问题。 2. Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs? 你是否期望你的伴侣不等你提出就主动满足你的需要? 3. Anticipate any tough questions and rehearse your answers. 预先考虑可能遇到的各种棘手问题,并且自己练习回答。 4. We don’t anticipate any major problems. 我们预料不会发生什么大问题。 5. Try to anticipate what your child will do and forestall problems. 尽量预见你的孩子会干什么,并预先阻止问题发生。
