


admin admin 发表于2024-04-03 11:13:05 浏览21 评论0





问题一:“你教什么课程? ”用英语怎么说? What courses do you teach ? 问题二:专业课 用英文怎么说 专业课, major courses, professional cl抚sses 联合国的高官,senior officials of the United Nations, UN senior officials 自由职业者 self employed 问题三:课程设置用英语怎么说阿 Curriculum 专用名词 curriculum cur.ric.u.lum AHD: D.J. K.K. n.(名词) 【复数】 cur.ric.u.la 或 cur.ric.u.lums All the courses of study offered by an educational institution. 全部课程:由某一教育机构开设的所有学习课程 A group of related courses, often in a special field of study: 专业课程:一组相关的课程,通常指某一专业学习领域的: the engineering curriculum. 机械专业课程 n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun: 课程:常用于修饰另一个名词: curriculum development; curriculum enhancements. 课程的发展;绩程的改进 Latin 拉丁语 from currere * see current 源自 currere *参见 current curric“ular AHD: (形容词) curriculum n. (pl.curriculums, -la ) 课程; 全部 课程 (一门)课程 路线, 途径 high school curriculum 中学课程 curriculum schedule 课程表 curriculum vitae (简短的)履历 place...on its curriculum 把...列入课程之内 academic curriculum 学术课程 activity curriculum 活动课程 child-centeredcurriculum 儿童中心的课程 classicalcurriculum 人文科课程; 古典课程 core curriculum 基础课程 correlated curriculum 相关课程 differentiated curriculum 适应个别差异的课程 experience curriculum 经验课程 formal curriculum 正式课程 informal curriculum 正式课程 fused curriculum 混合课程 hidden curriculum 非正式课程 hono(u)rs curriculum 快速班课程 individualized curriculum 因材施教课程 integrated curriculum 一体化课程 primary school curriculum 小学课程 problem-of-living curriculum 生活问题课程 professional curriculum 专业课程 project curriculum 设计课程 spiral curriculum 圆周式课程 subject-centred curriculum 学科中心课程(强调 观念、结构和问题) student-centred curriculum 学生中心课程 termi......》》 问题四:专业课用英语怎么说? specialized course 专业课 major 主修课 minor 辅修课 pulsory course 必修课 optional course 选修课 问题五:开设课程 用英语怎么说 set up curriculum or establish a course 问题六:我是旁听(课程)的,用英语怎么说 auditor指的是 比老师级别高的,比如主任,或者业界实用家或者其他professor 而且auditor一般只是听1次或者2次,你要一直跟着这课老师问咋办? 你一个学生说我是听众显得太 地道的说法: I am not the student in this class,but may I stay in this class in the following lectures? 问题七:课程表用英语怎么拼 curriculum schedule 问题八:科学课用英语怎么读? 你好! 科学课 Science class 问题九:你在学校上了什么课用英语怎么读 在学校上了什么课 What classes do you take at school? Harry Potter一书中曾有这样的对话: I turned sixteen at the end of next month. Oh! so you should be a sophomore this year, what classes do you take at school? She asked excitedly 参考下面的话: 你最喜欢学校里的什么课? What is your favorite class at school? 问题十:看网络课程用英语怎么说? 我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我问我我我我我我我我我我我我


英语课翻译成英文是:English class标记发音: 中文发音:英格雷氏克拉斯English class 英语班; 英文课; She conducted an English class for Chinese students.她给中国学生上英语课。


问题一:“你教什么课程? ”用英语怎么说? What courses do you teach ? 问题二:上英语课用英语怎么说? 用不定惯词an表示不特指,have an English class 即上一节英语课;若不用惯词则是泛指上英语课。 一般在翻译上这两种说法都可以,区别不是太大,在用法上没有明显的分界线。 问题三:专业课 用英文怎么说 专业课, major courses, professional cl抚sses 联合国的高官,senior officials of the United Nations, UN senior officials 自由职业者 self employed 问题四:电脑课用英语怎么说 电脑课: 1. puter studies 2. puter class 她在夜校上电脑课。 She is attending evening classes in puter studies. 问题五:专业课用英语怎么说? specialized course 专业课 major 主修课 minor 辅修课 pulsory course 必修课 optional course 选修课 问题六:几节课用英语怎么说 A few lessons 同学你好 有帮助请点好评或者采纳 祝你新的一学期学习进步! 问题七:你们有什么课?的英语怎么说 what class are you having? 问题八:请问综合课用英语怎么说? Comprehensive course 综合课 本文研究的是对外汉语初级阶段综合课的三种课堂语言&指令、提问和反馈。 This is the study of TCFL teaching language in prehensive course of the primary stage. 学生们担心在综合课上他们学不到基本的商务技巧,还有人担心招聘人员可能会认为这一课程不完备。 Students worry that they won’t learn basic business skills in an integrated curriculum and some fear that recruiters might view it as an inplete education.


les.sonAHD: D.J.K.K.n.(名词)Something to be learned:功课,课业,学业:需要学习的东西:lessons from observing nature.从观察自然中获得的东西A period of instruction; a class.一堂课;一节课An assignment or exercise in which something is to be learned.功课:学习某东西的作业或训练The act or an instance of instructing; teaching.课程,教程,教导:教育的行动或家例;教导An experience, example, or observation that imparts beneficial new knowledge or wisdom.经验,教训:能给人以有益的新知识或智慧的经历、例子或见闻The knowledge or wisdom so acquired.经验,教训:这样获得的知识和智慧A rebuke or reprimand.训斥,谴责Often Lesson A reading from the Bible or other sacred text as part of a religious service.常作 Lesson (圣经)选读:作为宗教仪式的一部分而从《圣经》或其它宗教正文中选出一段宣读
