
formative growth

formative growth(formative assessment什么意思)

admin admin 发表于2024-04-19 21:56:18 浏览29 评论0


大家好,formative growth相信很多的网友都不是很明白,包括formative assessment什么意思也是一样,不过没有关系,接下来就来为大家分享关于formative growth和formative assessment什么意思的一些知识点,大家可以关注收藏,免得下次来找不到哦,下面我们开始吧!


formative assessment什么意思

1. 形成性测试2. 形成性评价3. 形成性考核例句:1.Coaches are trained to use NTC ’s recognized Formative Assessment System to support new teacher growth.

英语作文 学生使用现代化产品

Primary and secondary school students can use mobile phones in the end, I think it should be firmly said "no." Primary and secondary school students because of the weak self, body and mind are in the developmental stages, in the formative stages of the world, the use of mobile phones will inevitably lead to adverse effects. First, students will create a show off, the psychological comparison. The envy of other students, some students have mobile phones, regardless of whether their family economic conditions allow, pestering parents to buy a cell phone request. Some students also see the other students used mobile phones more advanced than their own, more beautiful, unbalanced mind, and then ask them replaced. Parents often blind to accommodate and satisfy his desire, so great is not conducive to the healthy growth of students. Second, might dilute the experience to affect their learning. Students to use cell phones to play games, send text messages and chat, distributed energy, and will definitely affect the normal learning, was the total mobile phone fiddle thinking, how can there be on the academic mind. Third, damage to classroom discipline

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