
constitutional 中文翻译

constitutional 中文翻译(求君主立宪制定义英文版翻译)

admin admin 发表于2024-05-08 04:33:18 浏览19 评论0


大家好,关于constitutional 中文翻译很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于求君主立宪制定义英文版翻译的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!



Constitutional monarchy (or limited monarchy) is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution, whether it be a written, uncodified, or blended constitution. This form of government differs from absolute monarchy in which an absolute monarch serves as the source of power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution and has the powers to regulate his or her respective government.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答


With the aggravation of the process governed by law of China. Among them strengthen the attention degree of the fundamental law " constitution " of a country unprecedentedly, " constitution " consciousness awaken among theory circle and practice circle, how subject that take the road to rational socialist constitutional government of the health wave in us. More and more Chinese law workers take a broad view of the whole world, especially feel extremely excited about American the highest idea of constitution and system, look forward to transplanting it to China. But American constitution the highest to want road of constitutional government that take to have fundamental a different one with our country. This text proceeds with history, political, legal culture, philosophy angle, deepen the correct analysis as to the highest idea of the American constitution. Make every effort, put in order, to fuzzy and ambiguous understanding its, get rid of we understand to American mistake of " constitution the highest ", expound it is planted in rationality and not portable of the American soil. Thus remind every one to be bent on noticing the highest Chinese law worker of American constitution. Keyword: American constitution; The constitution is the highest; The deep layer is dissected; The administration of justice is examined; Enlightenment

求教英语高手associated constitutional structures应该怎么翻译啊

  • 选举和相关的宪法结构和独立的司法制度.就这样..翻译没错的

  • 相关的组织结构

  • 相关的构成框架

一小段英语翻译At the constitutional level where we work


请教高人汉译英一个摘要 倾囊相赠

我来吧,呵呵,帮你认真翻译一下。关键词:迁徙自由 改革 修宪 宪法意义 freedom to move, 改革政治,法律上的改革用reform(v.),or reformation(n.),修宪 修宪 就是一个词 amendment(n。) or to remend (v.)宪法意义constitutional interpretation内容摘要:迁徙自由是现代国家公民的一项重要的宪法基本权利,我国宪法应当加以恢复和保障。Freedom to move is one of the fundamental rights of modern(现代这个词加的别扭,可以考虑删除) citizens, and our Constitution should reinforce such right and give accorded protections.对迁徙自由的含义的理解应当与有关国际公约一致,迁徙自由既是人身自由,同时也是经济自由和政治自由。The substantive interpretation of freedom to move should be aligned with international conventions - freedom to move is not only a human right, but also an economic right and political right.对迁徙自由的限制不能违背人权保护的宗旨。 Restrictions on freedom to move should not contravene the ultimate goal of promoting human rights.基本译的没问题,只是觉得被动语态太多。 写法律文章的时候,(你)要主意尽量减少被动语态。


符合宪法规定的公民投票cnstitutional,应该是 constitutional 吧?
