
nonsense no


admin admin 发表于2024-05-28 16:35:03 浏览22 评论0







nonsense figure 无意义图形

fashionable nonsense 知识的骗局,时髦的废话,时髦胡诌,时髦的废话后现代知识分子的科学骗局

nonsense e 胡说,胡说八道,废话,无稽之谈

nonsense nonsense 哪里哪里

Common Nonsense 糊涂的常识

Talking nonsense 乱说话

silly nonsense 可笑的胡言

incomprehensible nonsense 奇文共赏



1、nonsense n. 胡说,废话


2、bullshit n. 胡说,瞎扯


3、rubbish n. 胡说八道,废话


4、twaddle n. 废话,蠢话


nonsense 这个英语单词怎么读!! 来个谐音呗

nonsense 英 n. 谬论; 胡扯; 胡言乱语; 愚蠢的行为; 冒失; 不可接受的行为; 毫无意义的话; 没有意义的文章; 你最好跟着音标念,在词典里点语音。谐音:囊 司一an 斯中英在囊,这个发第一声司一an要连读,这个an的读音你应该知道斯就是一个气流的读音,想象下高压锅的琪琪琪琪就是那种气流的感觉


nonsense n.胡说,废话; 荒谬的念头; 愚蠢的行为; 胡闹; adj.无意义的; 荒谬的; int.荒唐;


简明英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense n. 胡说, 废话 美国传统词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense non.sense AHD: D.J. K.K. n.(名词) (1) Words or signs having no intelligible meaning: 废话:无明白意义的词语或符号: a message that was nonsense until decoded. 在破译之前无意义的消息 (2) Subject matter, behavior, or language that is foolish or absurd. 胡说;胡闹:愚蠢或荒谬的主题、行为或者语言 (3) Extravagant foolishness or frivolity: 可笑,夸张:极度的愚蠢或过度的轻浮: a clown’s exuberant nonsense. 小丑轻浮逗笑的举动 (4) Matter of little or no importance or usefulness: 无价值性的东西:无用或没有重要性的东西: a chatty letter full of gossip and nonsense. 满是闲言碎语和无用东西的信 (5) Insolent talk or behavior; impudence: 胡来:无礼的语言或行为;冒失: wouldn’t take any nonsense from the children. 不许孩子们胡来 (6) Genetics A section within a strand of messenger RNA containing a nucleotide triplet that codes for no amino acid. Nonsense cannot be read during protein synthesis and so terminates the polypeptide chain. 【遗传学】 无意义突变,无意义密码:在一条包含有为无氨基酸指定遗传密码的核苷酸组的信使核糖核酸中的一部分,无意义密码在蛋白质合成期间不能被读出,因此使肽链终止 现代英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense n. (1) 无意义的话;不合理的文章;胡扯 She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense! 她告诉我月亮是奶酪做的,真是胡说八道! (2) 愚蠢的行为 Stop that nonsense, children! 别胡闹了,孩子们! (3) 游戏诗;打油诗 Edward Lear’s wonderful nonsense. 爱德华·利尔的绝妙打油诗。 现代英汉综合大辞典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense n. (1) 谬论, 胡言乱语 (2) 荒谬的念头 ; 无意义的事; 愚蠢的举动, 胡闹 (3) 无价值的东西; 无用的装饰品 (4) 【遗】没有意义的基因材料(指一种基因突变) It ’s all nonsense. 这全是胡说。 None of your nonsense! 别胡闹! N-! (=Stuff and nonsense!)胡说八道! 词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense adj. 【遗】无意义的 int. 荒唐! 无聊! 胡扯! 习惯用语--------------------------------------------------------------------------------clotted nonsense 极端荒唐 的话, 无稽之谈 make nonsense of 使...成为废话; 使变得一文不值 stand no nonsense from sb. 不能容忍某人胡搞, 不能允许某人胡说八道 talk nonsense 胡说八道 用法词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense (non 没有+ sense意义) 英文相关词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense absurdity folly poppycock ridiculousness rubbish stupidity sense 英汉公共大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense 无意义的 美国传统词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense non.sense AHD: D.J. K.K. n. (1) Words or signs having no intelligible meaning: a message that was nonsense until decoded. (2) Subject matter, behavior, or language that is foolish or absurd. (3) Extravagant foolishness or frivolity: a clown’s exuberant nonsense. (4) Matter of little or no importance or usefulness: a chatty letter full of gossip and nonsense. (5) Insolent talk or behavior; impudence: wouldn’t take any nonsense from the children. (6) Genetics A section within a strand of messenger RNA containing a nucleotide triplet that codes for no amino acid. Nonsense cannot be read during protein synthesis and so terminates the polypeptide chain. 英汉化学大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense n.废话,胡说,谬论 英汉计算机大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense n.废话(胡说,谬论 英汉能源大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense n.废话 英汉心理学大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------nonsense 无意义
