

accessible造句简单(英语里面log out和log off区别是什么)

admin admin 发表于2024-06-06 14:13:13 浏览19 评论0


大家好,关于accessible造句简单很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于英语里面log out和log off区别是什么的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!


英语里面log out和log off区别是什么

log out和log off  都是注销,退出的意思,有一点区别就是log out 更正式一点。

log out



log off




1、Enter the start mask and log out from the system. 


2、When you log out, the leave process is killed. 


3、State when you logged on, and remember to write down the time you log off. 


4、If a computer user fails to log off, the system is accessible to all. 



Blindness is a very serious disability.失明是非常严重的残疾。Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability.在巴黎不会说法语真是个缺陷。It would be beneficial to keep abreast of developments in Asia.跟上亚洲形势的发展会有帮助。Moderate exercise is really beneficial.缓和的锻炼真的时有益的。Her motto is "Never say die".她的座右铭是"永不气馁"。This is my motto这就是我的左右铭。Your handkerchief is dirty.你的手帕好脏。Mine handkerchief is clean.我得手帕干净。Tom is the architect of this building.汤姆是该建筑的设计师。He was one of the architects of the republic.他是这个共和国的缔造者之一。There is a basement in my house.我的房屋下面有地下室。How clean your basement is!你家地下室真干净。这个单词你打错了。是dignityHe maintained his dignity throughout the trial.在整个审讯过程中他始终不失尊严。A man’s dignity depends not upon his wealth but upon his character.人高尚与否不取决于他的财富,而取决于他的品格。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。He is not accessible to pity.他不大有同情心。She told us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients.她告诉我有关这家医院及病人的趣闻轶事.They have bought a house of generous dimensions.他们买了一所宽敞的房屋。No one realized the dimensions of his problems.没有人意识到他的问题有多么严重。The prisoner was locked in a cell.那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter.人脑每立方厘米有一亿多个细胞。Your new haircut is awesome.你的新发型太好了,俗语。She lived on a small pension.她以一点退休金为生。He had stayed at the pension for a fortnight.他已在那个小旅馆待了两个星期。pensioners of the Spanish-American War领取养老金的美西战争退伍军人


Playing computer game is not beneficial to our study.Nobody is stupid.The latter answer is incorrect.I come here to congratulate your success.In other words, there is no answer to the question.Don’t make fun of others.Please don’t annoy me.I tried my best to adapt myself to the job.I was out of my breath after running.My computer is never accessible to others.



1、adequate adj. 足够的;充分的。

2、access n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性。

3、accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的。

4、wheelchair n. 轮椅。

5、handy adj. 方便的;有用的。

6、earphone n. 耳机。

7、impair vt. 削弱;损伤。

8、row n. 一行;一排 vt . & vi.划。

9、basement n. 地下室。

10、outwards adv. 向外。

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