
structures built

structures built(Which of the following structures was built for the 1893 World’s Fair)

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Which of the following structures was built for the 1893 World’s Fair

B最早的摩天轮由美国人乔治·法利士(George Washington Ferris)在1893年为芝加哥的博览会设计,目的是与巴黎在1889年博览会建造的巴黎铁塔一较高下。第一个摩天轮重2200吨,可乘坐2160人,高度相等于26层楼。正由于法利士的成就,日后人们皆以「法利士巨轮」(Ferris Wheel)来称呼这种设施,也就是我们所熟悉的摩天轮。

Collapsible Soil

The next four sections of this unit describe typical causes of settlement of structures and provides basic engineering procedures that can be used to calculate the settlement of the structure.

In the southwestern United States,probably the most common cause of settlement is collapsible soil. For example,Johnpeer stated that ground subsidence from collapsing soils is a common occurrence in NewMexico. The category of collapsible soil would include loose debris,uncontrolled fill,deep fill,and natural soil,such as alluvium or colluvium.

In general,there has been an increase in damage because of collapsible soil,probably because of the lack of available land in many urban areas. This causes development of marginal land,which may contain deposits of dumped fill or deposits of natural collapsible soil. Also, substantial grading can be required to develop level building pads,which results in more areas having deep fill.

Collapsible soil can be broadly classified as soil that is susceptible to a large and sudden reduction in volume upon wetting. Collapsible soil usually has a lowdry density and lowmoisture content. Such soil can withstand a large applied vertical stress with a small compression,but then experience much larger settlements after wetting,with no increase in vertical pressure. Accordingly, collapsible soil falls within the second basic category of settlement,which is settlement of the structure due to secondary influences.

Fill. Deep fill has been defined as fill that has a thickness greater than 6 m ( 20 ft ) . Uncontrolled fills include fills that were not documented with compaction testing as they were placed. These include dumped fills,fills dumped under water,hydraulically placed fills,and fills that may have been compacted but have no documentation of testing. These conditions may exist in rural areas where inspections are lax or for structures built many years ago when the standards for fill compaction were less rigorous.

For collapsible fill,compression will occur as the overburden pressure increases. The increase in overburden pressure could result from the placement of overlying fill or the construction of a building on top of the fill. The compression due to this increase in overburden pressure involves a decrease in void ratio of the fill due to expulsion of air. The compression usually occurs at constant moisture content. After completion of the fill mass,water may infiltrate the soil from irrigation,rainfall,or leaky water pipes. The mechanism that usually causes the collapse of the loose soil structure is a decrease in negative pore water pressure( capillary tension) as the fill becomes wet.

For a fill specimen submerged in distilled water,the main variables that govern the amount of one-dimensional collapse are the soil type,compacted moisture content,compacted dry density,and the vertical pressure. In general,the one-dimensional collapse of fill will increase as the dry density decreases, the moisture content decreases, or the vertical pressure increases. For a constant dry density and moisture content,the one-dimensional collapse will decrease as the clay fraction increases once the optimum clay content is exceeded.

Alluvium or colluvium. For natural deposits of collapsible soil in the arid climate of the southwest,a common mechanism involved in rapid volume reduction entails breaking of bonds at coarse particle contacts. In other cases,the alluvium or colluvium may have an unstable soil structure which collapses as the wetting front passes through the soil.

Laboratory testing. If the results of field exploration indicate the possible presence of collapsible soil at the site, then soil specimens should be obtained and tested in the laboratory. One-dimensional collapse is usually measured in the oedometer. After the soil specimen is placed in the oedometer,the vertical pressure is increased until it approximately equals the anticipated overburden pressure after completion of the structure. At this vertical pressure,distilled water is added to the oedometer to measure the amount of collapse of the soil specimen. Percent collapse ( % ) is defined as the change in height of the specimen due to inundation divided by the initial height of the specimen ( ASTM D5333 - 96,1998) .

For projects where it is anticipated that there will be fill placement,the fill specimens can be prepared by compacting them to the anticipated field as-compacted density and moisture condition. The fill specimens would then be subjected to the anticipated overburden pressure. The procedure for measuring the one-dimensional collapse of the fill specimen would then be same as outlined above.

Settlement analyses. For collapsible soil,the settlement analysis is usually as follows:

1) The amount of collapse for the different soil layers underlying the site are obtained from the laboratory oedometer tests on undisturbed samples. The vertical stress used in the laboratory testing should equal the overburden pressure plus the weight of the structure.

2) To obtain the settlement of each collapsible soil layer,the percent collapse is multiplied by the thickness of the soil layer.

3) The total settlement is the sum of the collapse value from the different soil layers.

Design and construction for collapsible soil. There are many different methods to deal with collapsible soil. If there is a shallowdeposit of natural collapsible soil,then the deposit can be removed and recompacted during the grading of the site. In some cases,the soil can be densified( by compaction grouting,for example) to reduce the collapse potential of the soil. Another method to deal with collapsible soil is to flood the building footprint or force water into the collapsible soil stratum by using wells. As the wetting front moves through the ground,the collapsible soil will densify and reach an equilibrium state. Flooding or forcing water into collapsible soil should not be performed if there are adjacent buildings because of the possibility of damaging these structures. Also,after the completion of the flooding process,subsurface exploration and laboratory testing should be performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the process.

There are also foundation options that can be used for sites containing collapsible soil. A deep foundation system,one that derives support from strata belowthe collapsible could be constructed. Also,posttensioned foundations or mat slabs can be designed and installed to resist the larger anticipated settlement from the collapsible soil.

As previously mentioned,the triggering mechanism for the collapse of fill or natural soil is the introduction of moisture. Common reasons for the infiltration of moisture include water from irrigation,broken or leaky water lines,and an altering of drainage which allows rainwater to pond near the foundation. Another source of moisture infiltration is from leaking pools. For sites with collapsible soil,it is good practice to emphasize the importance of positive drainage ( no ponding of water at the site) and an immediate repair of any leaking utilities.


( 1) 关于地基与基础的变形 ( Deformation of subgrade and foundation)


( 2) 关于基础计算中的力 ( Forces related to the calculation of foundation)


胡夫金字塔 英语介绍

A reference to Egypt, it was first thought of the pyramid is because the pyramid is too old and too mysterious. Well, this mystery it aroused the curiosity of people. First one of the biggest problems is that the ancient Egyptian pyramid, it is people’s creativity, or an alien left the scene. Another who is not this large building, spend such a long time, built in the west bank of the Nile. It uses what is? Then in the distant past, people used to build it up? Now we all know that it is the ancient pyramids of Egypt’s Pharaonic tomb, but said Egypt is not the first Pharaonic, He was a pyramid, only the fourth dynasty, The first Pharaonic Shinuofulu he built a good several pyramid Up, it is his son Wolf is the construction of the world’s largest one pyramid. People talked about a pyramid, the first thing I am afraid of is called Wolf pyramid largest pyramid. Well, in addition to the pyramid, Egypt also exist in several 80 pyramids, the Nile in all of the West Bank, Why not the east coast, because the ancient Egyptians will be able to see the sun each day from the east rise up and came down the west side. So every day the sun rises from the east, as well as the life of this world, so to the west and down, The community life has ended, is entering another phase of life, and then cycle back again. So they think that is born in the East, the West is to enter another world, Their grave is precisely the junction of two world population, the world has entered another world. and then from the re-emergence of the East again, so he put all the pyramids were built in the river to the West Bank, 一提到埃及,人们首先想到的就是金字塔,因为金字塔太古老、太神秘。那么这个神秘激起了人们对它的好奇心。首先最大的一个问题,就是古代埃及的金字塔,它究竟是人的创造,还是外星人留下的痕迹。再一个究竟是谁非要把这么大的建筑,耗费这么长的时间,建在尼罗河的西岸。它的用途究竟是什么?在那么久远的年代,人们是采用什么办法把它修建起来的?现在我们都知道,金字塔它是古代埃及法老的陵墓,但是并不是说埃及的第一个法老,他就有金字塔了,只有到了第四王朝的时候,第一个法老斯诺夫鲁他修建了好几座金字塔,再往后,那就有他的儿子胡夫是建造了世界上最大的一座金字塔。人们一谈到金字塔的时候,恐怕首先想到的就是胡夫金字塔叫大金字塔。那么除了这个金字塔之外,埃及现在存在的还有八十几座金字塔,全部在尼罗河的西岸,为什么不在东岸,因为古埃及人能够看到每天太阳从东边升起来,西边落下。那么每天太阳从东边升起,也是这个世界生活的开始,那么到西落的时候,这一界生活已经结束,进入的是另外一个阶段的生活,然后循环回来再出现,所以他们认为东方是出生的地方,西方是进入另一个世界的地方,而他们的陵墓正好是两个世界的交界口,由这个世界进入另一个世界,然后再从东方再重新出现,所以他把所有的金字塔都建到了河的西岸,如果好的话请弄最佳答案,谢谢


build生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 vt. 建造,构筑;建立;开发;为…建立基础 vi. 建造,营造;扩大,扩展;发展,达到 n. 体格,构造;〈俚〉优美的体型,肉体美 网 络 建立; 造; 建造; 建造版 过去式:built 过去分词:built 现在分词:building 第三人称单数:builds 词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. VERB 动词建筑;建造 If you build something, you make it by joining things together. 【语法信息】:V nDevelopers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site... 开发商现在建议在这个地方盖一座宾馆。The house was built in the early 19th century... 这所房子建于19世纪初期。Workers at the plant build the F-16 jet fighter. 这个工厂的工人建造 F-16 喷气式战斗机。building In Japan, the building of Kansai airport continues. 在日本,关西机场的建设仍在继续。built Even newly built houses can need repairs... 即使是新建的房子也可能需要维修。It’s a product built for safety. 这是一种安全用品。...structures that are built to last. 牢固耐久的建筑2. VERB 动词把…建入;把…嵌入 If you build something into a wall or object, you make it in such a way that it is in the wall or object, or is part of it. 【语法信息】:be V-ed into nIf the TV was built into the ceiling, you could lie there while watching your favourite programme. 如果把电视嵌入天花板,你就可以躺在那里欣赏你最喜欢的节目了。3. VERB 动词创建;建立 If people build an organization, a society, or a relationship, they gradually form it. 【语法信息】:V nHe and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company... 他和同伴自己创业,创办了一家成功的时装公司。Their purpose is to build a fair society and a strong economy... 他们的目的是要建立一个公平的社会和一个强大的经济体。I wanted to build a relationship with my team. 我想和我的团队之间建立亲密关系。building ...the building of the great civilisations of the ancient world. 古代世界伟大文明的建立4. VERB 动词把(组织、系统或产品)建立于 If you build an organization, system, or product on something, you base it on it. 【语法信息】:V n prepWe will then have a firmer foundation of fact on which to build theories... 那样我们将会获得一个建立理论所需的更为牢固的事实基础。The town’s nineteenth-century prosperity was built on steel. 这个城市19世纪的繁荣是建立在钢铁工业基础上的。5. VERB 动词使成为(政策、系统或产品的)组成部分 If you build something into a policy, system, or product, you make it part of it. 【语法信息】:V n into nWe have to build computers into the school curriculum... 我们必须把计算机纳入到学校的课程中。How much delay should we build into the plan? 我们应该为这个计划预留多少富余的时间?

Which of the following structures was built for the 1893 World’s Fair的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于Which of the following structures was built for the 1893 World’s Fair、Which of the following structures was built for the 1893 World’s Fair的信息别忘了在本站进行查找哦。